First off sorry that this is coming what? Two days late..I was too busy but is everything I did for the entire day...I hope I don't die trying to post this lol. So whoever used the 10 something about the concert they wen't to I'm stealing your idea...don't kill me okay.
1.The shirts we made and posters...
So...umm yeah there's another one...but you have to wait for it :)
2. My day started off with me whinning to my mom about taking me to see Demi at the AT&T store, m step dad was like "oh so the concert is going to be in Oakbrook?" I said "No in Rosemont" then he went on to say it was too far, and that we would be back tracking if we did that...Umm Hello, I don't care. My mom took him to work and I whinned again, I've been doing that for at least 4 days since she already knew she was taking me to the concert since April. Anyway she told me to give her a time to go to the store since Demi will be there from 2pm-2:45pm...I said okay, even though I wanted to leave at 8am. I told my mom 10:30am. How come she left the house to get her friend at 10:30am? Before she left I whinned and said I won't see Demi, they'll be too many people....and yes at 20 I still whine like a three year old. My mom was explaining crap to me, I didn't care, my best friend laughed at me...oh yeah she went as well, and then my mom spoke to my sister...I began pushing her out the door, stomping my feet and whinning that I wanted to see Demi. Now some where between all of this me and my best friend went to walk around my block....we were too excited.
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3. It felt like forever since my mom had left..and it was really just thirty minutes, which in Demi time is FOREVER...anyway I was on the computer dying of boredom...I don't know why but I was. Anyway when my bestie yelled that my mom was back I slowly went down the stairs, she lies a lot...anyway we left and basically I felt sick from hyping myself I am right now posting all of this...oh the memories haha. So my mom friend was laughing at how excited I was and everything..I didn't care, I was best friend and I held our posters up to the window and laughed...screamed Demi and laughed some more. Then my mom said she had no idea where she was heart raced, we saw a pink limo and I freaked out...her friend laughed and I whinned. "I WANNA SEE DEMI" bestie began looking irritated and I didn't care, I wanted to see Demi.
4. When we finally found the right road and everything we saw the people waiting in line and I whinned again. Yeah I'm a big baby, sue me. Anyway so my mom passed up the place to go into the parking lot and I was looking like "ah she's passing it" then after that she decided that instead of driving all the way around we get in line, I agreed, grabbed my stuff and hopped out the car and walked int the very..semi- long line. So we passed about a hundred people, walked to the side of a men's store and stood in line, a few minutes later we received our bright orange wristbands for the line. People were blasting Here We Go Again in their cars. So my best friend was getting irritated by the dutch girls behind us, I only know dutch when I hear it but I don't speak it. Since she was irritated she irritated me, anyway we stood in line around 12:25 and Demi wasen't coming until 2pm. I sat, then stood, then sat, then stood, then walked for drinks and stood some more. I also listened to Demi's songs. The radio disney people are overly Anyway they passed out Princess Protection Program posters, Demi Lovato cards for a free ringtone, me and my best friend grabbed two...Demi Lovato maganets and these card things promoting their phones.
5. So when 2pm was approaching they told us to "smuch to the front...keep smushing" I guess so we couldn't see Demi come in, but what we didn't know is that she was there since 1:30pm and her ride was getting parker outside. They had a raffle for 14 and under and 18 and best friend looks 12 so yeah, anyway we didn't enter because we had awesome seats and VIP passes to meet Demi. (I'm getting excited again.) After the line began moving I decided to do a youtibe video..the closer I got to seeing Demi, the worse my shaking became...I hyped myself up and didn't think anything would happen...
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6. I called my mom to tell her that we were near the front, and I was still shaking, hopping up and down and almost sending myself int a panic attack because I was excited...anyway as we made it closer I made another youtube video...oh and they gave us some candy..I began eating it and since I was shaking and stuff I couldn't finish it and spit it out.
7. We arrived in the store, I was shaking..they told us we can take pictures with her if someone was there to take them, me and my bestie deceided to record each other..and I was still bouncing up and down a bit..princess protection program was playing on the back t.v' and when I saw Demi I squeeled a bit. I don't know how everyone else's meet and greet's were like, turn the camera's off at a specific spot...We kept ours rolling. Anyway I began calming down when I got really close, some lady asked if she was signing the picture I had..I said "no one of those" or something like that..just watch the videos to see... I can't remember anything...I was too excited but I did remember telling Demi that I was going to be at her concert and she was like cool, and she said something else but I don't remember...good thing we have videos.
8. My best friend can barley record but here is her video...she had a much steady hand the first time we met Demi..her camera was on ehr longer than mine..I was still shaking a bit. Anyway we walked to the radio disney park because my mom was in traffic and it was like three minutes to 2:45pm and we had to get out V.I.P stuff before three so we sung songs and I jumped because we was singing Demi's song. The dutch girls were behind us again and my best friend was getting mad, I was about to grab a lot of Demi maganets when my mom called...I was excited to get my v.i.p stuff so I ran to the car with our autographs. We drove for what felt like mom although she later claimed that she knew where she was going said she didn't. I panicked...her friend laughed and I was bouncy again. Also my mom's friend laugehd when I spoke about Demi...also Demi said something about my shirt but I was too excited to let her finish and cut her off...sorry DEMZ!!
