A Dragon's Heart: Book One [7]

Aug 12, 2012 15:50

Title: A Dragon’s Heart

Author: Demira_Watson

Beta: Casness

Fandom: Supernatural

Pairing/s: Pre-Slash Adam/Michael and Sam/Gabriel. Established Dean/Castiel + Others

Chapter Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Character injury, language, more UST.

Disclaimer: The characters in this fanfiction belong to Eric Kripke and the Supernatural team. Unrecognizable characters belong to me and cannot be used without permission.

Summary: When Adam Milligan-Winchester, New Recruit, first met Michael Novak, First Runner and teacher, he thought he was a jack-ass…a self-righteous, arrogant, highly attractive and completely straight jack-ass. And Adam wanted to crawl all over him.

A Dragon’s Heart

Book One - Journey’s Start

Chapter Four

The climb down the mountainside was a lot quicker than up and Adam didn’t know if the adrenaline coursing through their veins or the fact that the wind was to their backs was the reason. Harry continued to sob quietly as the group descended into the thick fog. Ash and Garth had secured Harry between them in order to help him down.

We have found Ed and Zelda! They are unconscious though and barely breathing, Sirenia stressed.

Her voice was music to Adam’s ears and  he sighed in relief.  “Harry! They found them, they’re unconscious though!” Adam yelled at the distraught teenager. He omitted the ‘barely breathing’ so Harry would do something stupid, like leap from the rock face. They had no idea how high they were or what might be in the way on the way down.

“We have to get them help! Where are the Rule Keepers?” Harry shouted and Adam wondered why the dragon’s flying overhead to ensure no rules were broken hadn’t intervened yet.

“The fog! Remember it was all over the island. They probably can’t see us, let alone hear us!” Andy offered and Adam wanted to smash his face against the wall in frustration.

“Damn it! Okay here’s what we do, once we reach Ed we ascertain how bad his injuries might be and then we use our raft to get to the village,” Adam proposed, easing himself further down.

“That’s a great plan but we used the raft for fire wood,” Garth pointed out and Adam cursed violently.

“We’ll have to carry him around the harbour then!” Ash stated.

Sirenia, how bad is Ed and Zelda? Adam asked the stress of the ordeal beginning to take its toll.

Zelda feels her rider’s pain and Ed is near death, I fear. He has a head wound and there is much blood and I believe his leg, at worst, is broken, Sirenia replied sadly. She sounded as tired and agitated as Adam felt.

Head wounds always bleed more; it might not be that bad, Adam pointed out hoping in this case it wasn’t serious.

Let us hope so. You do not have far to go. Hurry.

Adam nodded and pushed his burning arms and legs faster.

Harry collapsed around Ed when they reached the pale broken form of their friend. His breath hitching in tired sobs. Sirenia lied, it was a long way down. The fog was thicker now like a living thing curling around the base of the mountain. The wind was still strong but Ed had landed in between two large sharp rocks that shielded them from the cold unforgiving bite of the storm. A foot to the left or right and he’d have been impaled. Adam shuddered at the thought.

“Garth, Ash we need a tent,” Adam ordered and his tired pale companions tore their eyes away from Ed’s unmoving body with a small nod. “Andy?”

“Zelda’s wing is broken. He should be dead from the fall but I think she tried to carry him or at least slow his decent,” Andy stuttered. His hands were shaking as he delicately ran his fingers of Zelda’s body. Andy was working towards Dragon Healing and had studied books not on the New Recruits curriculum so Adam trusted his observations. Adam knelt down beside Ed and pulled his gloves off with difficulty. He ached all over, the cold and the exhaustion was wrapped around his bones tempting him to sleep and succumb to the darkness.

“Is he okay?” Harry asked through hiccups.

Adam pushed through his own aches to feel for Ed’s pulse. He shut his eyes as he waited for the gentle pumping under his cold finger tips. He was worried he’d miss Ed’s heartbeat completely considering how loud his own was. But there it was. Soft, slow and barely but still there. Adam sighed, some tension he’d been carrying since the climb down began leaving his body. He almost collapsed as the adrenaline began to fade.

