This is a huge read... Check it out only if you have time...
I did this because frankly I am bored and needed something to do... So here's the deal.
Lenny has unseated Vince McMahon as the chairman of WWE and will run the company following Wrestlemania. He tells the Wrestling Observer "I have alot of work to do"...
Lenny brings every wrestler in the WWE into a meeting to ease their minds. He tells them, things will change soon "Our company direction has done a 180. I want to get the bad out the way first thing. Here's my list of roster cuts."
Gene Snitsky
Tyson Tomko
Road Warrior Animal
Sylvan Grenier
Johnny Parisi
Torrie Wilson
Candice Michelle
Mark Henry
Scotty 2 Hotty
"Oh, and we will not be calling you back anytime soon... Here's my list of people who will undergo gimmick changes"
Paul Burchill: You will reunite with William Regal and form a Tag Team. You will be called the New British Bulldogs.
Khosrow Daivari: You will be taken out of a manager's role and placed into the CW Division.
Doug and Danny Basham: You will reunite on Smackdown as an independent tag team.
Orlando Jordan: No bisexual angle for you. Join with Simon Dean/Steven Richards as a tag team/Faction of sorts... Name yourselves "The Somebodys"
Nick Dinsmore: You will feud with a heel RVD and he gives you a Van Daminator to knock you straight... No more Eugene, ok?
Trevor Murdoch: Gay Redneck? Not any longer... But you will keep the whole Redneck thing because it works for you...
Lance Cade: Are you Triple H? Sorry, must have been confused. You and Trevor worked as a team. Get back together...
Shelton Benjamin: Momma's gone home.
Val Venis and Spirit Squad: You will get together to reform Right to Censor.
Lita: You will leave Edge and go off on your own.
Jamie Noble: No more rednecks stuff. You will be an Indiana Jones-like Character and be named "The Noble One"...
Kid Kash: You will become a member of JBL's new Cabinet. You will seem like JBL, Jr. That's 100% wrong though.
"Ok, so here's the end of some restrictions..."
No move bans. Do what you want, but be smart about it.
No scripted work on the mic. Shoot straight. It saves me money not having to hire too many writers.
The European belt will be brought back and put on Smackdown.
The Hardcore Belt *minus 24/7* will be on Raw.
The Women's Belt will become an interpromotional title.
My ideas for Backlash are as follows:
John Cena will be defeated by DQ in you rematch with HHH on Raw the night after Mania. Kane will be the special guest ref and HHH *the Current WWE Champ* will attack Kane for his call. Setting up HHH/Kane/Cena at Backlash and Kane will pin Cena.
Shelton Benjamin will be feuding with Chavo after you attack Chavo for insulting your mom. You face him at Backlash and you will retain. The feud will continue until the next PPV.
Carlito and Chris Masters will attack 3 Minute Warning in your Triple Threat Tag Team match and get DQ'd. You will retain at Backlash and drag this feud on until the next PPV also.
Val Venis will be presented the Hardcore belt and take on Ric Flair. The newly formed Right to Censor will gang up on Ric Flair and start attacking him until Matt Striker and Rob Conway run out to save Ric Flair setting up Flair/Venis for the Euro belt at Backlash. Also, turning Striker and Conway face.
Mickie James will say to hell with "Mickie James" and tell Trish Stratus she will meet "The Queens of the Ring" Alexis Laree and Victoria at Backlash for her Women's title rematch. Alexis Laree will retain on the Laree DDT.
Edge will start a feud Shawn Micheals. Proclaiming that he's a true legend and Micheals is not. Micheals takes offense to this and asks Edge to face him on RAW to show and prove. Edge hits HBK with a Pair of Brass Knucks for the win setting up a feud between the two. Edge beats HBK in a Tables match and this feud will also continue to the next PPV.
