Workout Pilates Day 2

May 07, 2012 23:25

I hurt. Everywhere. Forever. Jesus. My god.

It's a miracle my arms are still holding up enough to type. They're supported by my legs as it is but still. Okay.

Did three pilates videos, I was going to look them up and link them but honestly I can't focus enough to do it. Last time I do my workout this late at night, I finished at about 11, started a little before 10 I think? probably quarter to ten. I did with Brian, he's going to do some of the pilates with me so we can egg each other on, but our schedules are very different from each other, so we'll work on that.

Also discovered I can watch youtube videos on the PS3 so it made it much easier to do workout videos on the big tv over my computer monitor. My computer monitor is still very generously sized, mind you, but it's still easier when it's bigger.

SO we did the half hour beginner's full workout (abs, legs, and arms), the beginners ab workout (~15 minutes), and then Brian went to work on homework but I finished up with an arm specific workout (~15 minutes). I hate my arms so much, I just hate them, every photo I have of me I stare at them and I hate them and I hate having bare arms, it doesn't matter how pretty the rest of me looks my arms always look terrible, so I guess I might try to focus on my arms a little more. But my legs are pretty awful too so maybe I'll try to balance it or something I don't know.

SO approximately an hour's worth of workout, though it's only my second day and first time trying a lot of the exercises, I had to take a lot of mini breaks, obvis. But I tried to keep up with it, but I was pussing out on a lot of the arms exercises, because my arms are so weak. BUT I noticed that I could do a specific elbow push up today that I couldn't do at all on Saturday; I didn't do it very well, but I couldn't do it at all two days ago. I dunno, maybe progress already?

My abs were still incredibly sore today, not as bad as yesterday (could barely get up from the couch), but still pretty sore, but I did pretty well overall considering. Not looking forward to how much pain I'll be in tomorrow at rehearsal. Not one bit. I spend most of the play with my arms around two people (I'm a mother with her two children) and that's already pretty tough, but this workout will help with that if it doesn't KILL ME FIRST.

It's super nice having Brian to work out with. We can encourage each other, keep each other going.

I'm going to try to go on a run tomorrow morning. I'm still coughing a little, but, whatever. Fuck it. I'll take it super easy. I'm basically starting all over again so I'm not going to be doing a whole hell of a lot of running proper, but if I put it off much longer I'm never going to do it. I'll put on my Adventure Time and My Little Pony playlists. this is gonna happen.

I feel good that I'm doing this. It's nice to be able to say "I started doing pilates," but it'll be a lot nicer to say "I've been doing pilates." And have it show. I told my coworker the other day (one I'm really friendly with) that I did my first day of pilates, and she was interested in stuff, but in my head I was saying to myself, just another fat girl desperately trying at something she's going to give up on and fail at. So that voice still needs a little work too. Even if it takes keeping this up and becoming stronger and healthier to shut it up.

By the way, thanks everyone for the support about the incident at the bus stop. Honestly, getting it out like that did help. It's not bothering me so much anymore. I think about it sometimes still, and it will still get me down, but it means a lot to have the support. It really does. Thank you all, so much.

In other other news, I don't think I can eat meat anymore. I don't buy meat very often, I get a lot of my protein from eggs and beans (I make an awesome bean chili) and peanut butter (so high in calories though), but meat is expensive and hard to manage if I'm making meals for both of us. Plus I love tofu and most fake meat products so it doesn't make much of a difference to me. So I haven't been buying/eating meat for the past couple months (maybe once a month's worth of meat?) but the last time I went shopping about a week ago, I got myself some turkey breast and some breakfast sausages (they mix in well with soups and other things like spaghetti sauce), and then a couple days later I got a whole roasted chicken at Safeway because I had a coupon, and I've been eating meat once or twice a day for the past week. And every single day, around lunchtime, I would start feeling super nauseated and sick to my stomach, and it would last until dinnertime, and then I would feel sick again after. Fine in the mornings, when I had a bagel for breakfast (basically what I have every day for breakfast), then when I would have a turkey sandwich or rice mixed with chicken for lunch, I would feel super sick. At first I thought I might have celiac's disease (inability to digest gluten, which my mom has, and it does have genetic tendencies), but even when eating rice I would get sick, and again, the bagel wouldn't bother me. And I think it was the meat. I'm experimenting now, I'm going to go tonight and all of tomorrow without eating any meat and see how I feel. I had pasta with homemade sauce and fake burger for dinner, and I feel fine (except that I might die from the workout but whatever). So we'll see.

If I do have to go vegetarian, I don't think it's actually going to have a huge affect on my lifestyle. Like I said, I don't buy meat a lot. I'm probably having trouble digesting it because I don't eat it very often. (any others experience this?) I love tofu and tempeh and I don't mind tofurkey and tofu products, and I eat beans and eggs and such. Aw hell, this might mean I have to give up tuna...and I'll miss hotdogs. The biggest issues would be when I go home to my parents, but they're used to cooking for Katy and Brian (except for veggie lasagna and quiche...which...I don't like either of those things...), and when I go out to restaurants to eat which we don't exactly do very often, and for a lot of those they have tofu options which I get half the time anyway, and Brian was super nice and said he'd help me out with it. I don't have to be a strict vegetarian, I meant I can eat food that has traces of animal byproducts (like sauces that have rennet which is basically sheep or cow stomach lining and is used in most cheeses); Brian's very strict about that, but I doubt I have to be, since I never am. And I'll still eat ramen maybe? I don't know.

SO I might become a vegetarian. I just bought two cans of tuna. Phooey. Might suffer through it for the tuna. BUT a few months ago I had tuna and...well, it made me sick, for a lot of weird mental reasons, so whatever.


Stats: Worked out for ~1 hour, doing pilates, which is the devil.
Going to try to go running tomorrow, or at least walk/running, without dying. From coughing. And being asthmatic and overweight.
Going to go shower now.

pilates, vegetarianism, working out

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