Title: Schoolhouse Author: deleerium Type: LOTR RPS AU (~6800 words) Pairing: Orlando/Elijah Rating: R Summary: Small town, 1800’s Minnesota. Think Little House on the Prairie meets My Fair Lady -- only dirty.
Title: Sin's Bloom Pairing: Harry Sinclair (written by lunasv)/ Orlando Bloom (written by deleerium) Type: LOTR RPS Rating: R Summary: Sleeping next to the ocean. Waking up. Finding the way home. Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Orlando and Elijah met on a dark street corner in uptown New York after both attending a friend's art gallery opening. Immediately attracted to one another in their stylish New York getups, they raced to the nearest bar and had one more drink (for courage) then off to a Motel 6 and fucked like bunnies. After a few months of ex-boyfriend logistics
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Title: Sin's Bloom Pairing: Harry Sinclair (written by lunasv)/ Orlando Bloom (written by deleerium) Type: LOTR RPS Rating: PG Summary: Harry and Orlando run into one another on set. Previous Chapters: Chapter 1
Title: Sin's Bloom Pairing: Harry Sinclair (written by the fabulous lunasv)/ Orlando Bloom (written by deleerium) Type: LOTR RPS Rating: G - this part Summary: Harry, Orlando, rain, the beach, early morning, and first meetings.
because of some perfect prompts by absolutefiction, I might have just added a tiny snippet to the Football universe right over here. And there's a lovely Casey/Zeke by mews1945 tucked in the responses as well :D