Rules and Sign-up Post

Nov 20, 2008 15:21

Welcome to Demilo’s Wagon, a fic exchange community for the Tin Man fandom! We are celebrating not only the upcoming holidays, but also the anniversary of the miniseries’ airing. One year! This is a low-stress exchange. We want to spread joy, not frustration.

The rules are simple.

If you want to participate, please leave a comment to this post. This comment should include the following:

Name and e-mail address

For what you want to receive:

1. What characters/pairings do you want in your gift?

2. Acceptable rating? (You can specific, or leave it up to the author.)

3. Prompts! Some things you’d like to have in your gift. What are you fond of? Do you have a particular plot bunny? Specific genres? You could give a word, a sentence, a quote… even an image. Etc. Please include multiple prompts, to give your gift-giver something to pick from.

4. Things you don’t want in your gift. (specific characters, pairings, themes, squicks…)

For what you want to give:

1. What characters, pairings, themes do you like writing?

2. Any characters, pairings, or themes you’d rather not write, but could?

3. Which characters, pairings, or themes will you absolutely not write?

4. What kind of rating would you like to write?


1. Would you be up for beta work?

2. Would you like to be put on the list for pinch-hitters?

Look! I've already made it comment-ready for you:

E-mail address:

Characters/pairings you want in your gift:
Acceptable rating:
Things you don’t want in your gift:

Characters/pairings/themes you like writing:
Characters/pairings/themes you’d rather not write, but could:
Characters/pairings/themes you absolutely will not write:

Up for beta work?
Up for pinch-hitting?

About prompts… please don’t write a whole book on what you want. Don’t make the prompt too complicated. These are supposed to be simple gifts. AU and Crossover prompts are allowed, but please include at least one canon prompt in case your author doesn't know the crossover-verse or isn't into AU.

By leaving a comment requesting a gift, you are signing up to write one in return. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Sign-ups will start as soon as I post this, and close on Tuesday, November 25th midnight(ish) EST. I’m setting this as the closing date so that I can sort through the requests and match people up on Wednesday.

I’m going to try to have your assignments e-mailed to you by that Saturday.

When you’ve completed your fic, post it to this community. It will be put in a moderation queue. I’ll reveal a fic once or twice a day, depending upon the number of people involved. The RULES FOR WRITING are as follows:

1. Fics should be at least 750 words.
2. Use a beta. If you cannot find a beta yourself, contact me (oddsbobs) and I’ll try to set you up with one (or, in the case of an emergency, beta the fic myself).
3. You can submit your fic post any time between December 15th and December 25th.

I completely understand if Real Life gets in the way of writing… or even if the muse is not cooperating. Truly. I’ve been there. If you have to bow out, please drop me a line informing me of this, so I can get a pinch-hitter ready. IF YOU NEED AN EXTENSION, by all means please ASK.

As I’ve stated before, this is a low-stress exchange. It’s also not entirely holiday based. Therefore, posting will probably continue into January. I have no problem giving multiple extensions. Seriously.

So. Interested? Leave a comment with your info! Don’t be afraid to pimp the community!

Suggestions, comments, ideas for running this better? Contact me! This is the first exchange for Tin Man, so I’m sure there’s going to be kinks that need to be worked out.
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