Title: Gremlins Calling
Author: Delilah Draken
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tron (movies)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Spike, Rinzler (Tron)
Prompt(s): #337 - Vibrant at tamingthemuse
Notes: This could be considered AU, I think. Or time travel, depending on your definition of the thing.
Disclaimer: The stories are mine. All the rest - characters
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Comments 2
Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für deine Zukunft & werde dich nun nicht mehr belästigen... :(
Liebe Grüße
How are you? I hope you're fine?!
I would be so happy to hear about your life's going!
Did u forgive my stupid behavior?
Please give me an answer😳
Your "old" friend piper🌸
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