The new layout is complete, featuring the lovely David Bowie! Thanks for your input guys. Check out both
the journal itself and
the userinfo to see the new pretty shininess.
Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what song the lyrics on the header are from. (Effort points to those who can tell me where the navigational links take their titles).-
Comments 12
Hey wanna make me some banners in exchange for Olympic smut or something? ;) You pick the pairing.
What kind of banners do you want?
As to what pairing I want... either Thorpe/Phelps pr0n or Nemov/Hamm Twins pr0n.
I would have voted, but i either didnt know or didnt like either of the choices... nor could i think of any others :P
And it's no big thing. I'm just so horribley indecisive. I started making a Michael Phelps layout hated it and deleted it, then I started on a autumn themed one and nearly threw my monitor of the desk. lol. I thought it would be better to let someone else decide.
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Just was wondering if you could let me know how to put in code to have a banner at the top of my journal, above my header links (like you've done,) as well as have the image and links centered.
And also how you made your date and time on the entries look as how you have them!
Any help I would really appriciate!!!
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