
Nov 01, 2008 20:27

I know this is a little bit ironic, but I'm really getting tired of complainers. I've been hit up hard by these folks in the past couple of weeks, so that's why I've finally wanted to complain about the mofo complainers.

First of all, professionally. Jesus H. Christ, I could go on about this forever. But let me just say that there is a certain group of people at work that seem to run fast and hard to management about any little tiny problem. God bless them, I guess. Except that this "group" is a certain title class called Web Producers and I'm a Web Designer, so apparently we designers, who are less apt to complain about nonsense, always get the short end of the management stick on our ass. It seems like every day the collective Producers are complaining about the collective Designers yet one never quite hears the same about the Producers. And this is not because Producers are the shining beacon of good in this world. I have had plenty of problems in the past with Producers, sometimes even BIG problems. But I don't go crying to management every single time they stick a thorn in my side. Apparently, this has been one of my mistakes.

This work-related complaint is brought to you by the two producers that complained to my managers about me and I had to get a earful about it from my manager. Not just an earful, I officially got demoted because of one and asked if I needed training in the coding basics because of the other (hello, I've been coding professionally for 6 years). If I had known that these producers would decide not to just work things out personally with me first, I could have also taken my OWN complaints to my manager about these producers. But instead I get to be blamed and basically harassed because I completely did not expect thing to be turned on me by my fellow cube dwellers and what was pretty minor infractions that they shared the blame in. I guess when you participate in fucking up, it's best to throw the other person under the bus before you slip under yourself. LESSON LEARNED, ASSHOLES.

Now, on the personal side. My brother is a huge ass complainer. If it's not one thing, it's the other. I never quite realized how spoiled he has become until we became roommates. He can't tolerate any single thing that goes wrong in the house, no matter how minor or cosmetic it is. I have no issue recognizing when something is a Real Issue or when it is just something one can survive without (such as the broken light/fan in the livingroom -- big whoopdie doo. Spending thousands of dollars on saving my cat's life is a way bigger priority to me than the fact that my brother doesn't like to spend all his time in his bedroom with the working light and A/C but that he would rather sit out in the dark/hot livingroom and complain about it.) My brother is also a clean freak and prone to go into tiranical fits about anything he perceives as me fucking the place up with my mess. However, I don't give him any grief even though he has been using the living room cofee table as his personal workspace for the past three months. The coffee table has been covered in books, paperwork, his laptop non-stop 24/7 and I don't care. But if I have something of mine left out in a public space -- THE END TIMES ARE NEAR. Also, I'm not allowed to hang up any of my decorations even though in the very beginning everything but his bedroom was supposed to be own personal domain (what with me paying 100% of the bills and everything). Also, my brother isn't as perfect as he likes to think he is. He never puts the toilet seat down, I'm 100% in charge of changing out the toilet paper rolls since he never does and for some reason I'm always the one that is cleaning up all the pet vomit/shit/litterboxes immediately and he refuses to do so without letting the feces/vomit first dry and stain the floors. I don't complain about these things. At all. I just take care of them, no big deal. That's the difference between him and me. He complains, I just do it.

This brother-related complaint is brought to you by the fact that my brother decided to angrily lecture me today because I left his bedroom door open this morning (long story about not wanting my cats in his room). However, on the flip side, I've been having to feed MY ANOREXIC CAT a specialty diet separately in my room for the past month because of her health issues and he has managed to let both the other cats and the dogs into my room not once but easily five times A DAY over that time period and therefor allowing them to eat her food. I've told him nicely to please be careful of the situation several times because I was trying to save my cat from DEATH and he has ignored me completely. Apparently I should have angrily lectured him about it for a half hour instead.

I am fucking tired of these complainers getting the upper hand by making a fuss about every single thing. Complainers do stupid ass shit too. The difference is I can let their shit roll off me instead of throwing a fit. Usually. Except for this moment now. Motherfuckers.
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