Nov 27, 2011 16:03

Hello audience! Take a seat, grab some popcorn and make obnoxiously loud chewing noises, because it’s time for your monthly Watch meeting, which will be held by Karkat Vantas at 6 PM on the 27th at Town Hall.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the meetings, here’s the low-down: The Watch holds meetings in order to discuss Demeleier's current affairs and faery hijinks on the twenty-seventh of every month at one o’clock sharp (though, today, since Karkat is nocturnal, it’ll be at 6pm) at Town Hall. Residents of the village who are not part of the Watch are more than welcome and encouraged to attend. There's also food unless Med'an and Kyouko eat it all supplied, so it‘s a good place to drop in for a bite if nothing else.

Please be aware that if your character is or is not present and doesn’t weigh in about something in this post if they are present that it will be taken as your character saying nothing ICly as everything that occurs in this post occurs ICly. It’s just faster and simpler to have an OOC organization post with quick responses as opposed to playing out meetings that involve a lot of characters every month to keep everyone on the same page. Meeting time and place is also widely common knowledge amongst the village and, unless otherwise stated, all subjects are open floor and discussion by members and residents is very much encouraged.

Karkat will be frantically scribbling down everything that was said in the unlikely event that John, who offered, forgets something important he’s a memo-freak, what can we say. The meeting will also be broadcast over the communicators for those who couldn’t make it to the meeting.

Karkat has also called off today’s evening watch shift for as long as the meeting goes on, as the subject of who is going to lead the watch is going to be brought up and he wants every watch member to be present.


If your character will be attending, please comment here! This meeting is open to all residents, not just Watch members.

The Agenda

• RE: Law/Justice System. Karkat wants to put this up just to remind people that it’s still a Thing that was being Discussed, and just because most of the bigwigs involved in it are gone now doesn’t mean it stops being valid. He puts forward that at the last meeting the general rules ’Don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t rape, don’t maim, and don’t damage the property of others’ were put forwards. Should anything be added or should they re-evaluate what they have? Furthermore, how should the Watch handle the law enforcement? Is death ever an option? Incarceration?

• The Executive Board. This idea was first put forward by Princess Zelda and slightly expanded on last meeting, to quite a bit of dissent. The idea was to create an executive board comprised of a coalesced group of residents, ideally from different worlds so as to better represent the community and guarantee that the voices of all are heard and taken into account, that would act as representatives of the populace and function perhaps as judges when it comes to breaches of established law and adjustors of said laws when it is needed. It is also possible that this group might assist in the making of other important decisions that affect the community as a whole as necessary. It was proposed that the individuals that form this group be alternated every so often as to avoid lordships as the purpose of this group is to work in the best interests of everyone, not one or a select few. Discussion, opinions, and further development about this topic are absolutely encouraged.

• Residents of Concern. Karkat turns off the communicator that’s recording here and mentions Sindragosa, Shadow Link, Nanaya Shiki, and Medivh. All four of these people have either caused harm or have threatened to cause harm. This acts as a warning and as a discussion on the characters by the Watch. Each will have their own sub-thread so that people can gossip say their piece.

• The Welcoming Committee. The recording will be turned back on here. Karkat thinks that re-instating this is a good idea, as pretty much off of its members have vanished from Demeleier. As an organization, it is dedicated to providing newcomers with information critical to their survival and seeing that they acquire at the very least a basic understanding of the circumstances in which they’ve found themselves. It currently consists of himself and Valeria. As such, it is sorely in need of members willing to actively engage new arrivals and see that they are well-informed about the situation in which they have found themselves. If you are interested in joining, please comment here!

• Population Changes. How many have newly arrived? Karkat thinks that having the register of residents back up might be a good idea, just to take into account how many people they have left. Would anyone be interested in taking this up? It would also be useful in tracking who has vanished and who they know has left for good. Karkat also wants to discuss disappearances and creating search parties to look for vanished residents. After all, as small as Demeleier is, it can be quite big when the fae want to steal someone. There are several new areas in Demeleier that have popped up, and they know now that they lead to places.

