Finite in Infinite
Jessica-centric, Donghae/Jessica
PG-13 | Angst, Drama, Slice of Life | 7000w
Within four seconds of jumping, the jumpers hit the water at around 75 mph or approximately 120 km/h.
Warning: AU!Donghae/Jessica
She wanted to escape, so badly. )
Comments 16
Especially the part about death and suicide. That's actually quite an interesting comparison. And experiment. Even if she really wanted to do it but didn't in the end > >
All in all, great read ^^ Glad I took a chance and found a gem :)
Thanks for sharing!
ps. I squealed in real life XDD
ps. I hope no one was around when you were squealing, I wouldn't want people to think you were crazy ;__;
this is truly just wonderful! thank you for writing such a beautiful story for one of my OTPs! <3
The symbolism and personalities were really good & the last line was adorable ;___; I wish I could write this well c:
I guess English class comes in with all the lessons about rhetorical devices ~
Don't worry, when you write more and more, your writing will slowly bloom into a beautiful flower ^^
Wonderful last line, btw. I wish I could read that book.
LOL, the book is basically the story, a story within a story. inception!
I like your fic's ending :x
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