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page 5 Bruce
Tony hadn’t slept so deeply in months, perhaps years; Bruce’s unexpected visit to the armory and what happened there took their toll and Tony felt no shame whatsoever in lying in bed long after he woke up, half-way between a light doze and wakefulness. He got up long enough to go to the bathroom then get a bottle of water and crash right back down, burrowing under the sheets, his mind so… quiet.
There was a constant temptation to ask J.A.R.V.I.S. more about what had happened, to search for a feed of the discussion between the three other Avengers, but Tony didn’t do it. Half his brain still couldn’t believe it - maybe Thor, and he had to accept Bruce’s involvement because of what had happened, but Steve? Of course his AI could show him proof, but that would break the illusion in some way.
Tony half-expected it all to be over now; that whatever Bruce had done was enough and that would be it. He knew he shouldn’t be greedy - although of course he was - and be satisfied that he had gotten that weird, magical hour with a man he had felt attracted to almost as soon as he realized he was every inch the man Tony had assumed, and then some. Bruce’s intellect frightened even him sometimes, and he might have just chalked up the whole sexy session in the armory as a wet dream if not for all the faint bruises and aches all over his body.
When he finally dragged himself out of his room, careful of the healing burns as Bruce had instructed, he found the Tower quiet; Bruce was in his lab, as usual, Steve had been called in by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Thor had gone outside to further investigate Midgard. It was all so normal that Tony just sat in the living room, staring at the wall and wondering if it had been a hallucination after all.
“J.A.R.V.I.S.?” he finally spoke up.
“Yes, sir?”
“In case that slime caused unexpected brain functions and phantasm, I would like to verify whether Dr. Banner visited me in the armory yesterday.”
“Indeed he did, sir.”
“And did we, by any chance, engage in some…” Tony tried to find a proper word for it. There was no need to sensor himself in front of J.A.R.V.I.S., who had seen, heard and studied it all, but Tony had certain difficulties figuring out how exactly to categorize what he thought had happened.
“You engaged in sexual interaction with Dr. Banner, with bondage, disciplinary and D/s elements. My observation verified the assumptions and calculations on behalf of myself and Dr. Banner that you’d enjoy yourself in such a situation.”
That cleared it up nicely and Tony had to smile. “You and Bruce discussed it beforehand?”
“As Dr. Banner put it, getting my consent was as important as getting yours, seeing as my primary function is to ensure your wellbeing.”
Tony rolled that around his head. “Keeping that in mind, and going a bit out on a limb with this, it should be enough to get your consent.”
“Indeed, sir, seeing as I’m well aware of your likes and dislikes and can calculate whether a situation would appeal to you or not.”
“I think it has to do with more than appeal…” Tony mused.
“You have always had masochistic tendencies, so a little unpleasantness should not be a turn-off for you, sir.”
Tony had never actually considered it but J.A.R.V.I.S. was absolutely right and perhaps more capable at viewing the situation objectively because he didn’t have conflicting human emotions getting in the way of his decision-making. Where Tony might feel humiliated, uncertain or wary, his AI cut through to the core of it all by simply doing the math on the necessary elements.
“Did the Avengers actually discuss this beforehand? Prior to Bruce joining me?” he asked.
“Would you like me to show you?” J.A.R.V.I.S. asked.
“I take it that’s a yes.”
“It wasn’t a lengthy discussion, but most enlightening.”
“Did they consult you during this discussion?” Tony asked.
“No; that was Dr. Banner’s personal preference.”
Well, Bruce had always admired J.A.R.V.I.S. and the two of them would have long discussions about subjects even Tony had a hard time keeping up with. If it was possible, his AI’s learning curve had been arching upwards since Bruce first stepped into the same space with him.