“He’s alive. We need to get him warm and check his injuries. Andy, how’s Zelda?” Adam asked quickly forcing his eyes to focus. Andy looked worse than before, the relief having a downside.

“Definitely a broken wing and she’s in a pain loop with Ed but she’s damn lucky she didn’t break her neck. We can move her,” Andy offered shakily.

“Tent’s up and we found some firewood. Not much mind you but enough,” Garth mumbled, settling down beside Adam. “Ash and Badass are setting up the fire.”

Adam nodded. “Let me give him a check over to see if we can move him. Get some food cooking, we all need it,” Adam muttered. He ran his hands over Ed’s legs pressing down to find any breaks or wet patches or even to get some twitch out of Ed. His light haired, beard covered friend was so pale, cold and deathly still. He didn’t flinch or twitch during Adam’s examination and the blonde teen found no sign of broken bones. Even the head wound Sirenia had warned them off was no longer bleeding. The crimson substance congealed and matted in Harry’s hair but was darker then it would have been.

“It safe to move him, bro?” Ash whispered.

“Yeah. Let’s get him in the tent.” Adam sighed. Ash and Garth moved to Ed’s head and arm as Harry grabbed the side he’d curled up by. Adam and Andy secured his legs and waist. “Ready?” Everybody nodded. “Three, two, one!”

Ed groaned as the group lifted him into the air and the group nearly dropped him in relief.

“Oh sweet lord of the rings!” Harry exhaled loudly.

“That’s our boy. Let’s get him warm!” Ash laughed ruffling Ed’s hair.

With one final burst of energy they managed to manhandle Ed into the small blue tent. The dragons banded together and carried Zelda carefully into the tent. Adam ordered the dragons to stay in the tent with Ed and Zelda and told them to sleep, they didn’t argue and curled up in a tumble of wings and tails around Zelda like a protective barrier.

He ordered his tired friends to set up the other tents and get something to eat. Adam sighed as they set about their task with talking. When did he become the leader? Why him? Adam rubbed a shaking hand through his hair and pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He turned his attention back to his patient and found Harry curled in behind Ed and asleep. Adam didn’t blame him, he wanted nothing more than to succumb to sleep himself but duty called. His dark haired friend twitched and snuffled into Ed’s neck in an uneasy light doze.

Adam sighed and forced a yawn down as he set to work cleaning Ed’s wound with his canteen of water and his fleece sleeve. Not the most hygienic or medically sound way to help Ed but Adam was beyond exhaustion by then and he was working with what he had. Eventually the congealed blood was wiped away and Adam could tend to the jagged cut across the front of Ed’s skull. It was shallow and nothing dipped when Adam prodded it so he guessed there was no skull fracture.

He has a severe concussion, Addy. You need to wake him up.

“I know,” Adam replied as he shook his groaning comrade into a semblance of consciousness. “Come on, Ed. Mate, you need to wake up, just for a little while I promise.”

“Tired,” Ed  moaned. His eyes open just to slits and blinking separately. Adam covered his eyes with his shaking hand and then uncovered. Ed’s pupil’s dilated slowly. Not as bad as he suspected but still nowhere near good.

“I know. You have a concussion, Ed. You need to stay with me for at least an hour, buddy. Try. For Harry. He’s been worried sick about you,” Adam whispered softly.

“m’okay,” Ed mumbled and forced his eyes open wider.

Adam smiled encouragingly. “You want something to eat? You definitely need to drink.” Adam squeezed his shoulder.

“Drink,” Ed slurred.

Adam nodded and uncapped Ed’s untouched canteen. He helped lift Ed’s head and held the steel container to his dry pale lips.

Ed winced in pain as his head was moved but guzzled down nearly half of the water. “Than’s, Ads.”

“You’re welcome, mate. You warm enough?” Adam questioned, already checking Ed for signs of a fever.

“m’fine,” Ed muttered and Adam pulled his hand away. No fever and he was warmer to the touch then when they’d found him.

“Hey Adam, go get something to eat and get some sleep. I’ll take first watch,” Andy said crawling into the tent and setting himself up next to Ed.

“You sure?” Adam asked unable to fight harder in his weakened state.

