FAQ Part 3: The Communicators

Jan 02, 2011 16:04

the Communicators
what are the communicators?

Upon arrival in Demeleier, residents will find themselves equipped with two things. The first will be their rowan crown, which is detailed here, and the second will be their communicator. The communicator is a handheld device capable of text, voice and video options. It also comes equipped with a touch screen and a stylus, enabling residents to handwrite or draw on the screen.

The communicators are slightly smaller than an adult hand, with a touch screen that largely dominates the device. The default screen setting is black, with an icon that, when touched, will bring up a broadcasting option. The keypad, used for making text-only replies, is on-screen, and readily available when a field to input text is tapped. A small mouthpiece and speakers, positioned as on a regular phone, are used to make or respond to audio posts. Similarly, a camera, which the user may toggle to view facing via the back of the device or the screen, is used in making video posts. Finally, a small stylus is slotted into the back of the device. When used on the screen, it gives the user the option to handwrite or draw a message, which can then be uploaded to the network.

Pressing a small button on the side of the communicator can lock the screen, but careless bumps may unlock it at any time.

General, open broadcasts are the default setting. To make a post to specific people, users will have to manually input the contacts before activating the feed.

Finally, the communicators do not appear to require charging of any kind. There is no battery icon, no slots to input power cables - nothing to indicate that it will need, at any time, to be recharged.

what is 'the network'?

‘The Network’ refers simply to the linking of the resident’s communicators. When a resident makes a post, it becomes part of ‘The Network’ and is (unless stated otherwise) freely open to other viewers to tap into the feed. It does not seem to go out of range. As a result, residents of Demeleier can use their communicators anywhere in Demeleier, and still be able to access the network.

In the same manner as the mansion’s electricity, there are no central hubs to suggest what powers the network, or where it is stored.

are there any privacy issues? is there a way to lock content?

First of all, No post is ‘unhackable’. It may be extremely difficult to hack if the character has the know-how, but it will still be able to be hacked by another character who has the know-how for that.

As previously stated, any and all posts made to the network are defaulted to an open broadcast - this means that anyone can read these entries. However, residents can lock their entries, or direct them to a select list of others, if they have the know-how. If they also have knowledge of encryption or codes, they can make their entries more secure.

Private posts to another member are viewable only to that member - unless, of course, the feed has been hacked. The only time where this is not the case is when two or more users attempt to make a private feed in the subthreads or responses to another person’s feed. The initial poster, as well as the users making the private feed, will be able to view and access all that is said here. At this moment in time, this is not general knowledge among the residents in Demeleier!

The Guardian can, and will at times, be able to read any content posted on the network. This does not mean that he will and that he knows absolutely everything that goes on; simply that he is able to. Similarly, the Queen may read and reply to whatever she likes, though whether or not she uses the communicators herself is entirely up for debate. This is also not common knowledge among the residents of Demeleier!

The fae have been known, at times, to interrupt feeds - filling them with static, replacing the words with songs, clipping off to show different parts of Demeleier - and are generally nuisances about it.

if my character breaks one, can it be replaced?

The devices are surprisingly sturdy little things, but if you do break one, then you will be given a new one as a replacement by the Guardian. Please try to take care of it, though.

what if another character steals mine and uses it as their own?

Hopefully you and the player of the other character would have discussed this beforehand!

But, yes, this is allowed. The character who has stolen or is otherwise using the communicator will not be able to send messages under their own name. They will come up as being sent from the proper owner.

Got any other questions? Ask us here!

> FAQ 1: Out of Character
> FAQ 2: NPCs, Fair Folk, and Protection

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