Fae Encounters;
First and most notably, Pillywiggin Troops will appear in the village on Monday afternoon. By Tuesday morning, the village will be covered in flowers. The flowers aren't particularly special, but there might be some structural damage if you're not careful about where they grow! Watching the Pillywiggins will make you feel calm and relaxed. While they won't mean much harm, if you try to uproot the flowers without their say so, they will swarm you and sting you quite badly. Have fun! They will remove the majority of flowers by Thursday.
On Tuesday, from 2pm-3pm, you'll be able to see Nessie basking in loch. If you're very lucky, you'll be able to see her face above the water. She won't attack anyone, but if anyone comes too close she'll behaving in a threatening manner, and then slip under the water again.
The Far Dorocha will appear around the village randomly. The black shadow will not make any gestures or appear afraid of any action at all. However, if you happen to catch him with one of the Black Dogs, a white, blinding smile will cross his face and then he will vanish. This smile will fill any character with a sudden freezing terror and they will be unable to move for a few short seconds.
Arken Sonney can be found in the village. These piglets are very hard to catch, but if you manage to do so, they will grant you one wish. Please comment here with your wish if you want your characters to catch one of the pigs! Remember that they are small wishes and you won't be able to get anything large from them.
A Grugrach may visit homes late at night. If you give her shelter, she will help you with little projects you are working on. If you don't, then you can expect the Black Dogs to attack you for the remainder of this week. Virika will also haunt you, and your house will draw more Bogeymen.
Puca will show up in the form of shaggy black horses. If you want to jump up on one's back, comment here and discuss with the moderators what wild ride it'll take your character on, and what it'll say while you're hurtling around.
The forest will be teeming with Wood Woes and Cu Sith. The Tree Folk are somewhat approachable for the most part, and will only minimally twist the paths of the forest today.
Ogres are getting aggressive again. A few groups of about five may venture down to the village to attack.
Please remember that other fae can be interacted with if you so choose! These are only a few specific suggestions. If in need of an idea, please see the
e = Event
f = Fae
☀ = Sun
彡 = Wind
☂ = Rain
☁ = Overcast
f: pillywiggin troops
f: nessie
f: pillywiggin troops f: pillywiggin troops
f: pillywiggin troops
e: night mare
e: night mare
The Night Mare Event is scheduled for the 23rd and the 24th. The theme will be fear, and the format will be Player Dreams.
What are player dreams? You write up your dreams and post them to the logging community or your own journal. People tag in with characters who witness the dream and then actively become a part of it, changing it with their presence and perhaps learning more about the person who posted the dream.
Anyone who takes part in this event will have their character fall asleep, although they do not necessarily have to write up a dream! They can just hop into others.
The Night Mare will be seen cantering through the air by those who are awake, but they will be completely unable to reach her should they chase after her.
Players should also be aware that next week the Mansion will be opening up! But there will be more detail on that nearer the time.
Moderation Team;
Please give a warm welcome to third member of the moderation team, Eilidh! She's been working behind the scenes for a while now while Rosh and Jen struggled with some OOC things. You can reach her on aim at fleijaing or over on her
Activity Check;
The Activity Check will be (re)starting on the first week of every month. This means that the next Activity Check will be on August 1st-7th, and will be covering July's activity. The following one in September will cover the activity in August, and so on. In order to pass the check, players must provide one example of suitable activity for each character they play. Examples must take place during the dates being checked. You are not allowed to backdate new activity to fit into these dates. That defeats the purpose of the check. Acceptable examples of activity are as follows:
» one journal entry in your character journal.
» one [action] or prose log in the
demeleier_logs community.
» one comment thread of ten or more replies in any character journal. You are welcome to use a thread that is still going as long it was started between the dates being checked.
In keeping with the relaxed nature of this game, we have tried to make our activity requirements easy for our players to meet. If you have any constructive feedback for us, please comment to this entry with it. We don't want to stress anyone out with this check, but we do want to encourage everyone to play their characters regularly and engage themselves in the game. That's the point, after all!