Title: Of A Late Night and an Offer
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Pairing/Focus: Taemin/Sulli
Summary: Taemin always tried to ignore the thump in his heart when he sees her-but one day he stops ignoring it and decided to talk to her.
Taemin was walking down the deserted hallway of SM entertaiment. He glanced upon his watch. 8pm. Everyone was gone already, or so he thought.
Not far from where he was standing, a girl was out from one of the rehearsal studio. Her chestnut brown hair was wavy and sleek,swinging as she walked. Her face buried in a magazine she read. Her tall figure made it pretty easy to guess who she was. Choi Sulli.
His heart was beating rapidly,loudly he scared if she could heard it too. He couldn't take his eyes off her; It was obvious that Taemin, Lee Taemin, had a crush on her. A crush that got bigger and bigger every time he saw her.
He didn’t know what to do that time. He was always lost at words, dazed at her flaws which made her even more pretty. He was always tried to ignore the thump in his heart; and he was about to do so when his mind suddenly ordered him to talk with her.
And that was what he did. After he gained all his courage, he awkwardly coughed and tapped her shoulder. She turned around, a faint smile appeared when she saw who did that. “Oppa!” She says brightly, “Why are you here this late?Do you stay behind to work on your moves,oppa?”
He nodded like an idiot, and after a couple cough, he finally said something. “Where are the other girls?” asked him. “Gone home an hour ago. But i think i need more practice so i stay here for a little longer.” She answered as she smiled a bit.
There was seconds of awkward silence, the only sound they could heard was their shoes squeaked as they walked to the entrance/exit door.
“Uh- what are you reading, Sul?” he asked,trying to break the silence. “Oh,this?” she pointed to the article she was reading before Taemin came. “It’s just a movie’s review. They said this is a great movie, and it’s such a waste to miss it. I want to watch it but the girls are dead tired today- maybe i’ll ask them to accompany me tomorrow.”
An o was curved in Taemin’s mouth,and he was confused about what to say again when suddenly an idea hit his mind.
“Could i ask you a question about the movie?” he drawled. “Yeah,sure, i guess. What is it?” her voice was a mix of surprise and curious, he noticed, which was an absolutely good thing to him.
“Wanna go see it with me?” Taemin rumbled out. Oh god-oh god, just please say yes,oh god-his mind screamed in frustration when her face was expressionless.
1 second.
2 seconds.
5 seconds.
“Oh,sure,o-okay.” her voice was almost like a whisper,but Taemin's ears catch it anyway.
“Did you just say okay?” he ascertained. She nodded,a blush crept onto her face.
“So-shall we go,then?” he said, and when she nodded again, he grabbed her left hand, pulled the exit door and walked out together into the night streets of Seoul until they were disappearing from the view.