“I’m sure. Go,” Andy urged and Adam shuffled out obediently.

“Keep him awake for an hour and then let him sleep,” Adam said quietly.

“Got it. I’ll wake someone else up for the second watch. Wake every hour?” Andy quizzed.

“Better make it every half hour. Wake me in three so I can check his pupil dilation,” Adam proposed and Andy nodded.

Adam finally left the tent and half-dragged, half-crawled to the small fire for some soup Garth must have heated up. He drank the lukewarm concoction quickly feeling it settle like a lumpy weight in his stomach. Ash and Garth were curled up together snoring in one tent. Andy’s voice was filtering through the thin waterproof material of Ed’s tent. Listening to the quiet noises of his friends, Adam thought they might be ok.

The next morning was brighter than previous day's fog filled nightmare. Light grey clouds spotted the dark blue sky of the dawn. Adam crawled out of his tent groggy and sleep deprived. The night had been long and Ed’s condition had only shown improvement a few hours before the sun rose. Satisfied with Ed’s normal pupil dilation and no longer slurred words, he allowed him to sleep for the rest of the morning under Harry’s watchful gaze.

Andy snored abruptly from behind Adam and the youngest Winchester chuckled at the wheezy sound his friend emitted.

Rested my rider? Sirenia asked as she hopped up onto Adam’s slumped shoulders.

Not nearly enough. But it will have to do. Thanks for last night. Adam sighed letting his dragon’s warmth settle into his tired muscles.

It is important to protect one’s friends. They would do the same for us, Sirenia stated bumping her head against Adam’s jaw as she laid out like a scarf around his neck.

No I meant reminding me about concussions, Adam corrected scratching under her chin.

I did not…. Sirenia trailed off confused.

But…I thought that was…. Adam pulled at the hazy memory of the female voice’s gentle reminder. He frowned.

Perhaps Adam, in your exhaustion you merely imagined my voice? Sirenia suggested softly.

Yeah that’s probably it. Adam smiled tightly. Wait, you’ve never called me Addy have you?

No. I believed it was Dean and Samuel’s right to call you that. Why? Sirenia settled her head into the crook of Adam’s neck.

No reason…you know my mum used to call me that… Adam mumbled feeling a tight knot of old pain in his chest.

Sirenia hummed lightly. Think later, young one. Rest for a few more moments, Sirenia prompted and Adam back into the tent for some more rest.

The woman’s gentle voice whispered through his thoughts as he drifted off.

Eventually, although with a lot of complaining and grumbling, the group got up and ate a light breakfast. Ed’s ankle was twisted badly, they discovered as he tried to stand on it when exiting his tent. It proved slightly problematic given the distance they had to cover but they worked out a schedule between them to act as Ed’s walking sticks.

The dragons, tired from flying in strong winds the previous night, acted as lookouts from their riders heads. All except Zelda, who they fashioned a sling for to rest in and took turns carrying. The journey around the base of the mountain was just as hard as climbing it, just without the terrible weather. The terrain was jagged and irregular often falling up and down at drastic angles. Though the air was clear there was still no sign of the Rule Keepers. Adam found that fact a little disconcerting.

After a while they cleared the base of the mountain and stumbled into a flat field. The sun had long fallen behind the dormant volcano by then. The sky was a dark cerulean blanket with tiny pin pricks of far of stars the air nearest the horizon a soft warm orange fading slowly. Adam sighed frustrated. Noon was the deadline.

“Exams over, gentleman,” Adam remarked.

“Well at least we tried,” Andy mumbled, slightly disappointed.

“I think we won," Ed piped in before the pity party began. The group stared at their bruised friend confused.

“Why?” Harry quizzed.

“Well…I know who my friends for life are. You guys came back for me, you nursed me back to health and you didn’t abandon me. I’ve definitely won,” Ed stated proudly, he smiled at them each in turn.

Adam smiled back feeling warm inside.

As touching as this moment is, INCOMING! Sirenia screeched and the group turned their attention to the large crimson dragon dropping out of the dark sky above them. The glittering red winged beast landed heavily in front of them making the ground quake.

“Katrina!” Adam yelled happily, recognizing the relived looking dragon easily now she was close.