Tony decided on something to eat and guessed he might as well work on a few suit upgrades since everyone else seemed to be busy. Of course there was a part of him that wanted to hide, to wait this out and see if they would come looking for him, yet he had stopped playing that game when he was a child; no one ever came looking for him. That had been the case for most of his adult life, too, unless people wanted something from him and it always made them annoyed they had to look for him to get that. Still, hiding in his work area would be a good way to let the dust settle and to let the anticipation grow while waiting to see if something else happened.
- - -
It was four days after the tentacle creature’s attack. The burns were healing well, both Thor and Steve had returned to the Tower and left again, acting in no way out of the ordinary. It almost prompted Tony to ask J.A.R.V.I.S. to show footage of that alleged discussion about how they all were going to fuck him, or something, but he also had a dawning suspicion that Bruce had cleared the table and nothing else was going to happen.
Tony wasn’t about to regret it had been Bruce and not one of the other men. His ‘science bro’ had been more than capable of feeding his sexual appetites before, in the privacy of Tony’s brain, and the actual experience had kicked them up a couple notches. Many, many notches…
Bruce himself didn’t act any different, tossing random equations at Tony or asking if he would help him build another gadget for his lab. No mention about what had transpired in the armory half a week ago. Tony wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or just accept it.
All of that was before he returned from a Stark Industries meeting one day and found J.A.R.V.I.S. demanding his attention when he got to his room: “I have been given instructions, sir,” the AI noted as Tony tugged off his tie.
“Instructions? By whom?”
“By Dr. Banner. He has informed me to tell you to take a shower and clean yourself, then join him in his secondary lab area. Clothing is optional.”
Tony actually laughed. “He wants me to go there naked?” There was no reply and he forced the smirk from his face. “He actually thinks I might show up naked and that it’s okay?”
“It would appear that whatever you will be wearing at the time of entering the lab is of secondary importance.”
“Huh,” Tony mused, wriggling out of his shoes and then frowned. “Wait, you know what’s going on, don’t you?”
J.A.R.V.I.S. was silent.
“J.A.R.V.I.S., answer me,” Tony demanded.
“I gave consent on your behalf. Please step into the shower, sir,” the AI insisted. “Dr. Banner is a patient man but some things take time and we should begin shortly.”
Instead of just standing there, Tony stripped off the rest of his clothes, took a shower, wondering how clean he should be for this, then toweled thoroughly and threw on sweatpants and a tank top that had seen its best days before a couple of workshop-related accidents. He headed down, then, to the area Bruce used for… well, Tony wasn’t sure what he did there but if Bruce needed more than one lab area, Tony wasn’t going to tell him no. If the scientist was anything like Tony, his attention constantly moving from one thing to the next, he needed all the space Tony could give him.
The area was well lit when he entered, the door hissing shut and the electric clock clicking into place. Tony glanced up, noting several standard cameras around the area as well as sensors. “J, you there?”
“Of course, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. replied, sound as smooth as anywhere else in the building.
Bruce was standing at a screen, pushing things around it. There were cabinets, drawers and machines around the room, and in the middle of it all a table. Well, it looked more like an examination table, slightly padded and made of a material that was no doubt easy to clean. Its shape was peculiar, though, looking like parts of it could be moved around, almost like some apparatus he had seen at women’s hospital - or at least in some porn clips.
“Hey,” Bruce greeted him finally, giving him a smile.
“What’s up?” Tony asked.
“You didn’t ask J.A.R.V.I.S.?”
“Would he have told me?” Tony arched an eyebrow.
“Suspense is part of the erotic factor here; I would not have divulged any details,” the AI replied.
Bruce nodded. “Okay. Strip and lie down on your back.”
Tony glanced at the weird table. “Are we going to play doctor, Doctor?” he asked as he tugged off the top and started lowering his pants.
“You know I’m not a real doctor. Not in medical science anyway,” Bruce noted and moved over to take Tony’s clothes from him and placed them off to the side - out of harm’s way, probably.
“That’s what makes it so hot and kinky,” Tony grinned and sat down. The material soon warmed to his skin.
