Title: Perfect Disaster [RESERVED]
Setting: Deliciae - Friday, 8:45 PM -> Martedì Grasso, Venice, Italy, 1737
Characters: Suzuki Airi and Nakajima Yuuto
Rating: PG-13 for possible swearwords
After being chased out of school by a random teacher, Airi decided to get some exercise. Mainly- walking around Tokyo, window-shopping.
After passing by ten 7-11
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Comments 33
Whatever this thing was, it better be good.
“It’s right ahead!” Saihara yelled, swiveling his head and making sure Yuuto was still following. All he wanted to do right now was to go home and take a long, hot shower then talk to Mio-chan via webcam. Who cares if they broke up? They were still best friends. At least, he thought so. Maybe. Hoped so. Pulling his thoughts back to Saihara and the shop, he looked up at the name plaque. Deliciae. Sounded weird. Exotic. Hostess club like. What was this ( ... )
Just great.
Just when she thought she was going to do something interesting. This- guy from her school who happened to know her name, passed by. Talk about coincidence, this place wasn't that much known, either. The odds of finding a schoolmmate were near to one. Destiny? Was it destiny? Airi probably read too many books. It wasn't destiny, anyway. The guy had another guy to accompany him. The other guy wasn't that much good-looking either. What a pain.
"Who are you?" she asked. Stopping in her tracks.
The door shut without a sound and she swore she felt a bit of a chill in the air. Deliciae Boutique, as it was called. Was full of costumes. Costumes that actually looked... beautiful. At first glance, she thought it was for cosplay, but- these costumes looked too good for that. It was like- people made them for a living. Interesting, she thought, completely forgetting about the idiot behind her.
Airi spotted an elegant navy blue ensemble coupled with a party mask. She grinned.
What harm could a single costume do?
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