Sorry for the size, but there's really a lot to say...
It's random, it's very random, I'm sorry for that too.
The club where the live took place shares the same building with a huge shopping mall Forus. I arrived there quite early, at about 3-30, while the doors open at 5-30.
I entered the building, asked the exact club location at the information desk, and made my way directly to Junk Box. As I came, I saw a staff girl arranging the goods on the table. There were 4 fans already standing there. They stared in shock at me for a few seconds, but I looked as if I didn’t noticed anything. I was standing nearby and watching the staff girl working. She was fussing about a little bit, fetching boxes and stuff. Then she brought a CD and turned on ‘Frontier’ (I suppose not only for making a kind of an ad, but because those four girls were listening to Matenrou Opera on their mobile phones or whatever xD). After that the staff asked us to queue up on the opposite side of the corridor we were standing in. By that time two more fans arrived. We formed a line, the staff girl went on arranging the goods and I was examining the merchandise. Finally, she asked us to come and choose. Right before me a girl got sooo cute cheki with Leda *.* After buying the goods I made up my mind to go for a walk as it was awfully stuffy there in the club. Because I went to Sendai alone (my friend had an exam on that day so she couldn’t go with me), I had nothing to do before the live, so I just was hanging around the place. With the time approaching to the doors open, I thought about go catch some Deluhi staff to ask about present boxes as I didn’t see them in the club. But first I went to the rest room in the Forus shopping mall and I saw a club staff guy with a Deluhi sticker on his jeans, but he went away very quickly so I didn’t have time to ask him anything. Then I just came back to the club, there was no queue near the merchandise table already, so I simply came to the staff girl and asked her about presents for the members. She said she would go and give the presents to the members herself \(*.*)/ She thanked me so sincerely that even got me confused a little. I was so happy, no worries now whether the boys will get them or not, my gifts for Leda and Juri are safe xD really I felt so relieved… I was quite nervous all that time, not only because that’s going to be my first Deluhi live, but also because I made a lot of efforts creating the presents and all, so I really wanted the guys get them. Anyway, I still had some time to hang about. The thing is, I was late xDD I forgot about the time, lol. I rushed to the club, the staff girl told me to go inside right away. Again there was no queue, everyone was inside already. Now some words about the club itself. Wow… eh… it’s SO small!! Like, 2x2 sq.meters XDD really, i've never seen such a tiny club! There was a fence or railing in the middle of the hall, dividing it into two parts, A and B. I got my ticket number B63. but there were not so many people anyway, so I stood in the 2nd raw in the B section. Though there was quite enough space in the A section, no one came there. There was enough room in my section too, so I could stand freely without anyone touching me at all. By the way, the hall wasn’t sold out. I think the club can accommodate some 200 people, but only 120-150 or even less people came.
So I stood in the second raw of the B section, but it wasn't too far from the stage, i expected things to be worse. We all have been standing there about some 15 minutes more. I liked the background music, some really cool American metal band, I don’t remember the name though I know the band.. (I think that was something from Leda’s favorites xD) nevertheless, it was making a really well-fitting atmosphere.
The start was announced. The light went off, SE began playing. A new one. Not the opening from Yggdalive mini-album. This one was very ‘rocky’ and powerful. We started clapping slowly to the rhythm. The first one to come out was Sujk, no surprise~ Wow, he appeared to be so close! I didn’t expect that at all xD He’s beautiful *.* especially with this long hair of his <3
The next one is Aggy. Someone once called him a black panther. Yep. He is.
Next. Squeals. Because suddenly Leda appeared on the stage. Really suddenly. Just came out, stepped up on the Juri’s pedestal, showed off a little bit in his costume, smiled and jumped off to his kamite. He looked pleased but a little bit reserved… at the same time his smile was kind of playful~ Actually, to tell the truth, i thought that something is not over yet, that Leda will come out from backstage again XD he just turned to be so…. real.
