Big Bang: I will ask you to open my door from your side, NC-17, Clint/Phil, written with @sirona_gs

May 13, 2012 21:17

Guys guys, it's done, it's posted, we're there, it's big bang time! We edited and betaed on the crunch of time and art is just now finished and it is PERFECT, and I love sirona_gs for indulging me and tgda for making such amazing art, and laria_gwyn for being the most amazing beta.

I will ask you to open my door from your side is a Phil/Clint Garage!AU.
Phil's car is firetruck red, and she's his pride and joy. She deserves the very best of care, something Phil can't give her by himself -- he's the CFO of Stark Industries, not the experienced mechanic she needs. This is a project that needs outsourcing -- straight to Steve Rogers' garage and its preternaturally gifted restorer, Clint Barton.

tgda was our amazing amazing artist on this and she made us the most brilliant drawings, they're through the story, and the art post is here! Please do give her all the love for her amazing work.

Sigh, it's really strange to post this. Hope you guys enjoy!

big bang omg!, it's all neve's fault, phil/clint

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