The following not really important entry involves not very nice thoughts about people I doubt I'll ever see again, non PC related descriptions, the new job, and not a great deal much else. As a result, it's been cut for your non viewing pleasure :).
Today wasn't so bad, woke up sometime around ten thirty and got ready for work. Had brunch at Taco bell so I could have something to take to work with me. A couple of lady's were holding up the line because they didn't like something or other that was on their food. I won't pick on them too badly because I guess anyone would naturally go up and complain if something didn't meet their exacting needs at a fast food restauraunt. I noticed a few 'non native english speaking people' for all you PC motha@! out there :P, who may have been the cause of the mistake. I'm assuming that everyone behind the counter's been there for less than a week with the sole exception of the manager. The problem was eventually resolved with minimal grumbling and building up of the line behind me and food was enjoyed normally.
About a quarter till noon, I got to work and we left for the first location not long afterwards. Since I'm still technically an employee of the arcade system, I didn't have to file out new tax paperwork etcetc, which is always handy.
Basically, this rout job just involves me riding around with the rout manager assisting him with the games and cleaning and various mantenance of all the rev share locations in the greater Indy area. So we were all over the place today, and will be driving to a few of the locations in Richmond tomorrow. I got to see the Metropolis mall in Plainfield today, I hadn't been in that area to see the place before. Looks rather interesting. It'll be cool to see how well the concept mall takes off and what happens to it a few years down the road. Some band was playing there today, didn't exactly have time to listen to them while I was going back and forth with parts and equipment, but I'd probably look it up if it caught my attention any.
We had dinner at some place that kinda reminded me of Steak and Shake. I think it was called 96th street steakburgers or something like that. I'm kinda cheap, but I guess I'm glad I tried it anyhow. The fries weren't anything to brag about, but they have bottles of some really good malted vinegar that helped do the trick. I guess the sandwich was alright, the grilled onions sure helped it. Not sure what the special sauce was, it tasted better overall after I let it soak in for a while though. Otherwise ya can't taste much beyond the mountain of lettuce they put on the bun :P.
There's this theater called the Rave Theater near that new mall in Plainfield. Looks rather nice if you're local and have never seen it. They've got some mid year DDR machine there too if that piques your interest any. That and a Time Crisis 4, which I don't recall ever having seen before then. Tempted to go back sometime when I have spare tokens lying around to try it out, except we still have to service the right side screen XD. The boss put in the new board we'd just received only to have it sizzle and spew out the blue smokey stuff. Not sure what fried, but we didn't have time to investigate that either.
Long day short, I hope to enjoy the job, and since it'll be a long ride tomorrow, I'll be bringing a book and maybe some earplugs unless he starts to talk about stuff again. Some of the stuff he listens to is ok, but thankfully I have a hard time hearing quiet things anyhow, so much of it wasn't hard to ignore. This job should last for a while, unless one of the other places I've already interviewed with comes up and needs me, then I'll jump over to something else. I'd really like to hear back from the job I interviewed for in Columbus. Granted, I wouldn't be able to talk much about it since it's all proprietary, but at least it'd be good, valuable work experience.
In the meantime, I have this job M-F and the arcade in TH on Saturday and Sunday, so I'm doing suitably well. Yes, it's a commute, but I'm still earning enough to keep things going.
Classes start Monday and I'm really looking forward to it. But what do you folks think; I've signed up for a web design class with Dreamweaver as filler, since one of the big network classes I wanted was canceled >_>. Should I stick with that? Is it even used in the real world? Or should I go with my prefered idea of the MS Access class, which I think I might possibly use more than the dreamweaver class. Just asking :).
Otherwise, I guess I'm here and around if someone wants to say hi. In a week or three when I've finally settled in, I'll consider having a mini party or something in the area so I can actually meet and hang out with some of you Indy type people. It'd be nice to hang out and actually get to sit and talk with Jack and Danni and Ebdain and the others. The Indy campus is practically right there with all the museums and stuff in town, so I wouldn't get totally lost if we were to go walk around somewhere like that. And I'd like to get to see more of the area since I'll be living here for a few months at least.
I'm around, just leave a message or something :P.