******THE BASICS******
Full Name: Danielle Rayann Towe
Birthday: 10-4-89
Location: San Diego. cali
School/Mascot/Colors: west hills/wolf/blue, black and silver
Zodiac Sign: libra
Shoe Size: 9
Height: 5'7
Pets: 1 cat, 1 dog, 1 bird
Siblings: Mikey
Eye color: pink
Hair color: Brown with blonde and red streaks
Grade: 10th.
Hobbies: I don’t know….does hanging out with the coolest kids ever count
Nicknames: Trooper
What languages do you speak? English
Do you play sports? Tonsil Hockey…..hahaha I had to put that
Where were you born? San Diego, cali
Are you a night or a morning person? Night.
Are you ticklish? Yes.
Do you believe in God? yup
!!!!!!Getting Personal!!!!!!
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don’t wanna grow up
What was the worst day of your life? Does my whole freshmen year count?
What is your most embarrassing story? How I was scared of the cloud nine van when I was little..
What has been the best day of your life? I have a lot
What comes first in your life? Family and friends
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? I don’t really know
What are you most scared of? Being alone and fucking witches
If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? I don’t know.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Damn I tired or something I forget to do.
(:About your friends
Whose your funniest friend? Kaylyn/Lisa/ Julia
Who makes you laugh most? Lisa
Who do you E-mail most? Katie Timan
Whose your meanest friend? Ceaser…but I still love him
Whose the loudest? Kaylyn/Lisa/ Julia
Whose the shyest? None.
Whose the smartest? Ummmm idk we all have out moments
Whose the wildest? ME
Whose your best friend? Kaylyn/Lisa/ Julia……those three cuz they rock so effing much
Who do you go for girl/guy advice? None
Who knows all your secrets? Lisa
Whose the prettiest? All of them all my friends are sexy bitches
Whose your cutest girl/guy friend? cuetest test guy..Jordan and gabe I love those to
Whose the most understanding? All
Whose the most honest? All
Whose the weirdest? All
Movie: The notebook and way more
Song: today it is andy griggs- shes more
Band/Group: idk
Store: IDK
Relative: My mommy shes awesome….
Vacation Spot: The beach
Ice Cream Flavor: All the ones that lisa makes for me at cold stone, cuz there made with love
Fruit: strawberrys
Candy: kit-kats
Car: Kaylyns car.
Class: all of my classes are awsome
Holiday: Valentines day,,,, I ♥ romantic stuff
Day of the Week: Friday.and Saturday night
Color: pink
Magazine: idk…..
Name for a Girl: amber
Name for a Boy: trevor
^^^^^^In the Past 24 Hours have You^^^^^^
Had a serious talk?: I guess
Hugged someone?: yup
Fought with a friend?: Nope
Cried?: no
Laughed?: yup
Made someone laugh?: yup
Bought something?: yup
Cut your hair?: yup
Felt stupid?: nope
Talked to someone you love?: yes….my friends….I love all of them
Missed someone?: yeah
??????Have you Ever??????
Done drugs?: No
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: Nope
Been dumped?: yup
Had someone be unfaithful to you?: yup
Watched punky Brewster?: I don’t even know what that is
Hiked a mountain?: yup
Stayed home on Saturday night, just because?: Yup
Been in love?: maybe ..probably no
Seen the White house?: I think I did
Seen the Eiffel tower? nope
Tried smoking?: yes.
Drank alcohol?: hahah yeah….fun times
Smoked marijuana?: no
Played monopoly?: Yes.
Seen Titanic?: bunches of times
Tried a weight loss program?: yeah
Jumped on a trampoline?: Yup…and during a thunder storm in the woods
Visited another country?: yup mexico and canada
Colored in a coloring book?: yup
Been on a plane?: yup
Been on a boat?: Yup.
Been on a train?: yuo
Been in a car accident?: yeah with ginnifer…..
Ridden an elephant?: No but wouldn’t that be cool if you could just put one in your pocket lol
Made a web page?: does myspace count?
Played with Barbies?: yup
Stayed up all night?: yup
Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?: yup
Broken a bone?: yup
Called a physchic or sex hotline?: hahah yeah with lisa…..im storkin my 8 in cock hahaha soo soo sooo funny
Watched Jerry Springer?: yup
Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: all the freakin time
Been afraid of the dark?: yup still am.
