Title: Salvage My Heart- Chapter 6
Pairing: Sonny/Alex
Rating: M for language and future references to serious issues (Yep)
Summary: After her parents are finally pushed over the limit, Alex Russo is sent to boarding school for something she didn't do. It's there she meets Sonny Munroe, a girl who's distant nature catches Alex's intense curiosity.
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Comments 20
i love you, dre. *makes heart shape with hands*
Do not show you are affected. Do not show you are affected. Do not show- oh who the fuck am I kidding?!
that sounds like something i'd type. am i rubbing off on you? hmm.
i liked this chapter, it was.. i dont know.. pretty awesome. and like, the flow was good. i like the progression, and i DIDN'T drool when sonny was half naked, um.. yeah.. ok brb
ps. you're a dork and i love you.
Can't wait for more! :)
"I know. I just had no idea someone could have such a bad nose job. It's so unbelievable!"
totally something alex russo would say. i love that evil/snarkiness side of her.
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anyway, i hope you made your guess by now, because the person that loves you oodles is me. :D
Very nice, once again. I envy you and your ability to make up an entire world like this. (although i keep reminding myself of harry potter, goddamn it! must be cuz the movie is soon, and ya know, anything where kids are secluded within a stone walled school with a beautiful forest and a lake, reminds me of HP....)
I liked sonny's reaction to getting her phone back. Don't know why. I think it just fits. ugh, Sonny is so cool, omg. *fans self*
&hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts
Okay that was just lovely :D I adore the build up you're giving this and even though this Sonny is completely different, I'm having NO problem whatsoever picturing this, like it's REALLY easy to see haha I love it and
Pulling out her navy blue shorts, Sonny slowly pulled them over the silky expanse of tan toned legs. "I think you should buy a thesaurus. Or a dictionary. Whatever works."
-- THIS. Adorable. You = someone Jiselle is VERY jealous of. I wish I could write like you and come up with witty jokes lmfao
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