Jul 30, 2007 23:13

Because I'm in the spirit of things:

Which is your favorite Harry Potter book?
Order of the Phoenix! YAY! Tonks!

Which is your favorite Harry Potter movie?
Order of the Phoenix! YAY! 1&2 are just boring, and 3&4 were completely butchered. But 5 had Tonks in it!

Who is/are your favorite HP character(s)?
Hey, you have 3 guesses, and the first three don't count. But I'll give you a clue, it begins with "To" and ends with "nks".

What house do you prefer to be in?
Hufflepuff. No lie, badgers are way cooler than lions and ravens and snakes. They can actually LOCK their jaw muscles and hold onto something with super-bestial strength. That's pretty sweet. They are also closely related to weasels or something.

But what house would you think you'll be in?
I'm pretty sure I'd be in Ravenclaw.

Which ghost within Hogwarts is your favorite?
This is a dumb question, they hardly ever focus on any of the ghosts other than that one with the head. But Peeves, even though he's not a ghost is my favorite.

What subject in Hogwarts do you like the best?
Charms is pretty cool, making things fly is just ever so much more useful than being able to turn a teacup into a toadstool.

Who is your favorite teacher in Hogwarts?
Snaaaaape. He's devious and he gets away with it.

Which position would you want to be in for Quidditch?
Beater, because whacking things with a club is ever so much fun.

Which position in Quidditch do you think fits you the most?
I'd probably not be good enough to be on the team.

Who do you want to make friends with?
I think Luna'd be a pretty cool friend to have. I totally wouldn't want to be friends with Harry, he's an asshole.

If you were in Hogwarts, who would be your best buddy?
Isn't this just like the above question?

Why would he/she be your best buddy?
Because we get along together? Why is anyone anyone else's best buddy? Huh? Stupid question.

Which character in the book can you relate to?
I get good grades, like Hermy, but she's an idiot. So I don't think I relate to her. Honestly, I don't think I invested enough skill points into "Advance Plot" to be able to relate to any of the characters.

What pet would you get? A cat, owl, toad, or rat?
Uh.. Rat(s) named Mikey and Gerard?

Yes/No Questions:

Do you think Snape is on Voldemort's side?
1. Obv. this is outdated, but since book 6&7 never existed, I'm going to pretend it's still legit.
2. I've always thought he was a good guy anyway.

Did you cry when Dumbledore died?
No, I kinda did a slap-to-the-forehead-this-is-rediculously-stupid-I-can't-beleive-she-just-did-that-what-a-pathetic-plot-device thing.

Did you cry when Sirius died?
Haha, I definately laughed. Acutally, no, I didn't. I didn't realize he was dead until the next chapter, when Lupin's all like "He's dead". Because in my mind, going behind a magical curtain is not equal to death.

Did you cry when Cedric Diggory died?
Who? Seriously, he's such a phony character who just followed the guidlines he needed to follow to make the plot move along, I didn't feel attached to him at all.

Do you like the outcome of the Half-Blood Prince?
The what? Which book is that? Does it exist?

Were the romance going on in book 6 bothering you a bit?
What book?

Do you often dream of yourself in Hogwarts?
Honestly, to tell you the truth, I read book 4 when I was ten and I kept telling myself if I could finish it in 3 days I was obv. magical and would get invited into Hogwarts. Needless to say, I think Hogwarts would be waaay funner than good ole Central.

Would you freak out if you found out you had to come face-to-face to a dragon?
Uh.. honestly, I have no idea how I'd react. I'd probably think it was really cool, yet be kinda scared. Survival instincts, ya know.

Knowledge Questions:

Who was the first to ever beat Harry in catching the Snitch?
I thought Harry always caught the snitch?

What did Hagrid give to Harry at the end of The Sorcerer's Stone?
The book with the pictures, and that one had Sirius in it.

Whose eyes does Harry's resemble?
His mother's.

Who was crying in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom in year 6?
Did year 6 ever happen?

Where does Harry suspect Hagrid's wand is hidden in?
The pink umbrella, 'cause he obv. used it to get into D. Alley and turn Dudders into a pig-man.

Who created the flying keys obstacle in the Sorcerer's Stone?
Charms teacher, who is apparently a midget.

How many keys were there in Mad-Eye Moody's trunk?
Actually, I don't think there were any keys in the trunk. That'd be pretty stupid to lock your keys in your trunk.

What spell is used to give light at the end of the wand?
Lumos! Nox puts it out!

What are the three Unforgiveable Curses?
CRUCIO! AVADA KEDAVRA! Imperius? (I'm such a nerd, but everyone knows those.)