“On your back,” Bruce repeated.
Tony did as he was told, feeling unclothed again, seeing as Bruce was still fully dressed. “Maybe you should get a lab coat, really get this role play goin’,” he suggested, feet propped up as he lay on the table.
Bruce shifted some stuff around on the desk, mostly office supplies for notes and such, nothing interesting, then turned to look at Tony, leaning back against the desk. “You think I need a coat?” he mused.
“Well, not necessarily…”
“We’re not here to play doctor,” the other man stated flatly.
Tony felt something deflate inside him - certainly not the mood, because he was still lying naked in front of Bruce and had a pretty good idea something sexy was going to happen soon. Still, he wasn’t sure what to expect now and he had kind of hoped Bruce would at least kid around the subject a little, because to be honest, Tony hadn’t liked doctors much in his life and had barely seen one after Afghanistan; he didn’t trust people around the arc reactor and as long as he had the option, he would avoid such a situation. Bruce was an exception, however, and he had an idea the man knew that.
Maybe that was why Bruce didn’t want to joke about it, to mix business with pleasure.
Bruce grabbed some pads from the table which looked like electrodes, removed the protective film and attached them to his skin in strategic places near his heart. A screen lit up on the wall and showed a familiar array of vital signs Tony was too used to looking at; his own. Beside them opened another panel, with fewer calculations running, and he suddenly noted it was Bruce’s heartbeat.
“J.A.R.V.I.S., you’re getting the readings?” Bruce spoke up.
“Everything is set,” J.A.R.V.I.S. replied. “Do you wish to begin?”’
Perhaps sexy things were still going to happen, Tony mused.
“Let’s,” Bruce agreed then looked down at Tony, one hand still resting on his chest. “Last chance to leave.”
“I believe someone already consented on my behalf,” Tony reminded both the other man and his AI dryly.
“True,” Bruce agreed then moved to the foot of the table, pulling out what looked like restraints. He shifted Tony’s foot, lying it down flat and secured it, then moved to the other. They were leather, soft enough to not bite into skin yet firm and unyielding. Tony looked down at them, wriggling a bit since he couldn’t resist the temptation - then glanced up as Bruce returned to the head of the table, taking first Tony’s left wrist at his side, then the right, securing them with straps Tony hadn’t even noticed; he kept looking around, trying to see if they had actually been concealed inside the table when he first arrived.
“J.A.R.V.I.S. has the power to release you,” Bruce noted. “He’ll be monitoring your vitals.”
“I need to be monitored?” Tony frowned, leaning back.
Bruce smiled then opened a shallow drawer and placed a few items on a small tray table with wheels. Tissues, lubricant in small sterile packets and other assorted things.
“Are you sure we’re not playing doctor?” Tony asked, trying to ease the anticipation in his chest. He could see his pulse was picking up slightly, as was his body heat. His cock had also started to get interested although there was no direct stimulus yet.
“J.A.R.V.I.S., I trust the equipment has been sterilized?” Bruce asked, ignoring Tony’s question.
Another drawer opened on the side, hissing slightly. “The sounds are ready for use, Dr. Banner,” J.A.R.V.I.S. replied.
“Sounds?” Tony frowned, craning his neck to see. Bruce chose that moment to lean over and grasp his cock, startling Tony slightly. He pulled out one of the tissues which smelled slightly of disinfectant, wiping the head of his cock. “Uh,” Tony started, “what are you doing?”
“Try to relax; if done properly, this shouldn’t hurt, and Dr. Banner reassured me he has the necessary knowledge to proceed with this,” the AI piped up - not exactly calming Tony’s nerves.
“Bruce,” Tony tried to catch his attention. The other man was currently putting on plastic gloves with practiced ease then seated himself down in a chair, moving it over to the drawer J.A.R.V.I.S. had opened earlier, picking up a tray and placing it on the table next to Tony. He moved the table to the level of Tony’s waist and then rolled his chair closer as well. His left hand reached out, palming Tony’s soft cock - his anticipation was going in the wrong direction right now - pulling at it lazily then clenched his fingers expertly near the head, studying his cock with great intensity.
