oracle, don't be a stranger

Oct 03, 2011 18:33

01. Name Stephanie
02. LJ Username belfaust
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? Discovered the series while perusing through a bookstore. I saw the awesome covers of The Lightning Thief and The Titan's Curse and decided that I must have them.

the oracle
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? My greatest goal right now is to obtain an awesome career in web design and development with an interactive agency.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have? Anything that is compact and easily disguisable and/or concealable, like Percy's pen or Jason's coin or Annabeth's hat, that would enable me to sneak by without getting stabbed or seen.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person? I like people who are passionate about what they do. I find it really inspiring. Bonus points if they're easy going and don't cause me a lot of stress. Conversely, I tend to dislike people who drive me up the wall.
07. Are you a leader or a follower? I'll lead if I must and/or when no one else will. Other than that, I am content with focusing on what I am assigned or working on whatever I want.
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? I am a perfectionist. Everything I design and create I personally view as a work in progress or "complete but not really". Which is really terrible because this mindset does not work well in reality, where there are deadlines and such.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities?
01. I am easy going and relaxed. I prefer to sit and enjoy the scenery. Even more so if it's pretty scenery.
02. I'm a quick study. It doesn't take me long to grasp the fundamentals of something, which is useful with programming.
03. Adaptive. I more or less "go with the flow" rather than freak out over something.
04. Observant. I notice the little details, and I think about them.
05. Forgiving. Not like "you are absolved of everything", but more along the lines of giving chances.

10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities?
01. I'm not very sociable. In a party, I would be that person that quietly fades in the background because I wouldn't be mingling but instead just observing everyone like a wallflower.
02. A little too meticulous. I will agonize over the smallest of details for hours or days if I'm allowed.
03. I can obsess on things too strongly. This is most obvious when I play a videogame because I will not stop thinking about it until I am finished with it.
04. I can be non-confrontational. I have been known to avoid tense situations whenever I can. Or simply diffuse them as quickly as I can. This is not always a good thing.
05. I'm fatalistic sometimes. While I'm adaptive, I can be a little too accepting of seemingly unchangeable situations and consequently won't try to change it.

the series
11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Chiron. To me, he's really the only character that truly understands the reality that the demigods face. And still, he trains them.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Bianca. She pretty much abandoned her brother the first chance she got. That's a big NO for me.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? I would hang out with the Stoll brothers because I want to see how well they can troll the rest of the camp in one day. Because I am that curious.
14. What is something you would change about the series? The early part of the series felt a little too conventional and gamey. It's very easy to translate into an RPG. I don't have much of a problem with this, but I would like it to be less transparent.
15. What is something you would never change about the series? Percy's narration. It had just the right amount of attitude and humor to make the series awesome.

16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? Ezio from the Assassin's Creed series would definitely be a child of Zeus. He's a leader, a bit egotistical, and he's a ladies man.
16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
freedom. I like to make my own choices, and go wherever and do whatever I please.
self-fulfillment. I want to accomplish my dream of working in an interactive agency.
beauty. I will go out of my way to take a stroll or drive through scenic areas to just observe.
security. Need somewhere to go to in case things fall through.
wealth. I view wealth as an abundance of anything, not necessarily money (though that would be nice too).
glory. I love appreciation for what I do, but I prefer to remain as anonymous as possible. I'm a "behind the scenes" kind of person.
power. I wouldn't know what to do with it, really. I see its importance, but it's not for me.

17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? Zeus. The guy can't take criticism so well. Tsk tsk.

half blood hill
18. Age: 23 (lol I'm old)
19. Location: Texas, United States (lol I'm 3 hours from where Riordan lives. So weird.)

! application

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