You know, I could've easily resisted making one of these, I just didn't feel like it. 1.) Name: Leah
2.) Age: shevencheeeen
3.) Birthday: May 8th (it's 'mace' with a lisp, GET IT?)
4.) Birthplace: big bad baldwin
5.) Location: C4DDDDDDDD
6.) Sign: taurean HEYOOOO
7.) Have Kids: YEAH OKAY
8.) Relationship Status: in one
9.) Hair Color: What is this "hair" you speak of
10.) Height: 5'0"
11.) Long Hair or Short Hair: What is this "hair" you speak of
12.) Religion: Catholic
lol just kidding
13.) Ethnic Background: german and maltese (yes, the dog, clearly.)
14.) Occupation: hooker
15.) Pets: You are all my pets.
16.) Proudest Moment: This one girl when I was 3 made fun of me because I couldn't color in the lines, then I did and I showed that bitch up.
17.) Have a Website: Nawww
18.) Do You Smoke: No
19.) Do You Drink: no asshole
20.) Eye Color: way deep brown
21.) Piercings: Ears gauged. No really, you could fit a baby's fist in 'em. Just kidding.
22.) Tattoos: none yet
23.) Overused Word: "whatsitcalled"
24.) Ever Done Drugs: No
25.) What Country would you like to visit: YAPANNNNN
26.) Ever Been In Love: Someone once told me "you are so in love, I don't care what you say." I'll take their word for it.
27.) Last Movie You Saw: Kill Bill 2
28.) What Famous Person Would You Like To Meet: Ani D!
29.) Have Any Siblings: Edvardo
30.) Like To Camp: As long as I pitch the tent and a lot of prank phone calls and merping are involved (only a select few are familiar).
31.) Ever Broken A Bone: Nope. Who needs da milk.
32.) Dream Job: Women's self defense instructor/tattoo artist/freelance writer whenever I stop sucking
33.) Do You Live In a House or Appartment: Depends on what day of the week it is. Currently a house, soon an appartemon
34.) Favorite Basketball Team: n/a
35.) Favorite Music Genre: 80s hardcore/riot grrrl/folk punk/GERMAN TECHNO EVERYDAY
36.) Favorite Movie Genre: I couldn't really categorize by genre.
37.) Do You Belive In God: How does one "belive" in something?
38.) How Do You Like Your Eggs: non existant
39.) Favorite Drink: I drink a lot of disgusting tasting sodas, and root beer.
40.) Worst Fears: heights and cicadas GO AWAY!
41.) Foods You Hate: Cheese
42.) Favorite Flowers: Yellow roses
43.) Do You Own A Cellphone: I caved.
44.) Favorite Disney Movies: Pocahontas (THANKS JACKEE) and Mulan.
47.) Morning person or Night Owl: Mornin'.
48.) College Plans: We'll see.
49.) Do You Live With Either Of Your Parents: Both.
50.) Are You Outgoing or Shy: Depends.
51.) Is The Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Honestly, I am generally optimistic, most people just don't know it.
52.) Your Best Feature: My mom had the kiss fever and all I got was this crazy lizard tongue. But it's pretty sweet.