While Tony didn’t mind that, he was feeling a bit nervous about what was coming next.
Bruce reached out to the tray table and retrieved a syringe from it, still holding his cock and bringing the syringe close to it.
Tony jerked but had nowhere to go.
“Sir, please stay still,” J.A.R.V.I.S. encouraged.
“Still? There’s a needle next to my dick and… Fucking Christ, Bruce, what are you -” He was cut off as Bruce carefully angled the needle - not the sharpest type there was, Tony noted - and carefully slid it inside his urethra. It was a strange feeling, filling up a place that traditionally wasn’t supposed to be filled, especially when Bruce squirted the substance in the syringe inside. He waited a moment then carefully withdrew the syringe and put it away, after which he applied some lube to the head of his cock.
“I think I might not want to do this,” Tony stated. Bruce reached to the side again and picked up a thin steel… rod. “Brucey, we need to talk about this,” Tony went on as Bruce held his cock straight up from his body, bringing the rod closer. A sound, Tony’s brain supplied from some hazy memory. “I’m telling you, that’s not going to fit where I think you’re going to be putting it, and I’m not sure I want it to go there anyway, even if it does.”
“Tony,” Bruce said firmly, eyes fixed on what he was doing. “I will gag you if you don’t shut up. If there’s nothing important you want to say, then be silent for the time being.”
“Don’t I have a say here?” Tony demanded.
Bruce glanced at him briefly. “It won’t hurt. Make sure you don’t squirm, try to relax, and you’ll enjoy it.”
“Enjoy it,” Tony parroted. “I’ll enjoy you pushing that down - or is it up - my cock?”
“Yes,” Bruce said simply, turned back to the task at hand and pressed the sound against the opening of his cock. At some point the man had lubed the steel, too, but Tony didn’t recall that. He took a breath, eyes flying to the screen on the side wall. Yeah, his heart was speeding up nicely.
“Relax,” he muttered to himself, laid back his head then felt the first telltale sensation of the sound possibly sinking in and raised his head back up to watch.
It was amazing, watching the steel slowly yet gradually falling in. Bruce didn’t move it, just held it in position, allowing it to slide down as gravity did its work and okay, it did feel kind of… good. Tony let his head fall back again, eyes closed, unable to really pinpoint the sensation of fullness, the pressure, the slight stretch. He wouldn’t have described it as pleasurable but he became aware his cock was trying to fill up and it did, too, which was amazing.
Bruce was looking down at him, a slight smile on his face. “I wasn’t sure you could do it,” he mused.
“What?” Tony frowned. “You weren’t sure and you still did it?!”
Bruce glanced at his face. “It’s not like I’ve done this before - but I did a lot of reading on how to do it in theory, and even reviewed some material about people who do this all the time,” he added, probably to imply that J.A.R.V.I.S. didn’t need to re-evaluate the entire situation.
Tony took a steadying breath, noting that his arousal was rearing its head again and damn, it was kind of impressive to see that Bruce had just manage to slide in that entire thing. His cock jerked and made him groan.
“Don’t get too excited,” Bruce told him. “I still don’t want you to come before I do. If it hurts, let me know.” His fingers that still held his cock upright moved slightly, in a minimal caress, as if trying to feel the steel inside the flesh. Tony wondered if he actually could and yearned to reach out and touch himself. With his wrists secured, however, he couldn’t do anything but flex his fingers. Bruce shifted his cock around a little, as if testing whether he could. Tony felt that, an unnatural pull and push, his brain still not categorizing it the right way and so he just felt it, enjoying the strange new sensation.
Bruce took his time, sitting there, touching him, then finally glanced up at Tony, initiating eye-contact. “Would you like to watch a movie?”
