I don't know how many of you still read this comm, but I'll post anyway! On Tuesday Yahoo laid off the entire Delicious team and today it announced at a company all-hands meeting
that it will be "sunsetting" Delicious, aka shutting it down, although there are no details yet on when or how, from any of my sources inside Yahoo. It could be months or
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Comments 261
Thank you for the heads up. My problem with Diigo in the recent past was that it didn't import the full text of the notes field from Delicious - it seemed to just be importing the shorter text field that Delicious used to have. If you have a smaller number of bookmarks, it might be worth the trouble to fix after importing but I've just crossed 4.000 and I'd prefer not to.
The only other thing I'd add to your list would be tag bundles, ideally. I use the networking features extensively but it wouldn't be a deal breaker in the beginning.
That kills Diigo as an alternative for me then, grrrr!
I have been using Diigo, and frankly, I'm not super impressed. Continuing to use it out of being too lazy to export my bookmarks, but seems like there must be better out there. If you are launching a bookmarking site, I'd definitely be interested in checking it out. It sounds like your site would be specifically for fiction, though, and I'm not sure I'd be swayed totally over to that without the ability to bookmark other stuff I find on the internet. (Just my 2 cents!)
And oh, I definitely wouldn't make mine exclude normal-stuff bookmarks! Just consciously supporting fannish use, with great tag combinations, ability to ignore LJ post parameters so you can easily get a true count of bookmarks for a story, supporting structured tags in a sensible way, etc.
As for the question in your post, the most important feature in Delicious, for me as a fandomer, is the search function. The ability to search through my own bookmarks and narrow it down by tags but also the ability to search through the collective bookmarks on the site. I get all my fic these days through subscriptions to the tags for my fandoms/pairings.
Thank you for the heads-up and the suggestions. As far as migration to a fan-friendly clone, I'll echo blue_meridian's suggestion of tag bundles. The ability to specify private/public bookmarks would also be nice.
And thank you. I'm really ridiculously lucky that I am working for a startup that I really enjoy, with a shiny exciting future - it's the best antidote to feeling blah! And I should get back to work right now...
p.s. I second your G*ddammit :!
But I for one agree with you, I wouldn't have any use for a bookmark site if it didn't have at least bookmarklets.
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