Been in the hospital(not visiting)?: yup,,,I wasn’t born in a barn
Had stitches?: yup a bunch of times
Dumped someone and regretted it?: yeah…..
Went out with more than one person at a time?: no…..but cheated.
Lied?: yup
Been arrested?: nope
Fallen asleep in class?: yup
Used food for something other than to eat?: no
Meet a celebrity?: Yes.
Broken the law?: yup
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?: Yeah but I don’t think I loved that person
Hated yourself?: yeah
Been brokenhearted? I think so
Broke someones heart? Yeah I think so
~~~~~~Do You~~~~~~
Like to give hugs?: yup
Like to walk in the rain?: yup and race leaf boats
Sleep with or without clothes on?: with..
Prefer black or blue pens?: Black.
Dress up on Halloween?: yup
Have a job?: no.
Like to travel?: sometimes.
Like someone?: not that I can think of
Do they know?: no
Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: stomach or side
Think your attractive?: Heck yes im one sexy bitch
Want to marry?: Yes..
Have a goldfish?: nope
Ever have the falling dream?: yeah
Have stuffed animals?: yeah….my cat humps all of them
%%%%What do you think about%%%%
Abortion: idk its sad
Bill Clinton: love him
Smoking: w/e
Eating Disorders: gross
Rap: Love it
Jerry Springer: love it
Suicide: hate it
South Park: funny
Summer: Love it
Tattoos: love em well my moms
Peircing: love em
Make-up: love it, eye stuff is the best
Drinking: fun shit
Guys: sooo effing hot
Girls: fun
*What do you think when you hear this name*
Jennifer: STD’s haha
Lindsey: Mean girls
Megan: eddies sister
Brandon: I don’t know anyone with that name
Christina: im listening to her right now…nobody wants to be lonly
Angela: angie
Courtney: bitch
Jeff: the old jeff
Mike: my brother
Nikki: no-one
Ryan: aww I miss him from last year
Lauren: Can I touch your golden locks hahah
Derek: my couzion
Lisa: Bestest friend and sexiest girl ever haha
Kristi: the lady from project safe
Matt: 3 things…..ex matt eww…..hot matt in math class….and the guy that we were talking to at jack in the box
Holly: x-mas
Jackie: this girls I was friends with she had a huge afro
Cait: meow
Caroline: outkast
Joseph: idont
Eline: idk
Patrick: kaylyns ex boner
Erin: aaron……old but good memorys
-This or That-
Pierced nose or tongue? tongue.
Be serious or funny? funny
Single or taken? taken
Simple or Complicated? Idk
Law or anarchy? law
MTV or VH1? MTV>>>real world and laguna beach
7th Haven or Dawsons Creek? Dawsons creek
Sugar or salt? mint
Silver or gold? silver
Chocolate or flowers? flowers
Angels or miracles? idk
Color or Black-and-white photos? idk
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
M&Ms or Skittles? skittles
Rap or Rock? Idk it depends on who im with
Stay up late or sleep in? sleep in
TV or radio? tv
Hot or cold? cold
Tall members of the opposite sex or short? tall I love em tall
Sun or moon? moon.
What time is it? 12:02 in the am
Diamond or Ruby? damond
Left or Right? right.
10 acquaintances or 1 bestfriend? 1 Best friend.
Vanilla or chocolate? Neither….mint
Kids or not? kids
Cat or dog? cats
Half empty or Half full? half empty.
Mustard or ketchup? ketchup.
Newspaper or Magazine? magazine.
Spring or Fall? spring
Give or receive? both
Rain or snow? rain
Lace or satin? lace
A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Sex!!!! cuz you can be friend with other people
Happy or sad? happy
Corduroy or plaid? corduroy
Wonder or amazement? idk
sneakers or sandals? No shoes at all
McDonalds or Burger King? Jack in the box
Blondes or Brunettes? Black haird
Mexican or Italian food? mexican
Lights on or off? off
Duct tape or scotch tape? staples
Candy or soda? soda.
A house in the woods or the city? city.
Pepsi or Coke? coke!
Nike or ADIDAS? adidas.