Tony frowned. “A movie?”
Bruce smiled and another screen lit up. Tony recognized the armory at once and although there was no time stamp available, he knew exactly when this had been shot: four days ago. “J.A.R.V.I.S. was very helpful,” the scientist mused, still sort of touching Tony’s cock other than just holding it still. “He even edited it. I must say, he’s very good at it.”
“Thank you,” J.A.R.V.I.S. responded.
On the screen, Tony had just been secured in place and it was odd looking at himself - although not the first time, certainly. J.A.R.V.I.S. had good taste, Tony could admit that, finding angles and zooming in, adjusting lighting and making it perhaps the most high quality porn Tony had ever partaken in.
Bruce seemed to appreciate it, too. “I thought it would take more work - on both our parts - and I never expected you to submit this easily.” He gave Tony a brief look, as if praising him. His fingers jerked Tony’s cock a bit more firmly, making him moan. Bruce’s eyes returned back to the screen. “It was almost criminally easy. Once you were secured, the rest came naturally. You’re so incredibly receptive when you want to be,” he smiled.
“Only when I want to be,” Tony agreed, not wanting to give the other man any ideas.
Bruce looked at him again. On the screen, Bruce was talking, jerking Tony’s cock and making dark suggestions he could never keep. He reached down, baring his own cock, and Tony wasn’t certain where J.A.R.V.I.S. had got the camera angle but it was perfect as Bruce jerked himself, ready to release all over Tony’s undersuit.
“Okay,” Bruce decided beside him, fingers jerking on Tony’s cock, “I think we’re ready to move on.” He shifted around, then very gently with almost no pulling at all slid the sound free and Tony tried not to mewl at the sensation as his eyes rolled, just a little. It was the weird kind of good and he decided he might have to try this again just to figure out the sensations. It stung, just a little, and he felt Bruce checking him out, rolling his flesh in his hands. “Good,” he decided.
Tony took a few deep breaths, watching Bruce push the tray table aside and remove the gloves - only to slip on another pair. He reached for lube, this time in a bottle, slicking up his right hand’s fingers. It was methodical and Tony felt like he was watching some kind of medical preparation.
“J.A.R.V.I.S.,” Bruce called out then, moving himself sideways with his chair, “part his legs.”
The examination table was most definitely custom made for kinky medical play, Tony decided; he felt small mechanical parts coming to life, locking into place, then felt the foot of the table break in two, folding slightly to push his knees up into a more comfortable position while stopping in a Y-shape.
Bruce nodded and moved his chair so that he sat between Tony’s legs. His left hand reached up, fisting Tony’s cock which was still semi-hard, squeezing out some of the lube he had inserted in the beginning. Tony moaned, bucking his hips as much as he could into the touch - then felt fingers on his ass. Lubed as they were, Bruce slipped in one then almost immediately another, slightly scissoring them in and out while Tony’s body adjusted. Through it all Bruce continued to pump his cock, more lazily now as if not wanting to over-stimulate Tony’s body.
Tony looked down at what was happening, his neck beginning to ache slightly at the strain. Eventually he had to give up and laid his head back down, staring at the ceiling. Bruce’s fingers pushed deeper then firmly pressed over his prostate, making Tony close his eyes. The other man did it again and Tony’s hips jerked, pleasure spiking through him and then disappearing.
“You like that?” Bruce asked, three fingers in him now and he still managed to hit the spot on purpose.
“Yeah,” Tony answered with gritted teeth. His hips undulated, just slightly, wishing Bruce’s hand on his cock would move a little faster but this was good, too-
“Do you remember the rule, Tony?” Bruce asked, voice suddenly harder, a reminder of what they had shared four days ago.
Tony stilled momentarily then hissed, trying to still his movements. “Bruce, please, I’m so close.”
