I suppose Matt is right, if everyone is doing it, I suppose I must conform as well, so here I go. Lets see, what I have been up to lately, now... I know the only people who really care are those who already know, but ill leave this up here for reference anyhow.
Well, This semester was my last chance to bring my grades up, I really needed it or else I was in trouble. So for a while I was in and out of the hospital for a resistant infection that seemed to like me... a lot. Now although this was nowhere near as serious as other people's medical absences over this semester, *and although it didn’t hold as much weight with the school's opinion* It did keep me on vicoden painkillers to numb the pain *duh* and out of class for a few weeks. It is just so difficult to make up classes when you've missed the closing parts, but still, I managed to study enough at home to get it all done, except for one class, which I knew I would have to drop or something. Then my Spanish TA decides to change her mind and not let me make up the things I missed, medical excuses at all. When did she decide to do this? Finals week. So for the past 4 weeks, I have officially been dismissed. After a month of constant visits to the dean office, waiting for my medical drops to come in, I finally get word. Denied. So much for that, I suppose two an a half weeks of prescription on a narcotic *Appearance on campus using narcotics is reason for a dismissal by the by* and advice from my doctor telling me to stay away from the masses. Oh and telling all my teachers about it when it happened, isn't enough. I have to tell the Spanish department head, not my teacher; she can’t relay the word. And I must tell the deans office, because nothing is between my teachers and I when it comes to my classes. Well after long hopeless negotiations with the dean’s office, we worked out a deal we could both live with. The dean of undergraduate studies would drop my classes, If I would promise that this trip to see him, my 152nd, would be my last. Or something like that. I’m going to see him next week to get readmitted and then once again after that.... Just for kicks.
Next.. Well I've been alright I suppose otherwise, I really don’t see anyone anymore, but I’m kind of used to it, that’s the same way it was freshmen year. I’m really starting to get homesick. Well, not exactly homesick, I don’t have a place to go where I lived, but I am getting friend sick. I miss all my old friends from high school, and even some friends that I don’t see up here anymore, One in particular. I do hope she manages to go online more often. Fats. But as for my friends at home, there are many, Ill mention Laurel and Justin, only because they read my journal, and sucking up is always a good thing.
I've learned to do some new things with my computer, and the internet, Very fun, ill probably do it to everyone at least once, yay, except Justin, I bet you have a firewall, prick.
Tabby and I saw shrek2 yesterday, It was a great night where Tabby was happy (yay for zoidberg) and I helped. And on top of that, Great movie. Its awesome seeing a great movie like that, when both of you enjoy it and can laugh about it. ahh soo good. I want to see it again, so if anyone hasn’t seen it, and wants to, let me know. .. .... Tab Lowie or Justin.. So popular. Must get job, must get out of the house more often with people I know, must get Ali’s sunglasses back to him. I suppose that’s all folks. And remember, if anyone misses me; send me a freaking message.