Next to you.

Dec 17, 2011 00:09

You looked at him.

Then him, further down the row.

You lean forward and tilt your head, paying attention to something the host says.

You look at the audience, at a particular fangirl holding up a board screaming your name through round, neon-coloured paper, pasted haphazardly.. gaudy declarations of love.

You smile at her.

She squeals and grabs claws at her friend’s arm.

You chuckle softly.

Someone further down says something and it catches your attention.

You turn away from the fangirl, and turn to look at him.

Your eyes crinkle.. that beautiful eyesmile.. you laugh.




I clench the microphone in my hand, tighter, toes curling in my shoes, nails biting into my palm.

You spare a glance at me, and you smile.



But I’m next to you.

I’m just next to you.

And it’s enough, just being next to you.

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short, simple, sweet. =) inspiration: simple, quiet gestures of love. the recent stuff i came up with which are now sitting in my computer seem rather.. short. and ambiguous. i know, some probably think "what's new?".. but now, more so than ever. so im trying to work on expanding them or something. unless you guys don't mind (and/or would prefer me to post them as they are). =)

question: for the potential series i was talking about, would you guys prefer het or just the.. boys being the boys? the poll results indicate a tie but im leaning towards onkey/minkey though i do toy with the idea of ontae/2min. more votes would of course be welcome since after all, you guys will be the readers. =)

question 2: should i do a mailing list so you guys know when i update? =) /no shame. edit: mailing list is up! =)

don't know if i'll be able to update anytime soon, so.. merry christmas and happy new year in advance!

p.s: i swear meanho comes across as such a creep in the userpic, given the present context.

minho, drabble, one-shot, onew

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