► Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
Yes, as long as said thread is open to everyone.
► Backtagging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
Definitely. Mun is a backtagger herself, so it should be fair that others can do the same for him.
► Hugging this character?:
Seriously? Uh, sure, go ahead. ...If you caught him off guard. Expect flailing and death threats.
► Giving this character a kiss?:
...Seriously? See above, but with greater degrees of death threats. It's not everyday you see someone wanting to give him an.... action of admiration.
► Starting a physical/romantic relationship with this character?:
Dude once removed the only piece of cloth a certain little girl was wearing and didn't even blush. If that's not a sign of him being asexual, I don't know what is.
....Why the heck do you even want a romantic relationship with Accelerator?
► Punching this character:
Can you even? HECK YES. Just be wary of, uh, consequences.
► Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character?:
Nothing, really. Though some things can set of a couple of violent reactions.
► Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF:
As mentioned before, Accelerator's ability is known as "Vector Control" - he is capable of manipulating any vector quantity of any object he can touch. He's used to be near godmod levels, but trying to be good for once gave him one heck of a handicap. That's just nice, destiny, trying to help motivate him towards redemption. /sarcasm. Now he has a 15 minute limit, and he has less calculation abilities - ergo, he can't be as creative as he was before, like launching plasma balls at people. He's still quite the hard guy to beat though.
Mun herself's having a hard time figuring out how to beat the guy, so if you think he's still unfair, PM me and I'll give you a few tips. XD
► Anything else, please mention here:
Mun is not responsible for any nightmare you get concerning him.