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9. We arrived at the venue..I had to fix my mom told me to call her for something...neither me nor my best friend listened and since I've been to the venue before I knew where everything was. We went to the box office, a lot of people had on their wristbands and passes and people were standing across the street waiting for the concert...I began getting giddy again but kept my cool as I got the tickets and stuff...they gave it to us in a envelope. So out of everyone at Demi's VIP meet and greet thing, they had colorful backs to their passes, my best friend's was plain...I was like "oh you're special". Anyway we sat down and waited for the meet and greet and soundcheck and stuff. I was talkign to this pagent mom and her mom, and her daughter...they talked a lot but I didn't mind and my best friend was getting irritated...She was getting on my nerves by that point but I wa slike, whatever I'm here for Demi. So grandma came to get least I think that was him. Everyone began rushing the building to get to the front of the stage...I was hoping I got to stand at the many people sat in the chairs next to the rail, I turned to my best friend,, who was holding me and told her that we were going to stand...I don't care what anyone said...because grandma told us we can stand anywhere, and other people chose to sit. So after the wait..Demi came out...I LOVE HER :)
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10. So she stared at me and turned away and looekd at everyone...spoke a bit before she played So Far So Great, then she asked what did we want to hear and they said "La La Land" I was going to say "Catch Me" since she wasen't going to play it at her concert..but she did La La Land and went to questions..I swear my mind went blank once she said "questions" I had so many and I blacked out. I was asking my friend for questions but she didn't have any so I just stared at everyone asking the questions before she answerd them..then I looked at my friend and once I turned to the stage Demi was like ..."nice seeing you...well you again," she pointed at me and I didn't know what to say or do so I just went "wooo" and everyone looked at me, she waved and left...I was on air by then, my brain was just out of it.
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11. So i was talking about number 11 until we made it to the merch stand...I wanted to buy one of everything, which I was going to but then I decided not to.. bought two shirts..both 35 I think, a light with Demi's name on it for 10, a poster for 10, actually maybe that light was 15..I don't know. Pins..and a keychain..I might of bought something els ebut I can't remember but it came out to be $130, and I bought $200 for the concert...but then again I had my credit card so I could of bought more anyway.
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12. We had to walk to the front of the buidling to go to the meet and greet but we had to wait for a while. We heard David play but we didn't see him and some people got in trouble because they went to see David without permission, anyway so...we finally got to walk to the other building from outside, we did that and showed our wristbands and I began recording again. And then a girl in a wheelchair came in and a little girl and Demi took pics with them first...soo cute...before we all began walking...what a line..also every since Demi said Hi to me people were asking was me and my best friend the one she was talking to and how did I meet and see her and all this other stuff. I answered them and told them about earlier. I was fine at first but as we got closer I was shaking again...
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13. ONce again we recorded, we used one camera for the pictures and the other one to record...I spoke to Demi longer than my friend because well I wanted to talk to her, and she is just a warm person to talk to. Anyway we have a video for this as well.
Here is Demi's shirt..the picture wasen't finished and it was messed up in the car so we just gave her the shirt...she loved it , as well as one of her guards lol
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14. Okay I thought it was so crazy that after everything we had to stand outside until the venue opened, I was kinda mad but I quickly got over it, stood in line and was finally calm for once in the entire day. We went into the venue place and bought expensive food..and then went to sit down. It felt great to walk through all the people to the ground floor and to our seat which was right in front of the middle walking stage...a little bit over but anyway later on in the concert we got to be by the barracade...although Demi worked the stage amazingly...I was going to walk with her to every stage but...yeah that didn't happen :)
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16. all the videos are short because I wanted to take pictures and towards the end my battery was dying, my friend's died wayyyy before mine did, I shouldn't of even given the girl a camera, she takes pictures sideways....its so irritating....god she made me mad but anyway after Don't Forget...which I have to take other videos from youtube for this part...I held up my "DON'T FOGET US POSTER" high up in the air for Demi to see, she caught me off guard and slowly pulled it from my hands and showed it to the crowd saying "I won't forget you" and took it...SHE TOOK MY POSTER..the thing was I was excited at first then my heart stopped because on the back was a small picture of her and Selena and under it stood DL4SG, it shows my fandom dosen't it? Anyway I got over it, and she got flowers from some guy but left them on the stage steps.
17. Okay during the concert the ENTIRE time we reached for Demi's hand, during the beginning people held onto her hand and she moved and didn't touch anyone else's...then a few songs later she came back to the middle and touched my hand...the first one as fast and her hands were extremly smooth and soft, I squeeled and watched her move on. After that a few songs later...towards the end she reached for our hands again, this time I held onto her hand and as soon as she was about to pull away her ring got caught on my middle finger and almost sliced it...but hey it would have been cute by Demi Lovato haha..
18. After the concert I was floating on air, and now you all know why...and we went to look for my mom who was suppose to pick us up at 10pm. I called everyone's number and no one answered the phone...I accidently called my aunt and told her about my experience and then she told me to call the house phone, I forgot we had one of those considering no one uses it except my little brother and sister, I called and guess what? My mom was SLEEP...yes sleep, me and my best friend was at a venue 45 minutes away from my house and my mom was home sleep, so we had to wait...some woman asked was I going to the Ohio show..."I WISHED" but I told her no...and then we had more people asking stuff. So after basically everyone was gone we saw a tour bus pass we ran out and waved goodbye, Demi's manager was sitting in the fron seat, I guess she went to lay down then we walked over to the other tour busses and saw Jordin's and David's still there. My mom came, got us and we left...I told her the entire story and two days later I'm typing you guys see why it took so long to get out??
I'm trying to get my aunt to take me and her daughter to the other Illinois show or the Indiana one...we'll see :)
Also before the concert began a girl in front of us stared at me and was like "I hope you don't think this is weird but do you have a youtube?" or something like that. I said yes and she was like "oh okay cause I saw one of your videos" I mean that's awesome but at the time it was kinda weird, I mean I never thought a lot of people watched my other accound it OlsenMania, but for Demi she gets SakariNichols :)
I just noticed that I got at least three shades darker this summer...