ok thought i should update on the pups...
here is a silly one of bonk and the boy...
and a collage that the boy made of us and the pups....the black and white pup is our new one named voodoo.. i think she is about 2 months old...the pund didn't have an exact age on her..she comes from a litter of ten pit bull mixes that were dropped off at the pound cause the guy the bred the mother didn't like how the pups looked.. and when he was asked if he was gonna get his dog fixed so he wouldn't breed her anymore he said no.. erg...but how could you not love my little voo doo..
as a explanation what happened to bella...my b/f decided anyway to give her to hs friend that he in the first place promised her too.. but she is in a good home and is being taken care of very well..