Bruce withdrew both of his hands from his body and Tony could neither follow nor take matters into his own hands. He took a few steadying breaths, gritting his teeth in disappointment as the edge slid further away again, his cock jerking almost as if in amazement that it wasn’t allowed to go through the impending orgasm. Tony looked down at it, noting the wetness he had felt before which made the skin of his groin almost shine beneath the lights.
The other man had moved away and once again stripped his gloves, disposing of them then rising from his chair and pushing it out of the way. Tony’s eyes followed as Bruce went to the far wall and brought something back with him. Tony didn’t get a good enough look but it was a machine of some sort and for a moment his brain tried to envision something that would top off the sounding. There weren’t many things and none of them were pleasant.
Bruce settled the machine beneath his spread legs and then walked to a cabinet, coming back with a dildo of all things. He still couldn’t see what was going on but spotted the lube being taken from the table then returned a moment later. The head of the toy soon pressed against his hole and pushed slightly inside, then stilled.
“Is that going to help me not come?” Tony had to ask.
“No,” Bruce mused, moving back to his side, hand settling on Tony’s hips as if comfortingly. He looked down - at the dildo and whatever he had attached it to - then tapped a finger against Tony’s skin. “However, J.A.R.V.I.S. will,” he continued his previous train of thought and as if by magic, the dildo started moving. The first thrusts were experimental, almost, going slowly, testing depth.
“Calibrations are finished,” J.A.R.V.I.S. announced a rough eighty seconds later. “The machine is working up to expectations.”
“Of course it is,” Bruce smiled at the room in general then looked at Tony again. “I tried working on it on my own but eventually J.A.R.V.I.S. drew up the plans for the machine and I thought the honor should be his to sit in the driver’s seat.”
Tony’s breath caught, just a little.
“It’s also very practical; gives me more time to focus on other things,” Bruce went on musing, his hand moving from Tony’s hips downward, teasing the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. In the meanwhile the fucking machine continued to work the silicone toy into him and damn if it didn’t drag against a few good spots every time it moved.
Tony wondered what the consequences would be if he came prematurely, but not long after he had that thought the dildo slowed then stopped entirely.
“Don’t forget that J.A.R.V.I.S. is monitoring everything from your heartbeat to your breathing,” Bruce reminded, his other hand coming to rest at the nape of Tony’s neck. “He won’t let you come before I tell him to.” Between Tony’s legs, the machine started again, slowly this time, pushing all the way in and then dragging almost too far out.
“We’re going to have words about this, J,” Tony grunted as his pleasure began to peak again, although more slowly and painfully.
“Of course, sir.”
“Don’t be too hard on him,” Bruce admonished, his hand moving down, skirting the edge of the arc reactor and the scars that surrounded it, making Tony’s skin prickle with sensation. He continued like that, circling the center of his chest while the machine kept a steady pace, building up Tony’s orgasm only to let it go at the last moment, leaving him hanging.
It went on forever like that, Tony could have sworn. His skin was sweaty, his breaths labored and chest heaving, making it painful where the arc reactor slightly stopped the natural expansion of his ribs. Bruce’s hand had briefly moved to his cock, touching him, milking out what seemed like the rest of the lube and then he parted from it with a slight pinch at the head when Tony once again neared his peak.
This time it took longer for him to calm down and Bruce cleaned his right hand of the lube and then shoved it down his own pants, opening them with his left and then releasing his cock to fondle it openly. Tony watched, steadying his breathing, fists clenching and unclenching as he fought to accept that his release had once again been denied.
“Tony,” Bruce called out, touching his cheek. “You’ve been doing so well.”
“Carve that into my headstone when my heart gives out,” Tony muttered.
“Your heart is not in any danger, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S. said in what was supposedly a reassuring tone. “Dr. Banner, may I suggest another appendage?”
Bruce smiled, patted Tony on the cheek and then walked over to that cabinet where he had found the first dildo, coming back with another. This one was larger and a bit more sharply textured although nothing too wild. He worked for a moment between Tony’s legs. “Adjust him a bit, will you,” Bruce instructed and the table came to life once again, Tony’s legs moving slightly further apart.
