Title: Salvage My Heart- Chapter 18
Pairing: Sonny/Alex
Rating: M for language and future references to serious issues (Yep)
Summary: After her parents are finally pushed over the limit, Alex Russo is sent to boarding school for something she didn't do. It's there she meets Sonny Munroe, a girl who's distant nature catches Alex's intense
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Comments 30
And as a writer, I feel that sometimes I get inspiration from my real life, so I kinda feel you on this one. It must have been real tough for you to write. Forgive me if I'm reaching, but I think it just takes a lot to be able to write a story like this, when your emotions are sometimes all over the place. So anyway, I love you, and your story and just, yea <3
You aren't reaching. Writing for me...it's an extension of my emotions. I have a lot going on within me that's helping me get to where I want to be with this story in a way. It is indeed inspiration. This chapter...this chapter was really hard to write. I knew what I wanted because of my emotions. So many drafts were crumpled cuz the words didn't make me feel the emotions I wanted to feel. I took so long writing this chapter and trying to perfect it because of that. I found myself perfecting draft after draft on my bad days because ( ... )
It was a sad chapter, yes, but I'm glad Sonny got her secret out.
Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Omg, I need more of this. You have me nearly in tears here.
Such. A. Great. Story.
That is horrible!!!!!! :( :( :(
Awwwwwwww well I am happ"ier" that it is nothing like a terminal illness.....BUT I guess since Manic Dperession stays with you untill you die...it is a sort of lifelong illness :(
This is beautiful!!!!!!!! I cant WAIT for the update!!!!
Udate sonnnnnnn!!!! :) :)
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