What do the Three Unforgiveable Curses do?
Av. K. obv. kills people, Imp. puts them under your control, and Cruc. abbreviates any word you want.

Who said "To a well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."?
Uh.. someone important?

Who was the werewolf that bit Remus Lupin when he was a kid?
Uh, I don't know? I don't believe this was covered in any book I read.

What does Sirius and James used to use to communicate?

How many brothers does Ron have?
Fred and George and Percy and Charlie (the best) and Bill.. so that's five.

What is Ron very good at?
Being an idiot, pointing out the obv. and being a stupendous side-kick who sometimes offers comic relief, yet never does anything horribly vital to the plot, because that's Harry who gets to move the plot along. Although he sometimes points Harry in the right direction.

What Quidditch Team does Ron like?
The orange one...

What's Harry's worst fear?
Actually turning into a nice guy.

What is Hermione's favorite subject?
Being a side-kick?

What is the spell used to put out the light casted by the incanation "Lumos!"?
Nox! (We already went over this)

What exactly is Peeves?
He's a BA poltergiest. Or however you spell it.

What did Draco Malfoy once bought in Borgin and Burkes?
Honestly, I don't know. I know he has the hand of glory, but it never specifically said he bought it, just once one of the stupid side-kicks said "He has the Hand of Glory" even though there's no way in hell they'd ever know that off-hand. *coughWEAKPLOTDEVICEcough*

What creature petrifies the person who looks indirectly into its eyes?
The Basilisk.

Where did James Potter rescue Snape when they were in Hogwarts?
Uh.. in the material plane of existance? I don't know. Who remembers stuff like this anyway?

Where can you buy delicious sweets in Hogsmeade?
The candy store? Or the bookstore, if you're so inclined.

Where did the first DA meeting took place in?
The meeting? Does the one in the bar count? Because technically they weren't the DA yet, but still they were meeting there.

Where did the Order of Phoenix meetings took place in?
Sirius's boyhood home.

Who did Hermione Granger go to the Yule Ball with?
Krum. Whoopee.

What did Fred and George drink to get themselves old enough for the Triwizard Tournament?
A potion that made them older? And this question is worded wrong, it should be "to TRY and get themselves older" because obv. it didn't work.

What other foriegn wizarding schools are joining the Triwizard Tournament?
The flippy sliver and blue French people and Krum and the other Bulgarians.

What did Snape brew for Lupin to keep him safe from the full moon?
The Wolfsbane Potion, but this question is also dumb. It wasn't the full moon he needed to be saved from, it was the savage wolf-beast lurking in his heart.

What is Madam Pince's job in Hogwarts?
Is she the healer? or the Librarian? Librarian, Pomfey or somethings the nurse..

Who is the Quidditch referee?
Madam Hooch, Jesus, I feel like a nerd.

What colour hair does Parvati have?
How the hell should I know?

How many OWLs did Fred and George each recieve?
Honestly, I don't even know how many A's I have. How should I know how many FICTIONAL characters have?

What did Dobby give Harry for the second task?
The one gross thing to turn him into a sea-monster thing with gillz.

Who was Barty Crouch's house-elf?

What is Neville's best subject in Hogwarts?
Herbology... these questions are getting boring, can we move onto something more personal, and funner?

Who did Ginny go to the Yule Ball with?
She went to the Yule Ball?


If you happened to discover the Mirror of Erised, what would you see in it?
Book 6&7, written and edited so that they were midly tolerable, and had Tonks saving the day and not falling in love and becoming a slut-bag. Seriously, that's what I'd see.

If you had a choice between a Firebolt and an Invisibility Cloak, what would you pick?
Inv. cloak, because you can get any old broom for flying, but there's no cheaper substitute for invisibility. Except the One Ring to Rule Them ALL. MUAHAHAHAHA!

If your friend was pulled into the Whomping Willow by a black dog, would you jump in and rescue him/her?
I hate dogs, so yes, it'd probably end up with my foot impaled in it's cranium. And then I'd probably get knocked out by the tree.

If Sirius Black turned up in your doorstep, what would be your reaction?
As in.. really? Or as in "If an escaped convict turned up"? If the real deal Gary-Oldman-esqe-animagus-wizard showed up, I'd probably lock the door, grab a knife and hide in my room until he goes away. But then again, that's what I do when the mail-man comes up to the doorstep too...

If you found out you could speak Parseltongue, who would you tell it to (characters in the HP book)?
I'd probably brag about it. Actually, I'd probably ignore it. I really don't like snakes. I've had bad experience with snakes in Resident Evil 4.. every time I shoot the damned crates, they jump out and attack me, and my infinite ammo machine gun never seems to kill them fast enough. Honestly, I can take on two El Gigantes without taking any damage, but it's always the damned snakes who take a chunk outta the good ole health meter.

