The Oracle knows best...

Jun 12, 2011 20:46

01. Name: Olivia
02. LJ Username: glimmmerglass  
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? My best friend was obsessed with The Lightning Thief, but I was a Harry Potter fanatic at the time and brushed it off as nothing; later, when my sister checked it out from the library, I began reading it instead, and was immediately, irrevocable hooked.
the oracle

04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? I want to make a difference in the world, more than anything else. I love to write and travel, so my career will probably be some sort of travel journalist, but I also care about changing the lives of others for the better. I believe that I won't be satisfied with my life until I have put my life to good use and benefited others.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have? ? I love the idea of being invisible and sneaking around without anyone knowing, so probably an invisibility cloak of some kind.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person? I like people if they are kind to others and also to themselves; I love being around funny people also, especially if they have a clever sense of humor. I feel the best kind of people are those who have an innate calm and intelligence, because they are so tranquil and relaxing to be around.
07. Are you a leader or a follower? A bit of both, I'd say. If I get to know people and there is no one else for the job, I will take control of the situation; often I become the un-elected leader of a situation, just because my personality is falls into that role naturally. At the same time, however, I won't challenge someone for the position if they deserve it.
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? I'm extremely proud and absolutely despise failure: sometimes this fear results in me being unwilling to take chances that might make me look imperfect, and I've lost a lot of chances as a result of it.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities? 01. Selflessness - I like dedicating my time and energy to people, even if it costs me time out of my own obligations. I don't care that much about possessions either, so I give away my things - like money or clothes or whichever - willingly. 02. Kind - I'm almost too nice to people actually - I'm absolutely terrible at being aggressive or mean, and I have a wicked conscience, which means I never say unkind things to people and tend to be very passive. It's only when I become very, very close to people that I feel comfortable teasing them - unless, of course, they're annoying guys. I make exceptions for them.
03. Dedication - I'm very committed to any undertaking of mine - I can be extremely focused and put a lot of time and effort into completing projects: I dislike quitting and don't mind sacrificing personal pleasures to finish what I've set out to do.
04. Athletic - I love - and I mean absolutely adore - exercising. I dance year round, and do track and cross country during the school year and summer, and exercise at least 6 days a week. I don't like being out of shape and I don't like being lazy. I don't care about pain and sweat if it gets me where I need to be: in perfect condition. If having sweat soak my clothing and drip between my eyes means doing a quadruple fouette turn, well, then that's what's going to happen.
05. Witty - I have a very quick and wry sense of humor, and am generally good at making people laugh. I'm more of an intellectual than an emotional person, and my mind wanders in a billion different directions, which sometimes results in spaciness. I like over-thinking things and using my head to deal with situations.
10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities? 01. Competitiveness - I hate losing. Hugely. I will avoid losing at all costs. I love to win, so it makes me try incredibly hard to be the best at things. I'm usually not, though, so then I get irritated and try harder. It can be beneficial, but mostly I just wind up disappointing myself, because you can't always win.
02. Lack of Openness with Others - I am typically very guarded, and I don't like opening myself up to people unless I become very close to them. This means I often come across as shy and reserved, though I'm actually very outgoing and talkative once I find some similar interests with someone. I also don't like revealing secrets to people because of my fear of failure or embarrassment.
03. Shy of Praise - I have a pretty high self-esteem level and am generally confident, but I keep it to myself and I don't like talking about myself to other people and hate compliments. I always feel like I'm showing off if I get a compliment and don't always know how to respond. Sometimes I'll put myself down so people know I'm not stuck-up or praise-hungry, and I'll talk a lot and get really nervous if someone starts to talk about me.
04. O v e r a c h i e v e r - I'm a complete perfectionist, and I always overdo things even if it's not necessary. I suppose I feel like I have to prove something to someone, whether or not that's another person or just myself. This can be helpful, but also incredibly detrimental to my personal and mental health. I have trouble forgiving myself if I don't do things perfectly, and hate making excuses for myself.
05. Protective - I'm very protective over people I care about, as well as my own ideas. I don't like it when people tell me I'm wrong, and like having the last word in situations, which irritates people at times. I'm also protective of my friends and family, and when people insult them, it's one of the few situations when I'll really lash out viciously at people. I have a tiny issue with jealousy also...usually over guys...I feel somewhat embarrassed just to admit that...

the series

11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Okay, so my fictional lovers are definitely tied between Nico and Leo, but my favorite character overall is Annabeth Chase, because she is just that awesome.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Jason. Ugh. Worst Gary Stu ever. I was incredibly disappointed with his character, partially because he kind of usurped Percy's position, and I adore Percy himself.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? Thalia Grace. Because she's so BA, and we'd have a blast together stirring up mischief.
14. What is something you would change about the series? Just change the entire plot of The Lost Hero. I felt like the whole idea was unnecessary and way too immediate, and that he could have skipped into the future to make a new story. I felt like some of my favorite characters - coughThaliacough - were completely butchered by the additional details, and that overall it was disappointing. Except for Leo. He wins at life. 
15. What is something you would never change about the series? The way it takes Greek Mythology and puts it into a comical, modern day setting. I love the tone of the series, and the voices he uses to communicate ancient stories. It's just fantastic.

16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? I'd take Peeta Mellark from Suzanne Collin's The Hunger Games, and put him into Demeter's Cabin. I just feel like he has this innate need to nurture everything he comes into contact with, and even though he does this through baking, I feel like cooking and gardening are similar in style. He's never wanted to be the hero, and is content with family and love as opposed to glory and achievement.
16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer. Self-fulfillment - freedom - power - glory - beauty - security - wealth. As I said earlier, I don't care much about money, and glory comes second to me as long as I feel like I've proved something to myself. Security I could care less about because I like a bit of danger in my life. Beauty is less important to me than freedom and power and all that, but I'm only human. And a human girl, too. 
17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? Hera. I can never seem to forgive her character, in the series or in the actual mythology.

half blood hill

18. Age: 15. 16 in a couple months.
19. Location: The good ol' U.S.A. Northwest, to be more specific.

! application, claimed: hestia

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