Life is Life, And This is Mine

Jul 13, 2011 00:05

For better or worse.

November 16th, 2010 was the last time I posted to this journal, and you know, it didn't seem like very long until I did the math.

Its been almost 8 months, and believe me, a ton of stuff has gone down since then.

In November, I got a crush on my English teacher after seeing him sing in my highschool's rendition of 'Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat', and my interest in fandom started to fade. I didn't realize it until I started writing scenes where I interacted with my muses - I did a bit of it in November and it was all Danny, and now... I haven't written about him in a long time.

Later In November, I got my new computer - my baby- and it was then I thought that I'd become even more involved in my fandoms. Instead, all my creative energy was directed into original fiction, for a school project. And then it went everywhere else but fanfic and that project, because that is how I work. That project, by the way, was what made it so I would graduate high school, and yet I still procrastinated because I had people to talk to and poetry to write. I probably wouldn't have passed if my Physics teacher hadn't been my evaluator (he's even told me that I'm one of his favorites, which makes no sense because most of his favorites are cute, teacher's pets who usually have a crush on him- Oh). I'm going to miss him, I think.

I also joined Publishing Company because my English teacher was running it. After the first meeting, I realized that the club would have died shortly after if I hadn't dragged all of my friends to the meeting.

In December, i turned 18, and felt no different.

In January I took a poetry class with the above mentioned singing English teacher, and I poured my heart and soul into my assignments so that he'd notice me. He was and is still oblivious.

In April I went to Italy and left part of me behind - I will go back one day, for I've never had so many ideas as I did wandering through those ancient streets. I made a friend of someone I didn't expect, and received a new nickname, one that I plan on sticking with.

In May, I lost one of my best friends, and I still think about him daily. Sometimes I wish that he'd come back, but every day, I know he won't. I can't look at frozen waffles without thinking about him, and he always comes up whenever the light of my life (who will come up again shortly) is mentioned. People think I get upset because I feel guilty. I don't. I just miss him, like a piece of myself I'll never get back again.

On June 2nd, 2011, I started dating my best friend,watashi_wa_13 , and I'm happier than I have been in the longest time. I haven't seen her in a few weeks, but she should be getting home soon, and then I hope that we'll get to spend more time together. My days feel wrong without her in them, and I know that she's worth all of the drama we had to get through to make it to this point.

On June 18th, I graduated highschool, and I still don't believe it.

Yeah, so that's a fast summary of these past 8 months, and now... I'm back. ^_^

real life

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