• General Fae Activity. The main topic here will be the Stones. They now know that there are six sets of the stones, and that one leads to a castle and the other to a meadow glen. Discussion of checking out the others, trying to find recurring patterns and even discussing what is inside them are encouraged here. Details of fae mentioned in the OOC update and the IC one Karkat posted not long ago will also be discussed, but as a general thing. The Stones will get their own sub-comment.

• Wards and Effectiveness. Going over the generally stated terms: Iron keeps the fae away, and Rowan sometimes lets you see through their glamour. Witch-stones will also be mentioned, as there are a small collection of the stones held in the town hall as a gift from the Queen and the Treefolk. The rowan sapling will also be mentioned - Karkat’s curious as to where it was planted and how it is doing.

• Community Expansion/Improvement. Attention will be drawn to the need to repair and prepare houses and other village structures for the coming winter and encourage characters whose places of abode are in need of as much to seek the help of the community. Characters are, as always, welcome to make suggestions about what they'd like to see on the front of community expansion and improvement and discuss to how to make their wants happen with the community. Expansion and improvement includes building, construction, reconstruction, and remodeling. The Korreds will also be mentioned here. Karkat wants to know who asked them for what, and who donated hair to them to pay for building commissions. He also reminds people that the last time the Korreds were employed, the iron rods that had been installed in many of the crofts had been taken out and left in the forge, so residents having their houses remodelled by the Korreds will have to consider putting them back in.

• Resource Management/Gathering. An overview of current stocks and supplies will be given. The success of hunting and gathering will be discussed, as well as what we're finding a lot of versus what's less common. Discussion about preparing and stocking up for the winter also goes here. Residents will be reminded of the agreement between the forest and the village and that they are to take wood only from trees marked with a leaf symbol. Karkat was told that Thereth was interested in re-starting the hunting party that Dante set up, and that farming or managing of plants seems to be going well. There will be sub-sections for both. He also wants to know how much iron they have, and if sending out a mining party to the Ogre Caves to look for more is worthwhile.

• Watch Recruitment, Restructuring, etc. Please comment in the RE: Joining the Watch subsection if your character is interested in joining the Watch or has recently joined so that we can update the roster accordingly. Remember to state any partner or shift preferences also. If your character is a current member and has any partner or shift time preferences, please let us know here. Most important in this section, at this time, is the Who Shall Lead The Watch subsection. Your character can vote for whoever they like in this section, and give reasons as to why. At the end of the meeting, the votes will be tallied and the new watch leader announced! Please comment to that section as it is pretty important!

• Reports. Upon joining the Watch, all members received an explanation from the watch leader(s) about how to submit reports. Reports can be about that thing in the closet, encounters with various fae, changes in fae activity in this or that area, suspicious behavior from a person or persons, RECENT EVENTS, etc. Watch members are required to submit oral or written reports to the watch leader(s) at least once a fortnight, even if just to let them know they haven't really encountered anything of note. Residents may also make reports to the Watch if they so choose. Any especially noteworthy reports given can be left in the comments here for consideration.

• Open Floor. Open floor is exactly that. Anything goes here so long as it's Watch or community-oriented and/or related. That includes introductions, discussions regarding sparring, bartering, sharing of information, announcements, commission requests, and other things.

How this post will work

I'm going to comment to this post with categorical titles based upon the things you have already read to make things easier to organize. Just throw your comments under the right category and feel free to tag one another within it! Remember, this post stands in place of IC action, discussion, and resolutions, so please don't be afraid to use it! Feel free to use the comment titled this to give me any crit on how to hold the watch meeting!

If anything has been forgotten or overlooked, leave a comment on this post or shoot me a line at butterfledge22 via AIM and at mydarkrosaline on plurk!

!watch meeting

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