The machine adjusted itself to the new angle and soon Tony felt the new toy inside him. He squeezed his eyes shut at the sensation of the stretch and drag against his prostate as J.A.R.V.I.S. drove the dildo home, then Bruce was back at his side, a hand on his face.
Tony opened his eyes and looked at him, feeling almost feverish. His body twitched as the dildo changed pace and moved harder, fucking into him, opening him up further, his body taking it without much resistance.
Bruce smiled fleetingly then dropped his hand lower, skirting one of Tony’s nipples then tugged on it. “Just a little longer,” he promised, jerking his own flesh. He looked so hard and Tony itched to touch him, to help him along so that he could finally come himself. “You know I have to take it slow, right?” Bruce kept talking, teasing Tony’s chest, tweaking the nipple as his hand worked his cock and the machine kept moving the dildo in and out of him. “For so many years I was afraid to masturbate, in fear of stirring the other guy. Sex was totally off the table. It wasn’t that long before we met… But here we are, and I think it’s going to be okay,” he decided. “Better safe than sorry, though.”
“Maybe the other guy just needs to… let out a little steam,” Tony suggested.
“If he comes out right now, he might just finish where I’ve left off,” Bruce noted. “You’ve seen him naked; no amount of stretching would be enough if he decided to do what I ache to.”
Tony processed that in his head. “You want to fuck me,” he stated needlessly.
Bruce actually laughed and both of his hands - the one on his cock and the one on Tony’s now-sensitive nipple - tightened. “Oh, yes. I would… if I could. But I’m sure you understand why we’re going about it very indirectly.” He shifted then, a step to the right, and let go of his cock. Tony felt like protesting, seeing as he surely couldn’t handle yet another interrupted climb towards orgasm, but then he felt something slick brush against the fingers of his right hand and raised his head long enough to see Bruce guiding his cock towards his bound hand.
Tony took the hint; he wrapped his fingers around Bruce’s flesh, attempting to go about it without actually being able to see what he was doing. Bruce groaned, his head tilted back, eyes fluttering shut but he didn’t look green. Tony kept looking at his face while his hand worked his cock, fingers jerking him off the best he could, soft, gentle and unsurprising. Bruce thrust into the caresses, making it hard to try anything complex and eventually Tony just offered him something to rub against.
“Oh, Tony, that’s good” Bruce sighed eventually, pushing against his fingers. His own hand clamped around the base of his cock and milked it up until Tony felt something wet and warm hit his hand. Bruce leaned heavily against the table, breathing in and out in a controlled rhythm. He still didn’t look green.
It felt like an eternity before he opened his eyes, looked at Tony and reached out to rest a hand on Tony’s chest, palm pressing against the sore nipple, fingertips caressing the edge of the arc reactor. “Come for me, Tony.”
The dildo inside him did a few quick thrusts and all Tony really did was let go of the self-control he hadn’t even known he still possessed at this point. He swore and almost suffocated between the urge to scream and the need to get more air into his lungs. His release tore through him, making him jerk against his bonds and sending him into something that resembled a full-body cramp. It washed over him and left him lying there, breathless, bones turned to liquid.
That was when Bruce leaned over, kissing him, a smile against Tony’s slack lips the last thing his brain registered before promptly shutting down.
- - -
Bruce steadied his breathing then told himself he had things he needed to do - starting with undoing Tony’s wrists and ankles, then removing the dildo from the machine and throwing it into a sink for cleaning and storage.
“Were you pleased by the results, Dr. Banner?” J.A.R.V.I.S. asked.
“Yes,” Bruce admitted. “He held out longer than I had hoped.”
“Mr. Stark is more resilient than people give him credit for,” the AI told him.
Bruce smiled. “I’m beginning to realize that.”
