i think its time to take a hiatus. couple of reasons.
school's starting again. its my final term and work shouldn't be more of a killer than before (which doesn't say much), but i just.. want to have fun. for my last semester. even when im not having fun, work generally takes up the whole of my week, so i don't think i'll be able to update much.
and the other reason.. im a little ashamed to say. but i don't know if im not writing properly anymore, whether things got too impersonal.. but i don't seem to be attracting readers as much as before. and while writing has and will always be a means of expression for me, i could do all that and keep my writing to myself, in my hard disk. publishing to me is a mix of expression and wanting to write something people do like and hopefully appreciate. but looking at the comments or views on my pages, it doesn't seem to be the case? which does get me down quite a bit. so i figured it might be a good time for me to stop for a bit, maybe come back when i know im writing better or have better stuff to share. or if anyone's even interested in reading still. it gets a little disappointing? upsetting? to be writing stuff, but its like throwing something into this blackhole. everything, all those words, thoughts, details and emotions are thrown in, but nothing ever comes out. and its tiring. wondering if your stuff just isn't up to scratch. embarrassingly enough, i like to get comments, to know how people feel about my writing, be it good or bad. i take criticisms. i just worry and get paranoid when all i get is silence in return.
end of rant.
so this is it for now. i'll still be writing, just storing them and waiting for the day when im ready to post again. maybe i'll be back soon. maybe it'll be back to square one: a trip to korea paving the way for a new ridiculous OT5 of five one-shots or something.