I was terribly pleased upon my ride up 8th the other day to find that the bikelane will be extended from Market to Leary, it's only a couple of blocks, but it's long overdue
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I'm trying to make sweet sunchoke pickles with onions. I couldn't find a recipe, so I'm sort of making it up... which isn't that great whether they turn out well or not
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I thought for a second while I was repairing carpets that maybe a job at the Depertment of Licensing wouldn't be too bad. But they're not hiring
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I don't suppose I could charge $3 a minute to describe to the caller in utmost detail the worst possible outcome of any scenario they come up with
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Totally biffed it on the rails on my way from work to Ballard. Fell on my left side; due to overdressing for the weather there's a miraculous lack of blood pouring out of my elbow, but everything aches anyway
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So this lady comes out of the library as I'm locking up my bike and she starts pulling on her bike gear, changing shoes, bright green coat, etc
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