update; 1st august

Aug 01, 2011 17:34

Fae Encounters;

The village will be teeming with fae. As before, arken sonney will be running around! Remember that these piglets are difficult to catch, and if you plan to catch one for a wish, let the moderators know here! Pillywiggin Troops will also be around, but not nearly as much as they have been recently. Unfortunately, the ballybogs, virika, and bogeymen will be out en force, the latter at night. Co Walkers will also be out at night. Twilight will provide its own dangers, for the leanan sidhe and the glanconer will be out then. Ogres will skirmish from time to time too, in groups of four or five. Finally, two large black ravens will perch on the roof of the town hall. They will watch whoever comes close, and will ocassionally quork at the women of Demeleier.

The forest and river will be mostly quiet, in comparison. There will, of course, be notable exceptions. The kelpie will stand at the riverside, ready to fight or trick anyone who comes near it. The Cu Sith will skulk around this area too, so hapless travellers may find themselves having to deal with both the kelpie and the ferocious dogs. However, most of the other forest inhabitants will be quite amiable - or at least not so violent. The Tree Folk will be grumpy, but won't be particularly agressive to anyone. They will twist the paths in the forest around quite a bit, however. Despite this, the Wood Woes and satyrs will be amiable, and be throwing raucous parties for themselves. If you happen across them, they might drag you in for a dance, but that's about it. The ghille dhu are more timid than usual, and finding one will be difficult these coming weeks.

The loch and surrounding area will be dangerous at night and early in the morning as the fideal will be singing her song. Keep your wits about you and don't go too near the water at this time. In addition to her sad song, you might also find yourself allured by the ghostly asrai. During the day, the white serpent will be seen basking off on the little island. It won't come across the water, however. Water Leapers will be a hazard to any fishers, as they seem particularly abundant lately. More deadly than them is the fearsome Each Usige, who will enchant you like his cousin the kelpie and try to make a meal out of you, if you're foolish enough to approach him without your crown to protect you from his glamour.

At the graveyard, the slaugh are howling and swooping over the headstones. It won't be unlikely to see several breaking away from the group to do just this. They are probably disturbed by the presence of the Baobhan Sith, who will be sitting on either Karkat's or Ange's gravestones, brushing her hair. Come too close and she'll attack. Of course, you'd need to get by the bull beggars, headless ghosts, and leap-upons first. However, from the 10th-11th, these will all be gone with the exception of the slaugh. The Barguest will be standing in the graveyard. This fearsome dog is the size of a cart horse, breathes fire, and strikes terror into the hearts of those who see it. Be very careful when approaching it! It is not an easy beast to handle.

Finally, the mountains and the foothills will be quite quiet. Knockers will poke their heads around the beginnings of Rock's mine, but won't do anything just yet. The ogres will stay up in their caves (with the exception of the skirmishes to the town) and won't bother travellers in the mountains. Stone Fae will be active at night, and gwyllion will perch on rocks to stare at and unnerve passers by.


The Mansion will be open from Monday 1st of August to Monday 8th of August. Characters are invited to stay there. The Guardian will have created enough room for everyone. The outward appearance of the Mansion will not be changed; it'll simply be bigger inside than it is outside. The lower floor will remain the same, but the upper floors will contain enough rooms for everyone who wishes to stay in the Mansion, as well as the Guardian's own bedroom.

There will be benefits to staying in the Mansion. The first one is that the bedrooms can look however you wish! It's entirely up to you; the Guardian will have made them with your characters preferences in mind. Think of it like a hotel with rooms tailor made to you! The second benefit will be that the cupboards and fridge in the kitchen will be filled with luxury items! Sweets, juice, junk food, party food, fresh cuts of beef and pork, fresh pasta, noodles - whatever you can think of! The food will replenish throughout the week, so your character can pig out as much as they want. The third benefit will be electricity and running water! That's right, you have fully working pipes and can have a proper shower, if you want! Bathrooms can be en suite, if you like, or you can use the various large ones in the Mansion proper. Electricity means lights and electrical appliances. Characters can also play video games, but only games which will not fourth wall other characters. That means no Zelda, Devil May Cry, Persona 3, Persona 4, Yume Nikki, Breath of Fire, Mega Man, etc - nothing that can be used to fourth wall.

The fourth and largest benefit, however, will be finding the secret passage in the Guardian's bedroom and heading down to the library. You can also go into the laboratories and even down into the crypts if you find the right way, but the library will contain books of interest. The main one will be a thick book, containing several pages on different fae. Unfortunately, the pages will be stuck and immovable on each day. The format of the days will go: Monday - Black Annis (and a note). Tuesday - The Erlking (and a note, as well as his poem). Wednesday - The Laird of Morphie. Thursday - The Ballad of Tam Lin. Friday - The Nuckelavee (and this one will have some nice pictures, too). Saturday - The Hobyah [Warning! This story might disturb people who don't like seeing bad things happening to animals] (a note will be sitting atop this page). Sunday - The Revenant. Please keep your eyes peeled for these, especially if your character is the type who would find them and take note! They will be posted to this entry as they are completed, linked in the names of the creatures they are about - for example, the way Black Annis' is linked today. Ocassional notes may be lying on these pages. They will be linked with them, if that is the case!

If your character insists on remaining in the Mansion after the alloted time, they’ll find that none of the lights work, and that their rational thought will gradually deteriorate. It’ll start with hearing small noises and seeing things out of the corner of their eyes, but it’ll grow into full blown auditory and visual hallucinations. No matter who they are, they’ll become terrified and keep wanting to leave. If they don’t leave, they’ll run into monsters that they can’t fight, but can do damage to them. The usual fun stuff! You will also not be allowed to take anything out of the Mansion and into Demeleier! Any food that is taken will turn rotten and foul, or just disintegrate into ashes. Any electrical appliances will turn dead, even if you do have something to charge them up with. Any books will come with a price; they will be haunted, and keeping them will make you extremely sick, and prone to effects similar to staying in the Mansion after you are told to leave.

e = Event
f = Fae
☀ = Sun
彡 = Wind
☂ = Rain
☁ = Overcast
☈ = Thunderstorm

Week Beginning Monday, August 1st





e: mansion
e: mansion
e: mansion
e: mansion
e: mansion
e: mansion
e: mansion

Week Beginning Monday, August 8th






e: mansion
f: barguest
f: barguest


- Due to the recent DDoS attacks on livejournal, we are still open to people posting backdated Night Mare dreams! Please post them on the demeleier_logs for ease of backdating.

- The Activity Check will be taking place today! Please keep your eyes open for the post about it.

- Please also note that the Bestiary is undergoing an update! This update will split the bestiary into three parts and alphabetize the creatures in each, in accordance to the suggestions that the single large block is overwhelming. A list of the fae is at the top of each section along with a link to a random number generator site, just in case you want to interact with a nasty but don't know which to choose! Please remember that the updated bestiary is still incomplete! We are working to have it finished shortly, and pictures uploaded to it soon.

- If you have not updated your friends list recent, please take a moment to do so now. There are now 85 characters in Demeleier.

- If there are any comments, concerns, or suggestions about anything recent in Demeleier, please let us know!

!in-game update, [event: mansion]

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