[Drabble] Terrible Liar

Aug 19, 2013 15:07

Title: Terrible Liar
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Noiz/Aoba
Word Count: 300
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Noiz comes home to Aoba tearing their apartment up looking for his Christmas present.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Author's Notes: Written for ceasefire.
Prompt: drabble123 : #5 - Obvious ( Table Random 1)


“You are clearly being too obvious,” Noiz tapped his expensive Alden cordovan Blucher on the freshly waxed terrazzo tile of the living room, jade eyes following with amusement at his boyfriend's hectic attempt of tossing the sofa cushions onto the floor.

Aoba paused, quite quickly, gaze wide, before he stood to his feet, “No, I’m not.”

“You’re looking for you Christmas present,” Noiz stated, glancing around at the state of their apartment.

“No,” the blue haired male responded.

The blonde loosened his silk tie, running his tongue along his teeth as he stepped down the stairs, heading toward his partner, “You’re also a terrible liar.”

“Okay, fine,” Aoba snorted, dropping his arms to his sides, annoyance evident on his features, “So what if I was?”

“You won’t find it here,” he stated simply, easily pulling Aoba into his embrace, silencing him with a very heated kiss that deepened with every knead of their lips. His fingers reached up to tangle in blue tresses, aligning Aoba's head so that he could steal his breath, before sucking delicately on his lower lip.

“Oh?” Aoba swallowed thickly, flushed as he draped his arms around Noiz's shoulders.

“Yeah,” Noiz grinned, gripping Aoba's ass firmly as he lifted him up, Aoba instinctively wrapping his legs around his waist, bringing himself to rub against Noiz's visible bulge. Aoba's gaze was scrumptiously lewd, as Noiz leaned in to nibble at the column of his throat, “I’ve stashed it away at the office, just because I know how much you like to snoop.”

“Noiz…” Aoba panted, tilting his head to allow Noiz what he wanted.

“You’re not getting it, but I do know something you can get,” he grinned, nipping the tender, pale skin that Aoba presented to him.

“Pervy brat,” Aoba whimpered.

“Yep,” Noiz chuckled, kissing him.

View Also On: AO3

Cross Posted to: drabble123

character: dmmd: noiz, character: dmmd: aoba, style: slash, length: 251 - 350, type: drabble, pairing: dmmd: noiz/aoba, rating: pg, warning: none, @ comm: drabble123, fandom: dramatical murder, genre: romance, style: established relationship, media: fanfiction, style: post series

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