My mother owned a used book store. She watched over three kids there. She was always busy. She worried a lot. The store never made money, but usually, it broke even. She was happy
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I am now eighteen as it was my birthday the eighteenth. I've not really done anything new or exciting just because I'm eighteen though
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I've decided that according to my mother my health means little and perhaps nothing.
I know that I've fallen into the habit of only using my LJ to bitch and that my whiny, teenage "woe is me" is getting old, but REALLY? COME ON! ( Read more... )
"BREAKING NEWS! Chicago Starbucks release new drink in honor of's served without a cup."
That makes me happier than it should, but it doesn't make me as happy as the fact that Nashville has re-signed Steve Sullivan! I was really worried there for a second.