Hello, having been away for a while due to real life issues I thought what better way to reintroduce myself to fandom than with an odd question. Real life is still causing havoc and this query relates to that. Some people may consider this a little off-topic, but i'm hoping to generate discussion
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Comments 4
As to the quote, it depends on what 'mood' or theme you are going for, I think. I have a folder full of mushy romantic quotes! But I also like the speech Percy gives to the Prince in Mam'zelle Guillotine about what drives him to risk his life for others ('ride on!') Very emotional and expressive, for Percy.
A good idea, that. I don't know what quote I would use.
Narrowing down what I'm going to use is definitely the hard part - mushy romantic quotes sound fantastic! I'll have to check online for the piece you mean from Mam'zelle Guillotine - that's one of the few books i had to read on tinternet and i've still not got a copy.
"I am so demmed sorry…so very sorry…I seem to have upset you….eating soup, too…nasty, awkward thing, soup…er…Begad!--a friend of mine died once…er…choked…just like you…with a spoonful of soup."
Poor Chauvelin. Choking on his soup.
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