Big Show finds Rob Conway telling jokes about how bad Big Show is inside of the ring. Big Show throws Conway against a brick wall and tells him that he's sick of people making fun of his in-ring skills in the back and how his size is only reason he has a job and Conway and "his new buddy" Matt Striker will feel his wrath and anger on RAW. Big Show takes those two and just destroys them on RAW and wins and then does an F5 to Striker onto the Announcers table and does a Showstopper Chokeslam to Conway onto a Steel Chair. Big Show announces a challenge in which an opponent needs to beat him within 5 minutes to win 5, 000 Dollars cash. He ups it to 7, 500 dollars at Backlash claiming he's unbeatable since starting the challenge. Dude Love takes Big Show's challenge and loses. They then feud to the next PPV.
RVD is now Mister Money in the Bank 2 and tells everyone about it. Eugene tells Rob that it's cool he won. RVD tells Eugene to "hit the bricks, because losers like you aren't in my league." RVD and Eugene face off on RAW and after a ref bump and a Van Daminator to Eugene. RVD wins. EMT's rush Eugene off to the Hospital and an angry Nick Dinsmore appears on the screen telling RVD knocked him straight, but RVD will be knocked unconsicious at Backlash for 10 seconds. *Last Man Standing* RVD wins and this feud continues.
My ideas for Judgment Day are as follows:
Kurt Angle makes Randy Orton submit at Mania retaining the WHC. Randy is enraged because he RKO'd Rey and then during a pin attempt was put into the Anklelock where he tapped out to Angle. He demands a rematch and Angle says he accepts and will take on Orton at Judgment Day. Angle retains at JD.
Benoit made JBL tap out at Mania to retain the US Title, but now Rey Mysterio is after him as well. Rey is tired of not having gold around his waist. JBL walks out and says he wants gold also. Claims he can beat Rey AND Benoit at Judgment Day because he's a wrestling god... Rey wins the US belt.
Greg Helms claims he's best cruiserweight of all-time. So he announces a 6-man Ladder Match at Judgment Day for the Cruiserweight Title. Spanky and London beat Nunzio and Funaki. "The Noble One" Jamie Noble/Mexicools beating Kid Kash/Helms and Daivari with Daivari getting pinned. Settiing up Spanky/London/Noble/Crazy/Psicosis/Helms at Judgment Day. Jamie Noble wins the belt.
MNM continues to mock Matt Hardy and say he made the wrong choice. Hardy claims they will get a first-hand sneak peek at the team that will kick the crap out of them at Judgment Day. Hardy/? take on MNM and the mystery partner is none of than CM PUNK! MNM don't know of the newcomer and The Kings of Punk beat MNM and face them at Judgment Day and CM Punk picks up the mic and says they will get whooped big time in a HARDCORE MATCH! The Kings of Punk are your NEW WWE Tag Champs.
Batista comes out to a thunderous ovation to hear himself be named European Champion but isn't happy to hear it. Batista claims he's sick of hearing about the Undertaker and his legacy. He claims he wants to redeem himself from the asskicking he recieved in OVW as Leviathan and says that he never forgot it for one second. He calls the Undertaker a "feeble old man overly reliant on scare tactics to mask his crappy wrestling". Undertaker comes out and claims many have fallen before me. He runs off his list. He laughs and says he will be delighted to add Batista to his list. Batista retains the Euro title at JD.
Jillian Hall hears Melina call her ugly and hears he claim she's the best on Smackdown. Jillian interrupts Melina and tells her to think again. "I am not a joke, Melina" she says "If you want a piece of me, you can have it all you stupid bitch". This starts a fight between the two and builds towards a Number 1 contenders match for the Girls belt at JD. To face the Vengence winner at SummerSlam. Melina beats Jillian with a handful of tights.
The Somebodies believe they can beat the New Cabinet of JBL. The Bulldogs and Kid Kash laugh at this assertion claiming they should change their name to the nobodies. They say they are a 3rd grade comedy routine and will make them look like it at JD. Kash and the New BB's beat the Somebodies in a 6-man Tornado Tag match.
Booker T complains about being left out of JD. Long grants him a match at JD. Triple Threat for the ..1 contender's slot for Euro title at Summerslam. Booker T vs. Lashley vs. Finlay. Lashley pins Finlay and Batista powerbombs Lashley into a Table.