Love the look you've captured - his eyes and mouth...that smile that's somewhat wicked and a breath away from a sly retort. Or a silly retort. But always with the retort.
it's mostly from that one picture you took of him and joe outside ram's horn- they're next to a streetlamp and joe's holding up some kind of top of a bowling trophy or something. brian said he kept taking a piece of cardboard and putting it in front of his face every time you tried to snap the picture. that probably accounts for the sly look : )
It makes me sad but I can't tell you why. Its a beautiful expression. It feels like he is going to take the piss out of you in about 2 seconds. Ab-sol-utely incredible.
thanks! i think i need to work on his lower lip a little bit, and the top of his nose isn't quite there. but i think i got pretty close to the overall look. his mom said she wanted a smirk.
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