I was gonna do some late-night drawing, but then my brain was just like..."No"...there's something wrong with my art-ness.
1. Your first car?
Searched: "Honda Civic"+blue
2. Where you grew up?
Searched: Boulder, Colorado
Khgyah...it's never this green. Rarely...is it ever this green. Maybe if we have a really wet Spring.
3. Where you live now?
Searched: Gunbarrel, Colorado
4. Your name?
Searched: Nick Curtiss
Holy hell, this is an old drawing. This is a reminant from my Elfwood account, which I haven't updated in years...it's got my old stuff.
http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/n/i/nickcurtiss/nickcurtiss.htmlThere's actually a couple decent drawings there, but most of it's old.
5. Your grandmother's name?
Searched: Oddy Curtiss
She was actually my great grandmother, but...nyeh. She was a potter and artist. ^_^
7. Favorite drink?
Searched: coke+lime
For some reason the majority of the images were of the diet version. Bizzare.
8. Favorite song?
Searched: The Seatbelts+Blue
9. Favorite smell?
Searched: ocean beach
10. Last thing you ate?
Searched: chicken