Youtube Vids

Jan 25, 2007 19:41

When I am using the OSU computer lab, I bring my earphones and just play videos off of Youtube in an effort to drown out the otherwise distracting sounds of other people breathing, typing and yelling into their cell phones. Here are some of those videos:

Lordi Blood Red Sandman

I stumbled on this video today, actually. Lordi, of course, won Eurovision 2006 with Hard Rock Hallejulah, a paean to the awesomeness of rockingness. On a whim, I searched for other songs they perform and, after listening to several I found less than inspiring, stumbled onto Blood Red Sandman. I'm not sure if the Evil Dead-evocative video or the mad employment of a melodious choral transition between episodes of maximum rocking won me over more, but this is definitely a song I have to use lots of m-words to describe. The last bit of the song before the final fake-out scare makes me want to run screaming into the wall, but in the good way.

Awesomest Lyric: "They called me 'Smiling Jack.' They prayed to the Heavens above that I would never, ever come back!" Yes, that's at the very beginning. Yes, that's because no matter how much Lordi is rocking, they're using the phrase 'blood red sandman' in the midst of that rocking.

Black Box Recorder Facts of Life

I have absolutely no idea why I love this song. Every time I'm not listening to it, I feel an insipid sort of craving to be listening to it. After some intensely expensive psychological assumption-making, I'm prepared to state that this song is like a long-term secret crush. You hold it close to your chest, cradled like a small fragile baby, and when the object of your crush happens to be in approximately the same space as you, your head goes all foggy and you wonder if, perhaps, this is the time to realize all the potential you've conjured up in your brain. When you don't make a move, the crush swells, all that hope and longing fueling it to hang heavily around your neck even longer; if you do make the plunge, the crush generally shrivels and dies for whatever reason, a monument to despair writ large 'pon your world. This song is a crush I can never disrupt. That's why it's perfect.

Hardest Crushing Lyric: "They develop into sweet dreams. It's just the facts of life." Sometimes, the chorus really is the best bit.

Daler Mehndi Tunak Tunak Tun

Some songs just sizzle no matter the subject. Daler Mehndi's song I originally stumbled onto through a random link, as is the beauty of the internet. Certainly, you sometimes end up with this and the world grows three shades darker, but there are still songs out there like Tunak (the name I originally saw it posted under) that make you realize all the foibles and slights of life are worth it in the larger scheme of things. Had I perished on some lonely highway illegally transporting hedgehogs, I may never have learned of Tunak and I would be diminished, even in death. Yes, life affirmation comes in the form of YouTube videos.

It's Not In English Note Of What I Like: Which color-garbed Daler Mehndi are you? I am definitely the one who is all in red because he rolls his eyes and crosses his arm at first, but by the end of the song he's kicking it old school with everybody else. Even the hardest heart melts for Tunak.

Oingo Boingo No One Lives Forever over video assembled from the goriest bits of Shaun of the Dead

There's also a Hellsing tribute with a live version of the song if you're into that.

Why did I never realize I was an Oingo Boingo fan? Well, it's actually just because I never heard this song. The exquisite composition and nihilistic fatalism are like scientific bullets built to slam directly into my heart, bypassing every cynical defense I possess to resist enjoying things. It's like Voodoo Glow Skulls' Left For Dead or Oysterhead's Pseudo Suicide, each tickling the exact triggers on my cerebellum to make me love them unabashedly. If I could, I would marry this song, and we would appear in such luminary films as Texas Chainsaw Massacre Two together.

Ironically Life-Affirming Lyric: "So celebrate while you still can; any second it may end; and when it's over said and done: better that you had some fun!" I am totally not certain about that punctuation.

I'm sure you've all seen Orange Crush so I'll opt out of posting that one. I guess I should go do something a tad more productive anyway.
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