Lot of stuff to update but not gonna do it now.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What would
kingkusa13 do differently in your shoes? Join a sorority
2) Where was
kristencrazys born? Texas
3) What comic book character would
kingkusa13 be? Beast
4) Does
blueyeswhtdragn smoke? No
5) Has
texasdex dyed their hair? Probably not
6) How tall is
rubyeye? 5'8", 5'9" ish
7) Thoughts on
school_night? Viola!
8) How long have you known
thepctick? Somewhat over a year
9) Does
rubyeye drink? No
10) What video game does
school_night remind you of? Soul Caliber (Taki)
11) Does
carolkat go to your school? Used to
12) Would
rubyeye go out with
tenaciousclo? Gonna go with no
13) What would
blueyeswhtdragn think of
angels_baby618? Friend
14) How many monkeys could
texasdex fight at once and win against? 3
15) What word best describes
infinityblue? Kozyshack
16) Do you have
kingkusa13's screenname? Yep
17) What would you do if
carolkat died? Be absolutely devastated
18) Are
thepctick and
angels_baby618 going out? Nope
19) If
thepctick commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? The Chosen
20) What would
tenaciousclo give
carolkat for his/her birthday? A plushy
21) What is
crowbar456's biggest flaw? No clue
22) How long would
texasdex dating
school_night last? A date maybe
23) What do you disagree with
blueyeswhtdragn about? DBZ is not cool
24) If
school_night was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? The Juicer
25) Would you wrestle
rubyeye in jello? Yeah, tehehe
26) Are
rubyeye and
school_night married? Nope
27) What would you do if you found out
kingkusa13 has a crush on you? Not much
28) If
school_night took over the world, who would suffer? The immoral
29) Where was
texasdex born? ...dunno
30) What color should
thepctick dye their hair? Bright Green