“Addy!” Dean shouted from his perch half crouched at the base of Katrina’s long muscled neck. His worried looking older brother swung off his dragon and jogged over to the young teen clutching him tightly to his chest.

Adam wrapped his arms around Dean’s back and breathed in the heavy comforting scent of his brother. The ground quaked again and Adam peeked out from Dean’s dark red wife-beater. He recognized Deanna’s large blue bulk but none of the other six dragons that had landed around the group.

Ed was being examined by a real Healer and the rest of the group flocked around their head of house happy to tell their tale and giving Adam some peace to nuzzle into the comfort Dean provided. Sirenia was enjoying a good clean from Katrina as the larger dragon assured herself that her family members where safe.

“Was worried about you, kid,” Dean admitted quietly into Adam’s greasy hair. This close to a clean human being reminded Adam that he was filthy and probably smelled like a skunk.

“Been a long few days,” Adam muttered refusing to relinquish his grasp.

“When you and your merry band hadn’t crossed the finish line by noon we figured something was wrong. Went out looking for you,” Dean mumbled.

“Sorry I worried you. We almost lost Ed. Couldn’t leave him.” Adam ignored the tears making tracks down his cheeks as he let go of the tension that had kept him upright the past few days.

Dean nodded into his head giving his dusty sweaty forehead a quick peck. “That’s my bro,” Dean said proudly the tight coiled tension in his back releasing slowly.

“Dean. We must return the students to the school,” Castiel reminded, sounding apologetic. “You take Adam and Sirenia. Ed and Harry have gone with the Healers.” It was a sign of how exhausted Adam was that he’d completely missed the take-off of three dragons.

“Got it.” Dean nodded gratefully.

“The Master Chief will wish to speak to all the boys but I am sure if you are a few minutes late he will not question it,” Castiel offered with a sly smile.

Adam thought for a moment unable to come up with a reason as to why they’d need to be late.

Sam, young one, he would have been informed of your disappearance, Sirenia prompted tiredly.

Adam could have slapped himself. Sam had done his exam last week with his own house, he’d warned Adam of how treacherous the mountain was. His tall mothering older brother must have been out of his mind with worry.

“Come on kid.” Dean pushed him gently towards Katrina and the large dragon knelt down slowly. Her muscles bunched and corded under the shiny red scales as she settled against the grass. Dean grabbed him lightly around the waist and hoisted him over Katrina’s front shoulders. His thighs wrapped around her warm neck. Dean slid in behind him and bracketed Adam with his arms as he held tightly on to the base of her wings. “Hold on, Addy.”

Adam nodded and had moment between Katrina dropping Sirenia into his lap by her scruff and the sudden jump into the air.

Sirenia’s talons ripped into the soft bruised flesh of his thighs as she screeched loudly in shock. She looked like a scared cat as her back bowed upwards in an arch, Adam was sure he’d find it funny later but he was trying not to scream as he scratched his own nails into Dean’s legs.

Eventually Katrina levelled out and glided through the clouds gently. Adam released a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. He opened his eyes slowly feeling the pain of having them clenched tightly. The soft flap of Katrina’s wings synchronised was hypnotic as they floated above the island. Adam could feel his brother’s dragon’s heartbeat steady in the muscles under him. Coupled with Dean’s reassuring weight behind him Adam felt alive and safe with the wind rushing through his hair. The blonde teen released his death grip on Dean’s legs and shakily raised them outwards like his very own wings. The currents of the cool air raced around his fingers like ribbons and Adam laughed full of joy.

“This is awesome!” Adam whooped loudly and felt the vibration of Katrina’s chuckles through bones.

“Just wait till Sirenia’s big enough! You’ll never want to leave the skies!” Dean laughed as he patted Adam’s shoulder.

The youngest Winchester spared a glance at his small blue dragon in his lap. Sirenia’s wings were open wide and catching the wind, her tail was flicking back and forth quickly and an overwhelming sense of peace and joy coated their link. Adam couldn’t help but agree with Dean as he flowed with Katrina’s movements.


adam milligan mini bang round one, spn, series: a dragon's heart, rating:pg13, pairing:adam/michael

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