01. Name Jess
02. LJ Username
rhye03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? Friends of mine were reading it years ago and recommended it, so I finally got around to reading it.
the oracle
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? Oh God, what a loaded question. I don't have concrete goals; mine are far more nebulous. I do have some tentative concrete goals that may help me arrive at those distant, nebulous goals, but nothing I feel passionate about. I would like to be an educator. I would like to inspire people and teach them and make them feel as if they have power, especially over subjects that tend to make people feel powerless such as math and science. I also hope to instill a wonder in the scientific process, scientific results, and the Universe in my students. I think science has more wonders than even fiction could devise, and my nebulous goals are really just to spread that wonder and make it accessible.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have? Oh gosh, who knows? We honestly don't see a ton of different items in the series, so it comes down to flying shoes, an invisibility cap, or some kind of weapon. But if I were a half-blood I'd probably be pretty happy with something like a cell phone that didn't give me away to monsters, something practical and versatile.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person? I like people who stand up for what they believe in. I dislike people who lack compassion and can hurt others without hesitation.
07. Are you a leader or a follower? Leader. This really comes down to the fact that I trust myself as a leader more than I trust anyone else as a leader. If I have a leader that inspires trust, I'm more than happy to follow their orders.
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? I have trouble compromising. I have some very firm beliefs and I stand by those beliefs, and if someone has different beliefs, I tend to believe that mine are "right" and theirs are "wrong". I don't mind being wrong if someone can logically convince me that I am, but if I believe something should be done a certain way-- and I usually have a good reason for why I think that-- I am pretty uncompromising.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities? 01. Empathy/compassion. I like to think I am understanding and giving. I try to take the time to understand the nuances of a person's situation before giving advice, and I try to never pass judgment. I can understand multiple perspectives. I am very good at putting myself in someone else's shoes and imagining how the world looks from that point of view. It doesn't always make me softer, though. I treat others as I would want to be treated, and it turns out that I'm not a lot like everyone else.
02. Trusting. I never like to think the worst of people. I'll make excuses, even absurd excuses, to keep others out of suspicion. I just fundamentally believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' and I'm a natural public defender. I'll go to any length to prove a guilty man innocent just in case, because I've been on the other side. I've been the innocent-assumed-guilty, and if no one trusts you, you are powerless.
03. Good communicator. I think I both speak and write in ways that are easy to understand.
04. Laid back. Most people see my fiery and passionate side just because when I am not fiery and passionate, I am very quiet and laid back. I don't worry about much, and I don't get offended by much. People who met me on-line and then in real life were surprised by how laid back I was. I'm not shy, but I'm content to sit and listen to a conversation, or to even sit quietly reading or writing.
05. Passionate When I care a lot about something, good luck getting me to be quiet.
10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities? 01. No agency. I'm not a very active participant in my own future. I tend to believe that things happen to you as opposed to believing that you can make things happen.
02. Easily bored. I tend to require constant stimulation. I have no patience. I unfairly expect those around me to take some active role in entertaining me, meaning that I lash out at the people around me when I am bored.
03. Melodramatic. I tend to express emotions in an over-the-top manner and to react to things in an over-the-top manner. Part of this I blame on the fact that I'm bipolar and off medication, but part of it may also be about growing up an only child of rich divorced parents-- I was always the center of attention, and sometimes I still want to be.
04. Greedy. No one thinks I am greedy but every time someone asks me for an M&M I pass a handful over with a distinct sense of resentment. I always share, but I always resent the person making me share.
05. Temper. It's a big baddie.
the series
11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Percy. Lame, I know. I like how brave he is as well as how he thinks about others. He's passionate and compassionate. I really identify with him, but that might be by design since the series is from his point of view, after all.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? This is a tough one. There's probably no character I hate, a few that annoy me at times, but no one that makes me groan when they show up. I think Annabeth can be really whiny and immature when it comes to jealousy over Percy, but I like her in other aspects. Lots of characters annoyed me at first but once I 'got to know them' I liked some aspect of their personalities. I guess I would say Kronos is kind of your typical two-dimensional bad guy.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? We don't get a huge sense of what a lot of the characters do when they are just chillaxing, but I'd have to say Calypso, just because chillaxing is exactly what I'd want to do. It may only be a day but I bet it would be a great vacation.
14. What is something you would change about the series? Sometimes it feels like every time they defeat some bad guy or monster they 'level up', get a new power, fight a more difficult bad guy. Battle of the Labyrinth also was very video-gamey, with so many side quests and favors that lead you to the next boss. I would probably rethink some of the plots, idk.
15. What is something you would never change about the series? Percy. Just, everything about him.
16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? I'm going to take the easy way out and say Hermione Granger from Harry Potter definitely belongs in Athena. She is wise and smart and great at planning strategy.
17. Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
1. Freedom. Without it, none of the other concepts even apply.
2. Beauty. But not physical beauty. When I think of beauty I imagine the wilderness and mountains and I love it. I think of existential beauty.
3. Security. Sort of like freedom, if you fear for your own safety you can't enjoy many of these other things.
4. Power. Just because it can help you secure freedom and security if you don't already have them, and I already explained why I felt they were important. But if you do have those things, power isn't really necessary, and it can be a burden as much as a gift. All those naps...
5. Glory. I put it down kind of low because I hate to think I'm someone who needs glory, but it might belong higher, since I do really like attention.
6. Self-fulfillment. It's hard to say what this means, and because of that it doesn't mean a lot to me. I tend to live in the moment without many goals, and I associate this with having achieved goals.
7. Wealth. It's overrated. No one ever feels they have enough anyway.
18. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? Aphrodite. I don't even wear make-up. I don't put a lot of stock into worrying about my appearance.
half blood hill
19. Age: 29
20. Location: Minnesota, USA