Tony was out cold, breathing deep and slow. His body was slack on the padded surface, all tension gone. He appeared vulnerable but there was nothing that could hurt him here, between Bruce and J.A.R.V.I.S. Bruce tore his eyes from him and fetched a clean towel, wetting it before returning to clean Tony, making sure to pay extra care to the areas where his own ejaculate had hit the skin; it was risky to do that much and Bruce wasn’t about to get sloppy.
He covered Tony with a blanket while putting away the rest of the items. The clean-up of the equipment was automated - or rather, handled by J.A.R.V.I.S. Bruce was glad about that and eventually returned to the table, shaking Tony a bit by the shoulder. “Tony, we need to get you to your bed, but first a trip to the bathroom.”
“Aha,” Tony muttered, half-asleep and just looking at him with a dreamy expression.
“Up,” Bruce urged and Tony finally complied, still naked. Bruce didn’t bother with clothing and took them to the elevator, then to Tony’s floor. The other man leaned heavily on him, pretending to be asleep by the time they got to his room but Bruce knew better as he ushered him into the bathroom.
“The bed is over there,” Tony pointed with a yawn.
“I need you to take a piss first; to wash out the rest of the lube,” Bruce explained.
Tony flushed and Bruce smiled against his neck, standing behind him, steadying him slightly. He was certain there weren’t many things that made Tony Stark blush but the man obediently held his spent cock and after a little while let go, emptying his bladder. After that Bruce was happy to let him curl up in bed and made sure he was comfortable before moving to the door.
“I’m sure Mr. Stark wouldn’t mind the company,” J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke up, voice muted to not disturb his creator.
“I know, but it’s too early for that,” Bruce mused then yawned himself. It was time to get out of his clothes and into his own bed. He knew he would sleep well, just as he had after their first encounter in the armory; it distracted Tony from a lot of things but it gave Bruce relief as well, forcing him to come out of his shell; he doubted he would have come this far for another handful of years, otherwise, and wasn’t going to regret any of it now.
He had a feeling he wasn’t going to be the only one with those thoughts, although it was still a bit of a gamble where the others were concerned. Well, Tony hadn’t seemed to resent the idea and it might do them all good on some newfound level…
“How did it go?”
Bruce may have jumped at the voice but it was low and friendly, not threatening, and he looked down the hall after exiting Tony’s room, finding Steve standing there. It looked like he had just come inside, with his hair a bit wind-blown and a jacket still on. “It went well,” Bruce replied.
Steve nodded, looking away - at the door Bruce had just closed behind his back. There was a peculiar, thoughtful look on his face.
“I’ve paved the way,” Bruce went on, making Steve’s eyes move up to his face briefly before moving to the door again. “He’s waiting, but… don’t make him wait too long,” he finished.
“You’re sure that’s what he wants?” Steve asked. For someone who was in his element in a life-threatening situation, Bruce thought to himself, he was awfully uncertain when he wasn’t supposed to lead.
“It’s what this team needs,” Bruce reminded him. “He won’t turn you away, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Steve nodded then turned and went back the way he must have just come in, to take the stairs to his own floor.
Bruce took to the other direction and the elevator, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes for a moment.
“Captain Rogers is uncertain how to play his part,” J.A.R.V.I.S. mused.
“He’ll get there,” Bruce said, wondering whom he was trying to reassure - himself or the AI?
“My sensors indicate he is aroused by the idea, regardless of his hesitation.”
Bruce smiled and stepped out of the elevator as the door opened at his floor. “That’s why he just needs to see the opening and… exploit it. He’s a brilliant strategist, he’ll figure it out.”
“I see no reason to doubt your theory.”
Reaching his door, Bruce stepped in, jumped into the shower quickly then slid into his bed, the lights dimming automatically around him. “Good night, J.A.R.V.I.S.,” he called then settled down, feeling rather calm.
“Good night, Dr. Banner.”
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