Title: Circus of Pain
Author: Demira_Watson
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Adam/Michael
Rating: R
Warnings: Uhh...my interputation of hell. So gore-ish and what not...
Disclaimer: Kripke's sandbox, I'm just playing in it.
As Adam tumbled down into the darkness, the pain, the blood, he felt broken and childlike. The merry-go-round spun him around the demented playground. Bones made cold splintered steel, skin made rough prickly slides. The sky was crimson and filled with the cracked screams of lost souls.
Sam clutched his hand tightly, afraid to lose him in the carnival of suffering. They clung and spun for years and minutes. The bright flashes of their captors charging against each other in the corner of their eyes. The guts and intestines squished beneath their toes as they spun and spun…
And then Sam was gone and Adam was spinning alone. Twirling and whirling through the spray of torture and decay. Until the brightness grew closer and closer and then…
The archangel who promised so much but delivered nothing. The one who pulled him and stretched him to bursting. So warm and bright in the cold dark. Adam clung to Michael, his fingers tightly gripped into the bright warmth. His face burning against the power but Adam wanted anything to block out the reality he was facing. An eternity alone in hell. He clung and he gripped and pulled at the archangel until he was surrounded.
And Michael let him.
Michael let him suffocate in his grace so Adam wouldn’t suffocate in the darkness of the pit. Lucifer’s circus of pain and madness. Michael played with Adam’s soul, knitted it together where there were holes and rips. He sang to the human boy, great songs of old and new and never heard before. He gave Adam dreams of peace and tranquillity, a moments rest against the screams and cries.
He gave Adam love.
And Adam took it willingly, just like he said ‘Yes’ all those centuries ago.