Powers: Although an ordinary human, Ashnard is absurdly powerful- Sigrun mentions that even before he became a king, he was capable of wiping out entire squadrons of Pegasus Knights on his own. He is a master swordsman capable of wielding massive weapons with relative ease.
His armor is blessed by Ashera, making it more or less invincible to anything except similarly-blessed weaponry. His sword Gurgurant is blessed as well- already a deadly and gigantic weapon, it is now both unbreakable and capable of firing massive energy waves. His mount, Rajaion, is a Black Dragon saddled and ridden like a common wyvern. Like all feral Dragons, Rajaion is a dangerous monster and quite deadly even without Ashnard, still capable of using his black fire breath attack.
Gig- A self-proclaimed God of Death and Destruction, Ashnard likes him and respects his power. However, Gig fails to live up to what Ashnard's expectations of a Death God would be, and so Ashnard constantly presses him to become even more evil and insane.
Almedha- Ashnard's former lover. He lost interest in her after she lost her powers, but his libido is getting the better of him. Now that he's remembered who the hell she is, he is actively seeking to make her his again.
Vanessa- A fire witch who subconsciously reminds him of Petrine (although he can't even remember the latter's name), he has offered her a position as one of Daein's Four Riders. A young woman with a healthy lust for power and an even healthier bosom, Ashnard seeks to hone her into his newest servant. He fully understands and embraces the challenge involved- the fact that she's pretty good-looking helps.
Big Star- Apparently some kind of Demon Lord, though the guy is so fruity that Ashnard has his doubts. Still, the guy's got power, so whatevs.
Gai Kurasawa- Some detective or other. Seems to have some interesting plans about dethroning Baal though, so Ashnard is interested.
Dist- Some annoying little man. Ashnard barely knows he exists.
Black Mage- Cut off one of Ashnard's fingers during the latter's Christmas rampage. Although he got the finger healed, Ashnard is still on the lookout for the little bastard who stole it. Fortunately for Black Mage, Ashnard's memory isn't all that keen, and he doesn't remember what BM looks like.