Aaand finally - bokaru-san! Jumped out as if he was bitten XDDDD it was awesome XDD he’s such a chiiiild~~~ even more of a child than Leda is:3 and he’s small. really, he’s short^^ about my height I suppose (and I’m 165 cm high) but he’s so cute… little miracle. He gets so much pleasure from being on stage. From getting everyone’s attention, from everyone watching him. Juri’s extremely energetic, I can’t even describe! A little rocket xD And his smile is so sweet, very nice~ His VOICE. Oh man, this is VOICE! Incredible. That's funny, the shorter a vocalist is, the more powerful and deep voice he has. Remember Yomi of Nightmare? xD
They started with No Salvation Remix. So sudden! O_o
Juri’s diction is very clear when he sings, he managed that..ehm..’rap’ part in the song perfectly, but he can’t articulate properly when he speaks xDD later about this…
The next song was G.A.L.D. followed, of course, by Revolver Blast. I love GALD so much! And it was so much fun live!! And Revolver blast, too. It really… blasts.
Btw, Leda sings! He sings the lines ‘For your memory’ and ‘For your destiny’ of GALD. On the live he was heard perfectly despite it was back vocal. Leda has a really pleasant voice, so soft and melodic *.* he’s voice resembles Juri’s a bit, that’s why on the CD it seems that back vocals made by Juri as well, but no, that’s Leda. I wasn’t surprised by that fact, as far back as Leda was in Galneryus I’ve noticed him on back vocals singing along with Syu and Yuhki.
Unfortunately I don't remember exactly the songs order T_T
But the setlist is something like that:
Orion Once Again - Juri didn’t tortured us a lot, we just sang the chorus about 4 times~
Remember the rain - that was so beautisul! ** it really was. I liked the stage lighting at this song and in general. I mean, taking into consideration the club dimensions and, huh, the equipment… So, during the slow parts only Juri was illuminated with such a pale blue light… the scene was fantastic, and so….how do I put it… sensual.
Wake up - wooooow, it’s amazing!!!! This one is just made for being performed live. But here all my power ran out T___T I couldn’t get enough air to jump and sing at the same time, I was getting out of breath…
Two hurt -Juri made us jumping for like 5 minutes without stopping!! Little monster XD~
Then….Skapegoat, Shadow Six, Shade, Flow Snow, Hello, Hybrid Truth, Frontier
and Baby Play, if I remember correctly....
don’t know why, but they didn’t play The Farthest. I wanted it so much T__T
I think Hybrid Truth was the last one.
Probably it was the first time ever I really wanted to give them all my energy. Only them.
I sang along with Juri the whole live. I stood right in front of him, by the way. Leda’s kamite was crowded a lot, so there was no point in trying to get there.
….the thing is, it wasn't very interesting watching Leda, because the first part of the live he was so much in his guitar. He was enjoying the live a lot, but didn’t pay much attention to the public, while Juri was….like…. completely with us. He was constantly looking into fans’ faces, changing glances with someone, waved to others, thanked them with gestures, was all playful and so on, quite often made us understand we’re great public^^ he manipulates the crowd magnificently. Maybe that’s because currently they have the most loyal fans coming to their lives. It’s the best period of time for any band, that’s my opinion.
Leda so to say let himself go only in the second part of the live, but I’ll write about him in a special paragraph.
Juri….Juri constantly jumped about like a madman, sang, screamed and everything almost at the same time XD I don’t know where he gets so much energy from! Several times he kind of strained his voice, but somehow managed to recover very quickly. His singing was smooth, he got all the notes right, there was almost no fail in his performance. I mean, he’s so young both in his age and in stage performing experience, but seems so professional. I was impressed. To make a little comparison, a few days before this Deluhi live I visited the GazettE’s live, but even Ruki had some problems in his singing and performance though he is long enough on stage, a lot longer than Juri is. Maybe Ruki didn’t feel well that day or whatever, I simply want to emphasize the high level Deluhi performs at.
Juri’s great, that’s for sure <3 seriously, if I were a Juri fan, I would have died from happiness on this live xDD
He's really such a cutie~ smiles a lot and often, like almost all live long, laughs a lot. He feels completely at ease on stage, in front of the public. I think I even fell in love with him~<3
I didn’t see Sujk much, just a little when he appeared on the stage. But he’s one of the best drummers ever, that’s for sure, too. Sujk is funny~ he and Leda made a little music fight during Sujk’s solo performance x)) first Sujk played something, it was Mario Brothers theme. That was fantastic! such a cool part *.* then he played some rhythmic pattern and Leda from backstage replied him with this Mario sound, it was a lot of fun.
