Yeah a date! Now i can plan for it XD SO I have a few questions.
1. Where would myself and Rosie be staying in michigan? (Hotel?) 2. What style, color or fabric for the bridesmaid dress? 3. Are you register somewhere for gifts?
Thanks for asking me to be a bridesmaid. ^_^ It means a lot to me. ::hugs::
^_^ I think hotel, probably....I'll have H's dad look into what's good and cheap out there. As for the dresses, what I'm thinking is that the bodice can be whatever you please, as long as there's a long poofy skirt with some draping, and it's in that green/grey crepe backed satin. I have some samples and sketches to send out to you ^_^ There was a sale this weekend, so I bought some neat colored tulle.
Woo send me some sketches! and tell me what fabric I need, so I can write it down. :3 When you say bodice do you mean like Moulan Rouge type or Ren faire type..? Rosie and I shall look for matching ones. ^^
I've been avoiding the computer lately, sorry! I'm still up there w/ you! I'm not sure when i'm gonna visit yet, maybe Oct/Nov. I think Tara is coming with me, we could do Halloween together. It'll be fun sewing w/ you again! Do I need to get fabric? Guess what! I found Deon. (kinda) My friend Michele was visiting from Fairbanks and we were going thru my Seattle pics and she recognized Deon. I guess he's going to be moving somewhere in the lower48 with his girlfriend in the near future tho.
Comments 6
1. Where would myself and Rosie be staying in michigan? (Hotel?)
2. What style, color or fabric for the bridesmaid dress?
3. Are you register somewhere for gifts?
Thanks for asking me to be a bridesmaid. ^_^ It means a lot to me.
I think hotel, probably....I'll have H's dad look into what's good and cheap out there. As for the dresses, what I'm thinking is that the bodice can be whatever you please, as long as there's a long poofy skirt with some draping, and it's in that green/grey crepe backed satin. I have some samples and sketches to send out to you ^_^ There was a sale this weekend, so I bought some neat colored tulle.
and tell me what fabric I need, so I can write it down. :3
When you say bodice do you mean like Moulan Rouge type or Ren faire type..? Rosie and I shall look for matching ones. ^^
my addy is:
And Thea's is (typos on e-mails suck big-time!)
I'll send you my snail mail via e-mail, becasue I'm paranoid about LJ. I'll also ask Kane if he's up for Michigan in May.
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