If you landed yourself in the same situation as Harry was in with Umbridge's detention, would you tell anyone about the marks on your hand?
Yeah, I totally would. I'd brag to all my school-mates and I might even go to Dumbly if she pissed me off enough. I went to the principal in 7th grade when I had that horrid teacher who was just like Umb.

More questions:

Who do you want to go to the Yule Ball with?
Uh... My fav. guy character is Lupin, but he's too.. mopey. Snape is just creepy, so I'd have to pick my 3rd fav. guy: Charlie Weasley..

Post a HP character that has the same hair color as you do.
Tonks could totally have my hair color if she wanted to.

Post a character that has the same eye color as you.
I have green eyes? Greenish-yellow? Tonks could totally have my eyes too.

What colour comes into your mind when Sirius Black is mentioned?
Black? Uh.. duh?

What colour comes into your mind when Tonks is mentioned?

What colour comes into your mind when Ron is mentioned?
Orange, and a little bit of a funny shade of brown.

What colour comes into your mind when Hermione is mentioned?
The same funny shade of brown, and a little bit of orange, same colors as Ron. I guess all insipid side-kicks get the same color scheme in my mind.

What colour comes into your mind when Harry is mentioned?
Black and green. Totally. Guess it's his hair and his eyes.

What colour comes into your mind when Draco is mentioned?
White.. and flesh color? I kinda get his face...

Is this quiz getting boring and too long?
Tonks is awesome? What?

If you got hold of a bottle of Felix Felicis, what would you drink it for?
Actually, I was thinking about this the other day. Strange thing is, I honestly can't remember. I'd probably be too afraid to use it, for fear I'd waste it.

Do you like the books more or the movies?

Who's your favourite out of the Marauders?
Lupin. James is an asshole, Sirius is a player, and Pettigrew is a coward.

What would your Patronus take shape in?
Probably a sloth.

What would be your Animagus form?
Probably the same thing as my patronus? It'd be awesome to be a weasel though.

What subject do you want to be the best in?

This or that:

Sirius Black or Remus Lupin?
Lupin! Duh. Why is this a question?

Severus Snape or Sirius Black?
Snape! Duh. Why is this a question?

Hermione or Cho?
Tonks! Duh. Why is this a question?

James Potter or Snape?
Snape! Duh. Why is this a question?

Hagrid or Snape?
Actually, this is a legit question. The only reason I don't like Hagrid is that he's too stupid to realize Harry is an asshole. So, Snape!

The Marauders or The Trio?
The trio needs to fall into a hole and die. Sirius, James and Pettigrew also need to fall into a hole. So I guess I'm voting for Remus J. Lupin.

Ability to become Invisible or become an Animagus?
Invisible.. it'd be way more useful. Plus, if you were an animagus stag, how the hell could you go creeping around? People would so notice you.

Harry or Ron?

Fleur or Tonks?
Hahaha, you've got to be kidding me. Fleur, of course.

Hermione or Ginny?

Cedric Diggory or Viktor Krum?
Both, chained to each other, and at the bottom of a very deep well, labled "Here Lies 1-Dimmensional Characters, Good For Nothing But Advancing The Plot"

Luna Lovegood or Cho Chang?
Luna, duh.

Dumbledore or Peeves the Poltergeist?
Haha, this one's a tuffy. In a duel, I'd bet on Dumbledore, but Peeves is cool too. I'm gonna have to vote for "Tonks" on this one.

Aragog (Hagrid's dead spider) or Grawp (Hagrid's giant brother)?
Who is this "Grawp" of which you speak?

Zonko's Joke Shop or Honeydukes?
Zonko's. Sweet stuff hurts my teeth.

Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans or Chocolate Frogs?
Chuck'em both, and give me a nice filet mignon.

Death Eaters or Aurors?
Auror, singular, as in Tonks.

Dumbledore or Voldemort?
Voldemort just needed a hug when he was a kid. Dumbledore is kinda arrogant, but I think Dumbledore's the better wizard seeing as he never got killed by a 1 year old boy.

Bellatrix Lestrange or Narcissa Malfoy?
Bellatrix, for the win!

Would you rather go through the first task or the third task in the Triwizard Tournament?
What about the second? Huh? Or is swimming just not cool enough for you? I think I'd do better in the third one. I think I'd come up with a better plan for a dozen small fights rather than one big one.

Well that's it. I think I'm going to bed now....
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