Aggy. He plays his bass as if he holds a girl in his hands *.* that’s so beautiful! Bass-guitar fits him perfectly, it’s like they are created for each other. And he gets heaps of pleasure from the music and from playing for everyone. He’s making faces, being funny, he shows off, but in reality he is nice and pleasant person.
Is it time to write about Leda?... I… don't know. I can't. Not right now.
May I speak about Juri a little more?^^ During the MC he was stuttering all the time x)) he was really in no condition of uttering words x))) he was just laughing all the time.
Juri said that before Deluhi's live they went to greet (If I got it right, ‘aisatsu’) Girugamesh, who were making a live too. There were screams ‘Satoshi’ in the crowd, and apparently someone decided to make fun, Juri got it wrong and was like “Eh?! SatoCHI?!” but all in all the fans assured him it was ‘Satoshi’ xD but omg you should have seen Juri’s face xDDDD
Before the encore all the members stood on the stage and talked to each other as if they were just on a rehearsal or something x))) they were joking around, jibing at each other and stuff.
During the encore, Leda: “You know, Deluhi stuff can be very useful! (here Juri steps aside to vacate for leader-san enough room on his pedestal) Juri-kun, come here, hold the mic. Lets’ imagine you’re being late to your work (starts running on the spot, imitates being out of breath. Ohh man, he’s so sexy doing this kind of things xDD) But you have no neck-tie with you! What should you do?! BUT! You happened to have a muffler towel and a wristband with you. You’re coming back from a Deluhi live ne! So, you don’t have a nick-tie with you. That’s very simple. Juri-kun, come here (drags the poor vocalist, puts the towel round his neck and the ends of the towel puts through the wristband) Here it is! Your neck-tie.” *the crowd drops dead xDDDD* Juri wore this ‘neck-tie’ the whole encore, that’s so nice~.
Hmm, you may form 'Leda' from the word 'leader'. That means something, ne? XD
When he came out, for some time I felt like he wasn't here, it wasn’t enough for me.. I even didn’t look at him, firstly because I didn’t see him well, he stood far and secondly, he let Juri to drag all the attention. I started ‘noticing’ Leda only during his solo performance. After fifth or sixth song everybody left the stage except Leda. I know it was improvisation. Perhaps partially marked, but still improvisation, because he started with something strange, confusing, not very clear and pleasant, even rough and boring…dull. I was like ‘what are you doing, stop this please. Don’t scare me’. I think it was improvisation because he couldn’t ‘went out’ of a riff for quite some time, that I even thought he’s somewhere in his own world and plays automatically XD
But nevermind, just a warm up~ and here he started his real playing O____O slapping on guitar. Funk. That was incredibly awesome! So rhythmic!
He was at his best. And we were, too. Well, some of us. Anyway, i noticed two persons who were getting an immense pleasure from the music. Me and one more guy, he seemed to be a great Leda fan, because he kept his eyes fixed on Leda and caught his every movement x)) he was the only Japanese who didn’t stood like a pole, but somehow reacted to the music even when everybody stood still.
But Leda made us move, he gave the rhythm to clap to and the crowd was brought to life again. And after this magnificent funk, Sujk appeared on the stage. Aaaand they did such a BLUES!!! That…that was… oh god, I dropped dead. The music wasn’t sad at all, but very-very-VERY beautiful, which made me cry. Those tears weren’t hysterical or anything. That was just my reaction to the music…….to HIS music. To HIM.
When they first came out on the stage, I just thought ‘Oh, in real life they’re better than on the pictures and scans’. And I had a feeling that I know them for ages… well, I know them for quite a while, but not THAT long. And during all the live I was with them. Second in second. That's so new to me. Every time I am on a live I fly away to my own world, and I don’t see or hear what is going on the stage, but this time it was completely different. That was so much better than before. I felt the music with all my heart and body.
That was like at a small friends' live, and I've visited quite a number of such…. The same feeling that you know them all your life and that just four guys who can play the instruments really good gathered there and called their friends to have fun. Especially this feeling went strong when Leda was telling something from the stage without a mic.
And we made this wonderful final jump on ichi, ni, san~~~ it brings you closer to the band and makes a great end of the live.