Who: All patients rooming in 1D, save for Rita: Sekai Saionji, Mio Amakura and Delirium.
Where: Room 1D.
When: 5:00AM, first day of week 5.
Rating: PG to R - who knows what'll happen given enough time?
Summary: Door's shut, lights out, white static everywhere. One room, three girls. All in desperate times.
The Story:
Two weeks since her first arrival to the hospital, and only one of them had gone by in what could vaguely pass for normalcy. It had only been her second day that everything - even outside of the patients - had gone nuts, and now, Delirium had found herself woken up by another scream, another video, and more sounds. The door, she'd checked, wouldn't open. Again. The lights had fizzled out, the computer showed only static. It wouln't let her type, and she hadn't yet figured out how else to make use of the journals.
Everything all over again, only this time, the rumbling had stopped sooner, only to be replaced by occasional sounds that she couldn't - maybe didn't want to - place. Sounds that were far more... alive, animal, than the rumbling alone.
And the door, it still wouldn't budge.
At least now, Del didn't have to wait on her elder sister to come by and give her a water bottle. At least now, she'd saved the bottle, still mostly full from the last night this had been happening, when she'd last ventured out to the bathroom to fill it. It might be a week old, but it was water, and as long as that door stayed shut, it seemed to be the only source of water that she knew of within this room.
Of course, a water bottle wasn't the only thing she'd want her sister for, right about now.
And so Del sat, huddled under the covers of her bed, her wooden dog Barnabas held close in her arms, bottle at her side. She wasn't even sure if her roommates were awake or gone back to sleep or were trying anything to break out themselves. After her first conclusion that they were locked in, and pushing or pulling at the doorknob with her slight frame wasn't going to do anything good, the young girl had retreated to her little corner of the room and pulled the blanket over herself, as if hiding away from everything would make it all go away.
But deeper down, even in her naturally flighty state of mind, she knew it wouldn't, and she also knew there was going to be trouble for all three of them if that door stayed shut for very much longer. Someone had to do something to get them out of there... and she could only hope that Death or someone else would come to their aid, and soon.