SUP DEMELEIER, it's time for your monthly Watch Meeting! This will be held at 1pm on the 27th, in the Town Hall, and will be held by Valeria and Souji. Souji's still pretty worse for wear, so Valeria will be doing most of the talking.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the meetings, the Watch holds them in order to discuss Demeleier's current affairs and faery hijinks and harassing Karkat. Residents of the village who are not part of the Watch are welcome and encouraged to attend. And there's food, unless Med'an and Kyouko (and now Yuyuko?) eat it all. This is an OOC organization post just to keep everyone on the same page.
Attendance;If your character will be attending, please comment here! This meeting is open to all residents, not just Watch members.
The Agenda;* General Fae Activity. Current topics regarding the fae are Black Annis, responsible for Maria's death, the theory that the Guardian is the Fae King, and the Queen's apparent involvement with Adachi's attack. This is largely open floor, and if residents have others things to bring up they are free to do so.
* Adachi. So how about that asshole The events of Friday night will be discussed - going over what happened, what damage was done, and how to proceed from here. Souji, of the belief that Adachi will be returning within a few days, is of a mind that room should be made to incarcerate him upon his rearrival. If your characters have questions they'd like to ask, now would be the time.
* Population Changes. June has seen several new arrivals showing up - but it seems that Zelda and Viola have disappeared again. Tsuna and Feferi are also gone. If others have been noted, here is the place to share them!
* Missing Persons. There have been several disappearances, but no confirmed missing persons. Karkat, Ange, and Adachi, all three of whom died on Friday night, are yet to return?
* Wards & Effectiveness. The links of iron that were forged for each resident, the rowan crowns, the iron and rowan fortifications added to the village buildings. Those in attendance will be be asked for feedback about how well (or poorly) these things are working. Souji will also look for an update in progress regarding refitting all the crofts with iron. Characters are highly encouraged to offer ideas for how better to protect individuals of the community as a whole! This is another open floor topic.
* Community Expansion/Improvement. We still have plans for some rough farming land to be put into action! The roof of the greenhouse was also broken in Adachi's attack, and will need fixing as quickly as possible. Souji wil look to other people with more expertise for their opinion regarding this, and people are welcome to make other suggestions for what they'd like to see.
* Resource Management/Gathering. An overview of current stocks and supplies will be given. The success of our hunting and gathering will be discussed, as well as what we're finding a lot of versus what's less common. If someone present would like to volunteer to help with cooking duties at the inn, they will be given a chance to do so.
* Watch Recruitment, Restructuring, etc. Please comment here if your character is interested in joining the Watch or has recently joined so that we can update the roster accordingly. If they have any partner or shift time preferences, let us know here.
Due to a recent increase in numbers, people don't need to do as many shifts. Also, some pairs have been reshuffled - it's better for new arrivals to be paired with someone experienced.
* Reports. Upon joining the Watch, all members received an explanation from Souji about how to submit reports. Reports can be about the thing in the closet, encounters with various fae, change in fae activity in this or that area, suspicious behavior from a person, RECENT EVENTS, etc. Watch members are to submit oral or written reports to Souji at least once a fortnight, even if just to let him know they haven't really encountered anything of note.
* General Concerns, Questions, Suggestions. Any general concerns, questions, or suggestions had by anyone at the meeting will be addressed, too, so shoot them here and note that that's what it is / what would have been commented, asked, or suggested please!
* Open Floor. Open floor is exactly that. Anything goes here so long as it's watch or community-oriented and/or related. That includes introductions, discussions regarding sparring, bartering, sharing of information, announcements, and other things.
Re: Joining the Watch;Please comment here if your character is interested in joining the Watch or has recently joined so that we can update the roster accordingly. If they have any partner or shift time preferences, let us know here.
The Roster;This is the most recent rota:
Watch Rota6 am - 2 pm2 pm - 10 pm10 pm - 6 am
Monday Viola & Rock
Link & Minako
Karkat & Yamamoto
Ryu & Chelle
Souji & Cidriel
Thereth & Valeria
TuesdayViola & Rock
Link & Minako
Karkat & Yamamoto
Ryu & Chelle
Souji & Cidriel
Thereth & Valeria
WednesdayViola & Rock
Link & Minako
Karkat & Yamamoto
Ryu & Chelle
Souji & Cidriel
Thereth & Valeria
ThursdayLink & Minako
Med'an & Ange
Yosuke & Duibhin
Aureln & Kanji
Souji & Cidriel
Thereth & Valeria
FridayRyu & Chelle
Med'an & Ange
Yosuke & Duibhin
Homura & Kyouko
Aureln & Kanji
Guilford & Aigis
SaturdayKarkat & Yamamoto
Med'an & Ange
Yosuke & Duibhin
Homura & Kyouko
Aureln & Kanji
Guilford & Aigis
Sunday Viola & Rock
Med'an & Ange
Yosuke & Duibhin
Homura & Kyouko
Aureln & Kanji
Guilford & Aigis
How this post will work;I'm going to comment to this post with categorical titles based upon the things you have already read to make things easier to organize. Just throw your comments under the right category and feel free to tag one another within it!
If anything has been forgotten, or overlooked, leave a comment on this post, or ping me via PM or on AIM at fleijaing!