Pink Drink Commandos -- you are invited!

Jul 01, 2010 10:39

As Costume College approaches, I am finally remembering to invite anyone who wants to participate in the Pink Drink Commandos!

WHAT:  The PDC is the ladies auxiliary of the Tactical Alcohol Consumption Squad as formed by kproche .

WHO:  sarahbellem and trystbat and I came up with these, and premiered them last year at CoCo along with howlgirl .

WHO'S INVITED:  Everyone!


THE DRESS:  The uniform is the Decades of Style #4002 1944 Housedress pattern.  You can modify the pattern any way you want (many of us futzed with the neckline and sleeves, and turned the patch pockets into pink martini glasses).  You could theoretically use any other 1940s-esque princess seamed dress pattern, but it does need to be that style -- it's the military!  These are uniforms!

THE FABRIC:  The fabric needs to be pink camo.  You can feel free to find any variation on pink camo you like (Trystan used a pink camo with black skulls on it).  You can trim it up any way you want to!

MAKING THE DRESSES:  This is very very important.  You may not hand sew any part of the dress except the buttons!  Bonus points for sloppy sewing -- we banged these out in a few hours!  Even more bonus points for steam a seam, velcro, hot glue, etc.!

THE ACCESSORIES:  Tiaras, or we talked about making little pink camo garrison caps but haven't gotten around to it, but you certainly could!  Oh, and of course pink drinks!

BUT WHAT ABOUT THE DEMERIT BADGES?  Yes, there are demerit badges.  You'll need a girl-scout-esque sash to attach them to -- we all just winged that.  I'll work on getting together PDFs of demerit badges and making those available online; you can buy iron-on printer paper and make your own badges.  Of course, you have to EARN the demerit to wear the badge!  More on this in the future.

BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BOYS?  The PDC has its own auxiliary -- the Cabana Boys Auxiliary League.  We recommend cabana boys wear tuxes and speak French, but you really don't have to -- you just have to be willing to fetch drinks for the PDC.  To join the CBAL, you'll just need a pink armband with a CBAL demerit badge attached (see above re: demerit badges forthcoming).

IS IT ONLY FOR COSTUME COLLEGE?  No, you can wear these anywhere!

BUT IT ALL SEEMS SO SILLY!  Then go handsew your butterchurn cozy and leave the drinking to us!

Edited to add:  BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME TO MAKE YET ANOTHER PROJECT BEFORE COCO!  Then just make the demerit badge sash, and leave the dress for another event!
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