OOC -- Couldn't help it

Aug 03, 2003 12:12

SlshAngl: (Hugh should precede Chris down the aisle)
HallDemon: (okay... never been married, lol)
Onde Orli: [*snickers*]
Onde Orli: [you're not the only one! :p]
HouseholdSean: [yeah the bride comes last]
HallDemon: (LOL, i know :))
HouseholdSean: [*snicker*]
HallDemon: (he's not the bride, though!)
SlshAngl: (Hugh goes down then the music changes and we go)
HallDemon: (...)
HouseholdSean: [.... sure he's not....]
SlshAngl: (Right honey..keep telling yourself that)
HallDemon: (...)
HallDemon: (of course not)
HouseholdSean: [;-)]
HallDemon: (LOL)
Onde Orli: [LOLOL!]
DemonicHugh: (*DAOTP*)


HallDemon: *squeezes Claudia's hand back and smiles shyly at Sean. Why am I so fucking shy? Everyone just heard Nick and me screwing*
HouseholdSean: Nick: *would wink back at Claudia but can't keep my eyes off Chris*
SlshAngl: (Ummm..perhaps because everyone just heard Nick and you screwing???)
HallDemon: (LOL)
DemonicHugh: (*dies*)
HallDemon: (very true)
SlshAngl: (We should have had this wedding like on Betazed. Everyone NAKED LOL)
HallDemon: (LOL)
HallDemon: (you'd lose chris and nick to the ante room and they'd never come out)
HouseholdSean: Sean: We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two ... souls in Holy Matrimony. *looks around* Who gives Chris to Nick?
SlshAngl: (Of course the phrase "do you take this man" might have had a very different meaning)
HallDemon: (LMAO)
HouseholdSean: [LMAO]


HallDemon: (where does this go?)
SlshAngl: (Just before Claudia puts Chris' hand in
SlshAngl: Nicks)
HallDemon: (okay)
DemonicHugh: (back)
HallDemon: (wibbies)
DemonicHugh: (zhanks!)
HouseholdSean: [this is so crackaddled]
HallDemon: (well, duh)
HallDemon: (:-D)
SlshAngl: OK
Onde Orli: [back also with ice cream]
SlshAngl: (They were never actually pronounced were they?)
HallDemon: (wibbies)
HallDemon: (i think they were)
HouseholdSean: [pronounced?]
Onde Orli: [they were]
HallDemon: (Then without further ado, I pronounce you *Master and slave* husband and husband. )
HallDemon: (i'm editing as we go along)
SlshAngl: (Ok)
SlshAngl: (Then just present them Sean)
HallDemon: (i think we're up to date now, chris wants to know if he can keep kissing nick)
HallDemon: (present them to sean?)
HouseholdSean: [lmao]
SlshAngl: (I think Nick should carry him out)
HallDemon: (LMAO)
HallDemon: (over his shoulder)
SlshAngl: (No, like the bride he is LOL)
HallDemon: (LOL)
DemonicHugh: (Heheheheh!)
SlshAngl: (present them...as in "I give you Mr and Mr whatever" then after the clapping the recessional is played and they leave)
HouseholdSean: [they're still snogging]
HallDemon: (really, what's their name gonna be?)
HallDemon: (LOL)
SlshAngl: (like that's a big shock)
SlshAngl: (Lea-Hall or Hall-Lea?)
HallDemon: (chris wouldn't mind having just nick's last name)
SlshAngl: (then Mr. and Mrs. Lea)
HallDemon: (LMAO)
HallDemon: (he is not a mrs!!!)
Onde Orli: [*snorts out icecream*]
HouseholdSean: [that's got to be painful]
Onde Orli: [more painful than water, yeah :p]


SlshAngl: we have to do the toasts
SlshAngl: and the cake
Onde Orli: oooh!
HallDemon: yup
Onde Orli: Yeah@
HouseholdSean: and the tossing of the bridal bouquet
HouseholdSean: and the garter
SlshAngl: and if the count is enough we can do the gifts too
HallDemon: LOL
Onde Orli: who's gonna be catching it?
HouseholdSean: LMAO!
HallDemon: maybe orli
HallDemon: risen orli ;)
SlshAngl: He would have had a garter if ya'll had'nt tossed Claudia out to shag
Onde Orli: hmm?
HouseholdSean: LMAO
HouseholdSean: Hey
HouseholdSean: Nick has his priorities!
Onde Orli: Dudeee... I think Chris should have a garter!
HallDemon: LOL
HallDemon: nick would have to get chris' pants off
HallDemon: *blinks*
HallDemon: ooooooooh
SlshAngl: he'd have even had a penny in his shoe
* Onde Orli giggles self to death
SlshAngl: OH SHIT
HallDemon: what?
SlshAngl: We forgot the something old something new thing
HouseholdSean: yeah did you happen to notice that the outside seams have velcro for easy removal
HouseholdSean: *tug* *rip* oooh! pants gone!
HallDemon: LOL
DemonicHugh: LOL, those are stripper pants!
HouseholdSean: something borrowed something blue
HallDemon: maybe we can do it now, i haven't posted it yet
HouseholdSean: well Chris has something new -- his collar
SlshAngl: Dana...we can go back to the ante room chat and Chris and Claudia can do that part
HallDemon: am still editing
Onde Orli: ah!!! Stop!!! *tries to not snort out ice cream*
SlshAngl: it's not part of the ceremony
HallDemon: true
SlshAngl: we can do it in the comments from before
HallDemon: okay
SlshAngl: collar can be new
HallDemon: once chris and nick stop shagging
SlshAngl: garter can be blue
SlshAngl: that will cover the garter later
HallDemon: his eyes are blue, too
SlshAngl: she can still give it to him
HallDemon: true
SlshAngl: eyes don't count bebe
HallDemon: :(
SlshAngl: she has a something old for him already
HallDemon: k
SlshAngl: just need the something borrowed
SlshAngl: Hugh could maybe handle that part??
HouseholdSean: Claudia's garter belt
HallDemon: LOL
DemonicHugh: *tries to think*
SlshAngl: could be a hankerchief Hugh
DemonicHugh: Hugh's tie?
SlshAngl: Could be a tie
HouseholdSean: I say garterbelt!
DemonicHugh: one that has a pattern of gators on it
HallDemon: LOL
DemonicHugh: Hugh doesn't have a garterbelt! *whaps*
HallDemon: Chris: How about a tie?
SlshAngl: Garter's and Garterbelts...way different things
SlshAngl: Claudia could always loan him her favorite paddle I guess LOL
SlshAngl: or whip
HallDemon: LOL
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